The measure of a nation's greatness and moral progress is how it treats its animals. Mahatma Gandhi
In the immaterial world there is no time. The mutable, material body is the temporary vehicle of the soul, which is eternal. . . . The soul, independent of the body, connects with the dead. She is assisted by guardian spirits during the transition.. . . Death is an awakening, a recollection of the soul. During life the consciousness has forgotten the truths from the immaterial world. Shortly after death, the soul is judged... The soul is imprisoned in the body and limited in its perception by the senses.
Plato 427-347BC Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 339
The mind (atman) was never born; its existence will never end. There was never a time when he wasn't. Beginning and end are a dream. The Self knows everything. Immortal without beginning, unchanging, the spirit endures all time. The spirit is not killed when the body is killed. Who thinks he kills and who thinks he can be killed is ignorant. He does not kill, nor is he killed. The mind is less than the least and greater than the greatest. He lives in all hearts. The individual self and the universal self live in the heart like shadow and light... The ignorant seeks happiness and gets caught in the snares of death. But the wise man who seeks the immortal does not dwell on mortal things.... For whoever recognizes what is soundless, incomprehensible and formless, imperishable, tasteless, constant, odorless and without beginning or end, will be redeemed from death. ... When the spirit, the disembodied departs from the body, leaving the body breathless, what remains? What is here is also there, what is there is also here. Anyone who sees a difference in this goes from death to death.
Katha Upanishad Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 335
It is moving and yet unmoving. It is far away and yet close. It is in everything and yet outside of it. But he who sees all beings here in the self, and the self in all beings, and for whom all beings became his own self, what delusion, what sorrow should come upon him who beholds such unity? The Self is everywhere, luminous, disembodied, whole, spotless, pure, exalted, wise, intelligent, all-encompassing; all things in eternal time have a place.
Isha Upanishad Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 336
Coming and going is pure illusion. The soul does not come and does not go. Where should she go when all space is in the soul itself? When should it be time to go when all time is in the soul itself?
Indian Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 331
The non-local consciousness is endless, and every part of consciousness is also endless. But our body is not endless. In our body, 50 billion cells are broken down and built up again every day. And yet we experience our body as continuity. What is the basis for the continuity of a constantly changing body? How is a long-term memory possible when the molecular composition of the cell membrane of the neurons is completely renewed every two weeks.
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 280
Everything is a kind of space. Consciousness contains all non-local space. This applies to both my and your consciousness. And every part of consciousness also contains all space, for every part of the infinite is infinite. This is exactly what is meant by the term non-locality.
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 280
A prejudice is harder to split than an atom.
Albert Einstein.
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 259
Sit quietly for a moment and briefly close your eyes. Now open them again and ask yourself what did the world look like while my eyes were closed and I could not consciously visually perceive the world around me? How can I know how the world looked at that moment? And what reality existed tonight while I slept? Where was the world while I lay in slumber? How do you know the world exists while you sleep? As incredible as it may seem, there are really well-known quantum physicists who, based on theoretical considerations, cling to the thesis that the world does not exist if you are not looking. After all, without perception, one cannot know that it exists. These quantum physicists believe that your perception creates a personal world from an infinite number of indeterminate possibilities.
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 235
Unperceived objects are instantaneously connected or entangled in a way that space and time cannot play a role in.
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 236
The world is a construct of our sensations, perceptions, memories.
Schrödinger "Spirit and Matter" Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 236
What we regard as material objects and forces are nothing but forms and changes in the structure of space.
Schrödinger Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 234
We have come to the conclusion that space is primary and matter only secondary.
Albert Einstein Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 234
The universe is not made up of particles of matter, but of particles of knowledge; subjective, meaningful particles in consciousness.
Von Neumann1903-1957 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p.232
What comes after death cannot be understood through intellectual argument or discussion. The absolute truth cannot be proven scientifically, because it cannot be perceived, it cannot be objectified and it cannot be grasped by our senses. For this reason, scientists cannot draw any compelling conclusions about the immortality of the soul and life after this life, and nothing can convince them otherwise. ... The objective world is only half of the universe. What we perceive with our senses is not the whole world. The other half of the universe, made up of our consciousness, thoughts, and feelings, cannot be explained through the sensory perception of external things. … The soul is not created. It is essentially conscious and perfect. After detachment from the material body, everything hidden remains intact. The soul remains. Our soul remains perfect forever and is neither destroyed nor dissolved after death. Life and death are just two names for the same thing; the two sides of a coin. … We do not fear death, but the fear of death. The dying process itself is not painful, it is rather a change of circumstances. Inadequate preparation and attachments cause pain to be experienced at the moment of death. One suffers because one is unable to fully let go.
Swami Rama 1925-1996 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness pp. 336-337
It is moving and yet unmoving. It is far away and yet close. It is in everything and yet outside of it. But he who sees all beings here in the self and the self in all beings, and for whom all beings have become his own self, what delusion, what sorrow should come upon him who beholds such unity? The Self is everywhere, luminous disembodied, whole, immaculate, pure, transcendent, wise, intelligent, all-encompassing; all things in eternal time have a place.
Isha Upanishad Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 336
As the supple wax forms itself into new structures, if it does not remain as it was, it does not keep the same form and yet remains the same, I teach that the soul is always the same, but it always wanders into new forms.
Ovid, Roman poet 43BC. - 17 AD
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 332
No insight is as useful as remembering: this is not new, it has been around for centuries. Frederik von Eeden 1860-1931 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 330
Those who have never changed their minds have seldom learned anything. NRC Handelsblatt Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 329
As we become more familiar with the idea of consciousness transcending the organism, we will find it more natural for the soul to outlive the body.
Henri Bergson Philosopher 1859-1941 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 70
I don't know what I am; i am not what i know Angelus Sibelius actually Johannes Scheffler, doctor, mystic and poet 1624-1677 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 307
If we have learned anything from the history of inventions and discoveries, it is that the mostly bold forecasts have in hindsight turned out to be ridiculously conservative in the long term – and often also in the short term. Sir Arthur C. Clarke Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 302
That this universe, in all its unimaginable order and precision, should be the result of blind chance is as believable as if a printer's were blown up and all the letters fell in the complete flawless form of a dictionary. Edwin Grant Conklin 1863-1952 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 288
In science, discovering new facts is less important than new ways of thinking about them.
Sir William Lawrence Bragg, physicist and Nobel laureate, 1890-1971 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 281
The search for the truth is more valuable than owning it.
Albert Einstein 1879-1955 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 279
I believe more firmly than ever that hasty rejection and unwillingness to study things that are unknown and strange are the greatest enemies of scientific progress.
Frederik van Eden 1890 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 264
Anyone who isn't shocked by quantum theory hasn't understood it. Niels Bohr Quantum physicist and Nobel laureate 1885-1962
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 221
What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Nevermind.
Thomas Hewitt Key, classical scholar 1799-1875
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 220
The brain is a messenger of consciousness. Prof. John C. Eccles, 1903-1997 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 218
Man, where you swing your spirit over place and time, you can be everyone's gaze in eternity. Angelus Sibelius actually Johannes Scheffler, doctor, mystic and poet 1624-1677 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 70
How we face death determines how we stand in life. Dag Hammerskjöld Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, UN Secretary General 1905-1961
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 64
Happiness does not depend on external things, but on the way we see them. Leo N. Tolstoy 1828-1910 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 86
Whoever taught people to strive would teach them to live.
Michel de Montainge, writer and philosopher 1533-1592
he described his own NDE in the essay "on practice" in Essays II, 6
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 91
What if you fell asleep? And what if you dreamed in your sleep? And what if you went to heaven in a dream and picked a wondrous flower? And what if you woke up and held this flower in your hand? Yes, then what?
ST Coleridge Poet and Philosopher 1772-1834
Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 101
My whole life up to the present day seemed to unfold before me in a kind of panoramic three-dimensional flashback. Each event was accompanied by a knowledge of good and evil, or insight into its causes and consequences. Not only was I looking at everything from my vantage point, I also knew the thoughts of everyone else involved in the event as if their thoughts were inside me. I could see not only what I had done and thought, but even how my actions had affected others - as if I was seeing with omniscient eyes. The thoughts are not lost either. And the importance of love was continually witnessed during the review. In hindsight, I can't say how long this life review or this life realization lasted. It may have been quite a while as every point was touched. On the other hand, it only seemed like a split second to me, as I saw everything at once. Time and distance seemed to no longer exist. I was everywhere at once, sometimes my attention would be drawn to something and there I was.
NDE Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 64
If one wants to break the generally accepted rule that all crows are black, it suffices to prove that there is at least one white crow.
William James Psychologist and philosopher 1842-1910 Pim van Lommel, Endless Consciousness p. 20
Suppose we were to wake up one morning and find that all people suddenly had the same skin color and the same beliefs, we were guaranteed to have new prejudices by noon. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742 - 1799), German physicist
The difference between what is real and what we perceive is the source of our suffering. Dalai Lama
Ideas can only be useful if they come to life in many minds. Alexander von Humboldt
Everything is interaction. Alexander von Humboldt
It is the duty of every man to seek in his life that place from which he can best serve his generation. Alexander von Humboldt
communication is :
exchange of subjective truths,
mutual information,
is about needs and desires, about the present and the future,
Communication gives space
Communication is facing calm and active listening silence.
The need to speak prevents not only from hearing but also from seeing.
Marcel Proust
"The world in which we live is the worst of all possible worlds" Schopenhauer (1788-1860)
“The world we live in is the best of all possible worlds.
Leibniz (1646-1716)
All human experience, including scientific reasoning, mathematical reasoning, moral insight, artistic expression, and religious experience, is based solely on our brain. There is no exception to this rule. Jeffrey Schwartz, neuropsychiatrist
The enemy of photography is convention,
the hard and fast rules of how to do it. László Moholy-Nagy
Photography is the creation of light. László Moholy-Nagy
Time never stands still
the moment floats away
and that you didn't use
you didn't live it.
Friedrich Rückert, "The Wisdom of the Brahman"
Wilhelm Busch, "Julchen"
One two three, at a fast pace
is running out of time; we walk with you.
"So I sometimes get lost at the hour
In day and year, alas, all the time!
It seethes, it rages, but in the middle of the ground
Is it so quiet, so cold and snowed over!”
Gottfried Keller, "Appearance and Reality"
Emanuel Geibel, "Sayings"
Time is like a picture of mosaic;
Seen too closely, it only confuses the eye; Do you want to understand the nature and meaning of it all,
So you must see it, friend, from afar.
Christian Morgenstern, "Fate Saying"
The stream of time runs and tears uncontrollably,
in which we swim like scattered flowers,
the storm of time roars and sweeps uncontrollably,
we hardly called, our voices are gone.
Paul Fleming, "Thoughts About Time"
Time dies in itself and also generates itself.
This comes from me and you, from who you are and I.
Man is in time; she is in him as well
but the human being, if it still remains, has to give way.
Gottfried Keller, "The time is not"
the time doesn't go
she stands still
We pass through them;
She is a caravanserai
We are the pilgrims inside.
Andreas Gryphius, "Contemplation of Time"
The years that took my time are not mine
The years that might come are not mine.
The moment is mine, and I take care
So is he mine who made year and eternity.
A person who loves has always won
whether his love is fulfilled or not.
Peter Stamm "Seven Years" p. 200
Wealth is when you use money you don't have to buy things you don't need in order to impress people you don't like. Alexander von Humboldt
Two things are necessary for our work: tireless perseverance and the willingness to throw away what you have put a lot of time and work into. Albert Einstein
Never live your life without a laugh, because there are people who live from your laughter. Ottavia Bollen
If people only talked about what they understand, then it would be very quiet in this world. Albert Einstein
"Is it worth it?" asks the head.
“No, but it feels so good!” the heart replies. Ottavia Bollen
Many a man has a great fire in his soul, and no one comes to warm himself by it. Vincent van Gogh
Hope is confusing the wish of an event with its probability. Arthur Schopenhauer
Art is a lie that lets us see the truth. Pablo Picasso
La felicitá non è avere quello che si desidera, ma desiderare quello che si ha! Oscar Wilde
Basically, it's always the connections with people that give life its value.
Wilhelm von Humboldt
Never allow yourself to meet someone who is not happier after meeting you. mother Teresa
Normality is a paved road, easy to walk on, but no flowers grow on it. Vincent van Gogh
You don't have to fear anything in life, you just have to understand everything. Marie Curie
There is no art in growing old. The trick is to endure it. JW Goethe
In order for the possible to come about, the impossible must be attempted over and over again. H. Hesse
If men knew what women were thinking, they would be a thousand times bolder. Pablo Picasso
Love discovers the strengths of the other and can live well with his weaknesses. Ottavia Bollen
Happiness: the state of silently laughing oneness with the world. Hermann Hesse
The desire for love in return is not the desire of love, but of vanity. F Nietzsche
Happiness is the only thing that doubles when shared. Albert Schweitzer
"Happy is he who forgets
which can't be changed."
(Rosalinde, Act I) Bat
by Richard Strauss
We can't always change things, but we can change our attitude towards things.
A master is not the one who teaches something, but someone who encourages his student to do their best to discover a knowledge that they already have within them. Paolo Coelho "The Way of the Arch" p.25
A prayer without intention is like an arrow without a bow. An intention without prayer is like a bow without an arrow.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
What you want to ignite in others must burn within you. Augustine
A hundred times have I thought New York is a catastrophe,
and fifty times: it is a beautiful catastrophe. Le Corbusier
The trees, the bushes, the plants are the decoration and the garment of the earth. Jean Jacques Rousseau
The quality of cities and squares can be designed on the drawing board, their beauty comes through time. Renzo Piano
The face reveals the mood of the heart.
Dante Alighieri
I believe that nothing can be more abstract, unreal than what we actually see. Giorgio Morandi
Fashion is ephemeral. style never. coco chanel
If, as a healthy person, I am immodest enough to see things as they are and not as they should or can be, I may be forgiven for this, but I cannot help it. I hate nothing more than sugar-coated photography with antics, poses and effects. August Sanders
Uncertainty permits the possibility of anything and everything. Duane Michels
Work like you'll live forever and pray like you will morning to die.
Ahmadou Bamba, Senegal
Things don't change; we change
Henry David Thoreau
(1817 - 1862), American. Philosopher, naturalist, writer and mystic
For people whose only tool is a hammer, every problem is a nail. Chinese
There is no pain greater than remembering the times of happiness when one is in misery.
If you are sensible, show yourself to be a shell, and not a channel, receiving and giving almost simultaneously while it waits for it to be filled. In this way she passes on what overflows her without harm to herself.
You too, learn to pour out only from abundance, and have no desire to be more bountyful than God. The bowl mimics the source. Only when it is saturated with water does it flow to the river, does it become the sea. you do the same! First fill up and then pour out. Kind and wise love is accustomed to overflowing, not outflowing. I don't want to get rich if it makes you empty. Because if you treat yourself badly, who are you good to? If you can, help me out of your fullness; if not, take it easy.
Bernard of Clairvaux
Equanimity, called “upekkha” in Pali Buddhist scriptures, is one of the qualities most valued by the Buddha. According to the old Buddhist teachings, it is one of the seven prerequisites, along with mindfulness, that lead to enlightenment. Equanimity, kindness, compassion and joy are the four "divine states" in Buddhism. However, equanimity should not be confused with indifference. The following narrative expresses this in a way that is characteristic of Zen, i.e. without textbook moralizing:
The Zen master Hakuin (1685-1768) was praised everywhere for his impeccable conduct. A beautiful Japanese girl, daughter of a grocer, lived in the neighborhood. One day the parents discovered that their daughter was pregnant. The girl remained silent about her father, but finally put an end to the trouble by naming Hakuin. The angry parents rushed to the master.
"Is it like this?" That's all he said.
The child was born and brought to Hakuin, who by that time had already lost his reputation, but it didn't bother him too much. He lovingly took care of the baby. A year later, the repentant mother confessed to her parents that the child's real father was a young man who worked at the fish market.
The parents immediately rushed to Hakuin, asked him about the child and said they wanted it back.
"Is it like this?" That's all he said as he handed them the child.
The divine in us always loves
the divine in the other.
the divine" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
noble be man, Hail the unknown Because unfeeling wind and streams, Luck too |
After eternal honor Just the human He alone can And we worship The noble man |
The Divine" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Don't just walk the slippery streets.
Go ways that no one has walked before, so that you leave traces and not just dust.
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Our mind restlessly grinds between what
what we want and what we don't want.
HH 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso.
The universe is real but you can't see it. You have to imagine it.
Once you imagine it
you can be realistic about reproducing it.
You have to learn to understand that others see things differently.
Fred Ammon 1930, German aphorist
If we want to recognize the world with the help of photography, we must first learn to become still. Because only when the mind and body are centered and focused can we look at the outer world free of concepts and judgments and open ourselves to its conscious experience.
Mindfulness and silence are essential conditions for a photograph that goes beyond a mere depiction of the outside world. Then we experience the deep beauty of our cosmos for a moment and resonate with all its wealth.
Klaus Schick Bielefeld photographer in the Waldbröl monastery
When arguing about the truth, the arguing remains the only truth.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941)
Ordinary love is selfish and attached to desire and pleasure. Sri Yukteswar
Children are neither vessels to be filled nor flames to be kindled; they are a burning fire that should not be quenched.
André Stern, French freelancer, born 1971
The supposed lightness of photography also has something very deceptive about it. I suppose this contradiction between what a photograph is and what people want to see in it says a lot about the contradictions of being human – about the way we commonly deal with reality. Wolfgang Tilmans
Home can be a place but also a thought that conveys a feeling of connectedness. There is always a bit of home where you feel a sense of belonging and have built it upt.
David Zink Yi, artist KAT_A Bad Honnef
All art is dedicated to joy, and there is no higher and more serious task than to make people happy.
Friedrich von Schiller
Art is not the bread, but the wine of life.
There are painters who turn the sun into a yellow spot. But there are others who, thanks to their art and intelligence, can turn a yellow spot into the sun.
Pablo Picasso
Art is the inner beauty of a person formed in matter.
Margaret Seeman
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
"And it goes without saying that a disciple of Buddha must not hate, finally can no longer hate. Likewise: that he is no longer in the everyday sense of the word love may and finally can no longer love. Yet he does not become callous, indifferent. He lets everyone and everyone who meets him participate in his rich ability to love, without counting on reciprocal love, loves impartially, completely selflessly, just for the sake of loving, so to speak. And not because it gives him personal pleasure or satisfies his own urge, but because he has to do it out of loving love. So this love, if one can call it that at all, which is no longer able to turn into hate, is beyond love and hate. It is not like a blazing flame that sinks back on itself, but like a still ember, evenly nourished by itself. This love, which knows neither disappointment nor external encouragement, which is mixed with kindness, compassion, gratitude, which does not woo, impose, demands, pursues, troubles, which does not give in order to take, possesses precisely because of this an amazing power because it aspires to no power. It is mild, mild and irresistible over time. Even the so-called dead things open up to her, and animals, otherwise shy and timid, trust.” Eugen Herrigel The Zen way
Il riflesso in uno specchio è illusione, so come ogni altra cosa è illusione, semplicemente frutto dei giochi della mente. Ogni cosa non è reale. Ma allora cos'è reale? Duane Michels
Part of the law of interdependence is that you do everything in your power to realize the causes of happiness.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Our mind creates the world in which we live.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
How we experience the world depends primarily on our prevailing emotions and our inner attitude.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
Peter Benenson Founder of Amnesty International
Everything since ever. Never anything else. Always tried. Always failed. no matter. Try again. fail again. Better to fail.
Samuel Beckett
Most of the work is not done yet.
A wonderful future. Ingvar Kamprad
The self-contained man does not calculate with time,
Development must not reckon with time.
Life itself must always be the original source, never another person. Many people, especially women, draw their strength from another person instead of really living themselves; that person and not life is its source. This is as twisted and unnatural as can be.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 40
Woman's center of gravity is in one man, man's center of gravity is in the world. Can the woman shift her center of gravity without raping herself, so to speak, without doing violence to her being?
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 48
And as I walked, I suddenly felt like I wasn't alone, but "as a couple." I was alone and yet I felt as if I consisted of two people who were snuggling up close to each other and warming each other soothingly. Very close contact with myself and therefore great warmth in me. And complete self-pleasure.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 50
You want to encompass all aspects of life with your mind instead of letting life encompass you.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 60
One must never go to extremes, there must be something left for the imagination.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 101
Five little rosebuds, he put them in my hand and said, "They never expect anything from the outside world, so they always receive something."
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 108
For me, everything always works from the inside out, never from the outside in. The most threatening ordinances – and there really are enough of them – usually shatter my inner security and my trust, and once I have internally processed them, they lose a lot of their menace.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 110
I read about a priest: He had stood as a mediator between God and man. Nothing of everyday life could touch him. And that's why he understood the need of all those who were to be born so well.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 111
Peace can only become real peace, sometime later, when each individual finds peace within himself and eradicates hatred of his fellow human beings, regardless of race or nation. Defeated and transformed into something that is no longer hate but could even become love in the long run.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 115
Through torment, I am learning to accept that one must share one's love with all creation, with the entire cosmos.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 117
Most Westerners don't understand the art of suffering and are terrified of it. This is no longer the way most people live: in fear, resignation, bitterness, hatred, despair. My god, you can understand it so well. But if this life is taken from you, then surely not much is taken from you? One must accept death as a part of life, even the most horrific death. But don't we live a whole life every day, and does it matter much whether we live a few days more or less? I'm in Poland every day, on the battlefields, you could say, sometimes the vision of green battlefields comes to mind; I am with the starving, with the abused and the dying, I am there every day, but I am also here with the jasmine and the piece of sky outside my window, in one life there is room for everything. For the belief in God and the miserable downfall.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 122
The possibility of death is absolutely present to me; my life has been expanded by facing death, downfall and accepting it as a part of life. One must not prematurely sacrifice part of one's life to death, fearing it and resisting it, reluctance and fear leave us with a miserable, stunted scrap of life that can hardly be called life. It sounds almost paradoxical: if you put death out of your life, life is never complete, and by including death in your life, you expand and enrich life.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 125
Oh, releasing someone you love, letting them have their own life, is the hardest thing there is.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 132
Rather, the elemental power consists in the fact that, even if one dies miserably, one feels life as meaningful and beautiful up to the last moment, with the feeling that one has realized everything within oneself and that it was good to live.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 134
And between our eyes and hands flows a constant stream of gentle tenderness, in which every petty desire is extinguished, it's just a matter of being good to one another with all the kindness of which we are capable.
And every being together is also a farewell.
Etty Hillesum The Thinking Heart p. 135
"Basically, it's always the connections with people
that give life its value.”
(William von Humboldt)
From Chad Eastham Barefoot in the Relationship Jungle
To be loved is to be deeply known, and that's what we all want. Chad
Love is our true destiny. We don't find the meaning of life alone. We'll find him together. Thomas Merton
I have learned: to love and to be loved is the human emotion that gives the most strength and joy. Jane Goodall
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but look around carefully. James Thurber
Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Mark Twain
The world breaks everyone, and afterwards many are strong precisely in the broken places. Ernesto Hemingway
Love knows no fear. True love casts out fear. 1 John 4:18
Nothing in this world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. Martin Luther King Jr.
Not only do I use the brain I have, I borrow whatever I can get. Woodrow Wilson
Common sense doesn't come up that often. Voltaire
Even if you just stumble forward, you're making progress. unknown
If we want to change but refuse to change our thinking first, then we become slaves. Slaves to the past, slaves to our old selves and we will never change. Chad Eastham
A borrowed brain has no value. Yiddish
I can sum up everything I've learned about life in three words: It goes on. Robert Frost
One gains strength, courage, and confidence from any experience that compels one to stop and face danger. Eleanor Roosevelt
The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits. Albert Einstein
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Virginia Woolf
A man's greatest successes follow his disappointments Henry Ward Beecher
I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past. Thomas Jefferson
Journalism is publishing what others do not want published. Everything else is propaganda.
George Orwell, author of "1984"
success | joy | self-consciousness |
I can also get rich as xy | All the details will come naturally, I trust that. | Everything I do becomes a success |
The money is on the street, I just have to get it | All my relationships are harmonious | Other people love and respect me for who I am |
The universe loves me and cares for me. | Everything in my world is good. | The universe (God, higher power) supports me in all my ways |
Success is an integral part of my life. | All is well. | No matter what happens, I feel free and safe |
There is a great desire for my skills and talents | Life inspires me and fills me with new energy. | It's good to be who I am. |
It's good for me to be successful. | life loves me | It is my right to live fully, whole and freely. |
It's good if I get money | Life will always take care of me. | It is wonderful to be a woman/man. |
I'm entitled to it. | The universe gives me full support. | I pay attention to my body's messages. |
Everything I need is always taken care of. | The universe lovingly cares for me | I pay attention to my thinking and consciously choose healthy thoughts. |
Money does a lot of good | The energy and love of my relationship strengthens me and I feel safe with my partner | I breathe freely and deeply. |
Money gives me many opportunities | Love fills me and radiates from me. | I breathe deeply, calmly and relaxed. |
money is energy | The world is safe and friendly. | I move consciously at all times. |
Money is something pleasant | No matter where I go, I always find a reason to connect with people | I am gifted. |
Money is something beautiful and good | It is good for me to live. | I am the expression of complete freedom |
money is freedom | It's good to be alive. | I am worthy of the path I have taken |
money is my friend | It is good that I am alive and joyful. | I am the creative force in my world. |
Money is pure energy | It's good to feel. | I am the perfect reflection of God. |
Money is guaranteed freedom | Nothing can happen to me | I am a divine expression of life |
Money makes you sexy | There is time and space for everything I want to do. | I am a loving compassionate person |
Making money is easy | Boundless energy flows through my body. | I am an oasis of peace, love and joy. |
Good and intelligent people should always be wealthy | For me, good is everywhere and I am safe and secure. | I am an infinite source of love. |
I accept myself and my choices are always right for me. | I watch my diet | I am one with all life. |
I bow to God's law of abundance and allow that abundance into my life. | I rely on divine wisdom and guidance to protect me at all times. | i am one with god |
I admire the rich | I like to enter the flow of new experiences, directions and changes. | I am worth it |
I am the center of power | i get enough | I am worth loving |
I am the creator of my wealth | I choose to see life as eternal and joyful. | It is I who create all my experiences. |
i am the force | I choose to love myself and enjoy joy. | I am free to become the best possible me. |
I am successful | I look at myself and what I do with eyes of love. | I am free to love and enjoy life. |
I am successful | I am thankful for everything good in my life | I am free. |
I am successful in everything I undertake | I express harmony, peace and joy. | i am joy |
I am successful in whatever I do | I receive and show joy. | i am peace |
I'm worth asking for money | I feel my body as a harmonious whole. | I am completely centered and live in peace. |
I am worth doing everything for myself | I am now discovering how wonderful I am. | i am enough |
I am worth being rich | I relax and allow my mind to find peace. | I'm blessed. |
I am worth being paid properly | I experience appreciation from all life. | I'm healthy and slim |
I'm good at generating wealth | I get new opportunities every day | I am willing to experience life. |
I'm an ace at my job | I recognize my own intuitive ability. | I'm lucky to be wealthy |
I'm worth my salary | I allow the love in my heart to heal everything I see. | I'm happy to be myself. |
I am worth my money | I allow my body to follow the rhythm of the ebb and flow. | i am divine |
I'm rich | I allow myself to eat healthy | i am good enough |
I am rich and wealthy | I create my own life. | I'm good enough the way I am. |
I am strong and capable | I create only good things in my life. | I am safe and sound |
i am valuable | I eat well and conscientiously | I am happy here and now. |
I am valuable and unique | I eat when I'm hungry | I'm me |
I am successful | I enjoy my expression of life. | I'm in flux with my body's rhythm. |
I am infinitely rich | I am happy about my femininity/masculinity. | I am at peace with life. |
I can ask for money | I am happy to be who I am. | I am at peace with myself and with life. |
I choose abundance | i feel healthy | I am at peace where I am right now. |
I choose abundance in my life | I feel connected to my body every moment. | i am at peace |
I choose riches | I feel safe to be myself. | I am at home in the universe. |
I climb the career ladder with ease | I feel good from the inside out | I am always safe and secure. |
I'm comfortable with lots of money | I feel and know that I am perfect in every way. | I am at peace with life. |
I am careful with money | I am approaching another dimension of my existence. | I am at home in my body. |
I enjoy being able to afford everything | I belong only to me. | I am safe, secure and understood. |
I enjoy being rich | I enjoy being physically and emotionally close to other people | i'm safe |
I enjoy making money | I enjoy moving more and more | I am completely up to any situation. |
I have a right to abundance and prosperity | I allow myself to be at my desired weight | I am safe and secure at all times. |
I have a right to wealth | I am free to bring love and joy to any part of my world. | I am flexible physically and mentally. |
I deserve a promotion | I deserve to be happy | I am powerful and alive. |
I deserve to get the job I want | I have peace and harmony within and around me. | I am Love |
I deserve to receive money | I'm in control when I want to | i am lovable |
I deserve to live abundantly | I have something in common with everyone and I find that | I am loving and lovable. |
I deserve to get any job I want | I maintain my weight with ease | I am pure consciousness |
I deserve to have a good life | I can't make mistakes, only experiences because everything I do teaches me something new | I am self-confident |
I deserve to be rich and successful | I can choose what I want | I'm sure at every point in the universe. |
I deserve to be rich | I let go of everything that is not love. | I'm sure. |
I deserve to have lots of money | I let go of everything that isn't love. | i am spiritual |
I have power, strength and knowledge to handle anything in my life. | I let the pattern that led to this state go out of my consciousness. | I am sparkling life. |
I can achieve anything in my life | I let go of the past and allow love to heal every area of my life. | I am strong and desirable. |
I can be successful in any job | I'm letting the anger out in positive channels now. | I'm proud of who I am |
I can make a lot of money with any job | I live healthy and balanced | I am part of the universal plan. |
I can have as much money as I want | I live in loving and honest relationships | I am and will remain young and dynamic. |
I know the value of money | I live with everyone I know in harmony and balance. | i am full of energy |
i love the rich | I love the live. | I am full of new strength |
I love making money | I love doing sports | I'm full of confidence. |
i love money | i love fruits | I am fully responsible for myself. |
I love myself and my success | I love nutritious food | I am perfect, whole and complete. |
I love myself, and that's why I do a job that I really enjoy | Inwardly, I break free from the pattern that this experience drew to me. | I am perfect as I am. |
i love wealth | I give myself a pleasant relaxation as a gift | I'm naturally okay because I'm good |
I like to surround myself with rich people | I embrace the good in me and know that all my needs and desires will be met. | I am important and loved by life itself. |
I bless the rich | I accept divine guidance and am always safe. | I am important. |
I make a lot of money doing what I like | I open myself to life. | I am responsible for my own life. |
I know that I automatically attract the right people in my life journey | I respect and love my family for who they are | I change when I want to |
I know I'm valuable. | I advance with ease. | I am constantly changing and growing. |
I know I can learn a lot from and with other people | I walk confidently and easily. | I am wonderful. |
I am noticed and appreciated in the most positive way. | I myself am eternal and joyful and at peace. | I have unlimited self-confidence |
I get paid well | I feel and enjoy my vitality. | I have a right to be in this world |
I'm getting more successful every day | I am under the protection of divine love. | I can achieve anything I set my mind to |
I'm getting richer and richer every day | I am making a decision now to make my life easy, simple and joyful. | I lovingly listen to my inner voice. |
I'm getting better and better every day in every way | I leave all control to the universe. | I love being a woman/man. |
I attract success | I trust that life is good for me. | i love my body |
I attract money | I trust that the right things will always be done in my life. | I love myself and am loved. |
I attract money like a magnet | I trust the process of life. | i love myself |
I attract exactly the challenge into my life that I need | I trust my higher self. | I love myself and am worthy of being loved |
I attract wealth | I trust my fellow human beings and they trust me | I love myself and I am fulfilled. |
I attract wealth | I trust and flow with the process of life. | I love myself and know that my future is secure here |
Anyone can become rich and successful | i choose peace | I love myself, and therefore I meet all people lovingly |
Power is a beautiful thing | I turn to my partner full of love | I love myself, and that's why I create a beautiful home for myself |
My life is full and rich | I show myself free and happy. | I love myself, and therefore I take loving care of my body |
My work is a pleasure and fulfills me | The more love I spread and give, the more I have to give. | i love me |
My unique and creative skills and talents flow through me | Every cell of my body is loved. | I love and accept myself completely. |
My imagination is limitless | Every day I give more and more love | I love and accept myself and trust the process of life. |
I was born with all the tools to gain wealth | Every day I give and receive more and more love | I love and accept myself and trust that the process of life will bring me only good. |
I have been given giftedness, creativity, talent, friends, family and a lot of strength because I need all of this for my life's work | Every breath gives me new energy. | I love and fully accept myself as I am |
With power and money I can do a lot of good | Love surrounds and protects me. | I love and accept myself as I am |
Being rich means being free | I lovingly accept my decisions and know that I have the freedom to change something. | I love and accept myself. |
Being rich is easy | Over time, my weight levels off exactly where it is good and right for me | I love and appreciate myself. |
Being rich is beautiful | My heart always shows me the next step | I accept myself as I am. |
Rich people are good for me | My body is a body of God, I am whole and perfect. | I can do anything I want to achieve |
Wealth is a natural state in my life | My body is beautiful and supple. | I'm doing the best I can. |
wealth is beautiful | My body deeply knows what health means | I am free from my parents |
Wealth makes you potent | My life is the life of God, I am perfect now. | I connect body, mind and soul through breathing. |
Wealth suits me | My life is divinely guided and I am always moving in the best direction. | I deserve only the best and I'm opening up to it now |
Wealth and success are an integral part of my life | My family is a wonderful place of strength | I trust my inner voice. |
Wealth and prosperity are a natural state for me | I find it easy to love and accept other people | I know what is best for me |
Lots of money gives me lots of opportunities to do good | I find it easy to open up to other people's concerns | i am loved |
Much wealth means much power | I have room to breathe and grow | Intelligence, courage and self-worth are part of me. |
As I fulfill my calling, wealth and abundance will come to me automatically | Full of joy and confidence I go on and know that everything is good in my future. | I lovingly pay attention to the messages from my body |
Prosperity and abundance in all areas are now flowing to me | Full of love I let go of the past completely. | My self-confidence is limitless |
"In the desert I'm worth it
what my gods are worth.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Ruth Reibold-Lorenz
The grass does not grow faster if you pull on it.
What is left when you have said everything?
Matsuo Basho
Reduction! One always wants to say more than nature, and makes the needless mistake of wanting to say it with more means than nature, instead of with fewer means.
Paul Klee diaries 1908
As long as you chase happiness
Are you not ripe for happiness?
Hermann Hesse
The simple is not always the best,
but the best is always simple.
Heinrich Tessenow, architect
Woe speaks: Forgive!
But all pleasure wants eternity -,
Want deep, deep eternity.
Friedrich Nietzsche in Zarathustra
Just two things
Stepped through so many forms
through I and we and you,
but everything was suffered
through the eternal question: why?
That's a kid's question.
You only realized late
there is only one thing: endure
- whether sense, whether addiction, whether legend -
your remotely determined: You must.
Whether roses, whether snow, whether seas,
all that blossomed, faded,
there are only two things: the void
and the drawn me.
Gottfried Benn in Distillations
An unsettled mind produces artificialities and inventions, all of which mean contamination. If you want to understand the way directly, the "normal mind" is the way. What I mean by "normal mind" is the mind with no artificialities, no subjective judgements, no desire or aversion.
Mozu Daoyi
Personal freedom and interdependence are equally important for a life together.
Mahatma Gandhi
Even if you fail at everything, little is lost as long as you are at peace with yourself.
Mahatma Gandhi
Where love grows, life thrives,
where hatred arises, destruction threatens.
Mahatma Gandhi
God answers every prayer in His own way -
not on ours.
Mahatma Gandhi
If you are capable of making the greatest sacrifices, you can soar to unimagined heights.
Mahatma Gandhi
The only dictate I submit to in this world is the soft voice.
Mahatma Gandhi
The way of peace is the way of truth.
Mahatma Gandhi
Nonviolence is the weapon of fearlessness.
Mahatma Gandhi
Hate cannot be overcome by anything other than infinite love. Mahatma Gandhi
Take care of today, God take care of tomorrow.
Mahatma Gandhi
The freedom of one ends where the freedom of the other begins.
Mahatma Gandhi
Good can never come from lies and violence.
Mahatma Gandhi
True satisfaction comes from fighting, from striving, from suffering - but never from winning.
Mahatma Gandhi
Strength does not come from physical strength, but rather from indomitable will.
Mahatma Gandhi
Those who submit to God need fear no man.
Mahatma Gandhi
Only God knows what true greatness is -
for only he knows the hearts of men.
Mahatma Gandhi
Forgiving is the true virtue of the brave.
Mahatma Gandhi
Don't strive for anything you don't really need.
Mahatma Gandhi
What is faith worth that is not expressed in deeds?
Mahatma Gandhi
Therefore the contemplation of impermanence cannot be wrong, even in the objects where it is most evident. On the contrary, contemplating the ugly without hate helps to develop equanimity. Conversely, contemplating beauty without desire can also be mindfulness—and that's fine as long as it doesn't lead us to attachment, to greed, to a desire for possession.
True happiness, Buddha said, is living with little desire, little possession, and enough time to enjoy the many wonders within and around us.
The more people are concerned with pleasure, the more they lose it. The more he chases happiness, the more he chases it away.”
Viennese psychoanalyst Viktor Frankl + 1997
Real coolness is always calm - and thus very close to the ideal of the ancient hedonists, who called this condition ataraxia. Perhaps the best way to describe it is with an old-fashioned word, equanimity, which many today confuse with indifference. But that would be fundamentally wrong. Equanimity is anything but disinterest and ignorance. It is made up of reason and judicious calm that precedes passion. You see yourself and the people and the world dispassionately. Wolf Lotter in BrandEins “LUST”
There is much coldness among people, because we dare not behave as cordially as we are. Albert Schweitzer
The wisdom of life consists in omitting the unessential. Lin Yutang
Only the one who suffers from suffering will be freed from suffering. Lao Tse
If you look outside, you are dreaming.
Those who look within awaken.
Carl Gustav Jung
When I was younger I could remember anything, whether it really happened or not.
Mark Twain
The essence of happiness: wanting to be who you are.
Erasmus of Rotterdam 1466-1536
»In the nature of observation - its true meaning - there is no thinking; there is no center of an 'I' looking at 'you',” says Jiddu Krishnamurti in his book The mirror of love.
The beauty of things lives in the soul of
who looks at her.
David Hume
Do what is necessary first, then what is possible
and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
Francis of Assisi
“In documentary photography, the focus is solely on WHAT – on WHAT is being photographed. Everything is linked to this WHAT. WHAT WHAT WHAT. The way I see it, that's the most problematic aspect of photography. Let's put it this way, artistically, that's the least crucial aspect. The HOW – I'm talking about the creative, not the technical HOW – is much more important. The HOW is often pushed aside, if not eliminated. The most profound content can be found in the HOW.”
We have everything we need. Still, we're not happy. Dalai Lama
"Whatever you can do
Whatever you can do or dream of doing, start now.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
My auto-suggestion:
I am determined to seize the opportunities of my life.
If you want to be successful, you have to be able to speak and be absolutely sure of the tone of your voice.
I know that inner security is decisive for the power of language - it is a question of trusting one's own strength. I can only be confident in speaking if I am confident inside.
I am safe - perfectly safe - and free of all inhibitions.
Nicholas B. Grandson
About Success (Dr. Geländemann)
Quotes - Success
A successful life can only be planned and shaped on the basis of a secure worldview.
A system of success should be based on ethical and moral principles.
A person who knows what he wants has clear visions of the future. If you are disoriented, you will tread water, run in circles, backtrack, and stumble.
Most people plan their own lives worse than a fortnight's vacation.
When planning, when thinking ahead about our future, we do not flee from our reality in illusions, but we understand our today as the foundation for tomorrow.
We can howl at the past; we cannot change them.
Successes are problems solved. Success is the ability to see problems only in connection with their solutions.
People are always at the center of success; with his energy, his will, with his performance, with his skills, with his creativity, with his enthusiasm.
Success is just another word for life.
Success is the basic principle of the universe.
Learn to deal with the successful.
Everything that lives needs success. Every stalk, every bud, every tree, every animal, every person - whether young or old.
A successful person has successful friends.
Anyone can start. Only by persevering does one become king. Become a finisher, don't stay a beginner!
Success is anything that supports life.
The world we live in is not perfect and man is not perfect. The problems of life arise from these two negative factors.
Problems give us a chance to show how capable we are.
Man is not a reacting or abreacting being, but a creative being.
Faith leads to action and concentration leads to success: repetition leads to mastery.
The will to succeed must be reawakened every day so that the dull everyday life doesn't stand a chance.
A clear goal and perseverance guarantee success.
Thoughts are powerful, constructive forces only when we focus them on our personal goals.
You don't fight bad habits, you replace them with good ones.
Consciously shaping fate - this endeavor distinguishes truly successful people.
We have to deal with the things we want to cause.
There has never been more opportunity than today.
The secret of success lies in the way you look for it.
There are many ways to achieve a successful goal. You can only go one.
It goes without saying that the professional goals in the first half of life must be different than in the second half.
If you leave yourself to chance, you are a piece of wood floating helplessly on the water.
Recipe for success: There is no substitute for victory.
It is not decisive what we are born as, what starting conditions we found, but what we make of it ourselves.
Man is the only being who can change himself and his world and shape his future.
When a person is successful, the brain produces endorphins, happiness hormones.
I can't think of a better life than using the time of my life to work towards fulfilling my own desires.
Not the stars, not the gods have determined your fate. You become the shaper of your destiny the moment you know what you want.
Just as one does not let a bonsai tree sprout, so we should mold our life into an ideal.
Only when you are as good as your master do you have a chance to become better.
The world is changed by action, not by thought.
Knowing today what will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, that makes you free.
The most important part of life is the future! If you don't think about your future, you don't have one!
Everyone's brains are the same. The thoughts that control us decide.
The self-confident person concentrates on his tasks and goals.
I want to leave the world a little bit better than when I entered it.
What we need is a person who forces us to do what we can.
The successful needs a lead time.
Change isn't becoming different, it's about becoming better.
I want to motivate you to turn your talents into life successes and to become creatively active yourself.
Those who have a center within themselves can cope with the hustle and bustle of this time.
Wishing - planning - daring - winning - should therefore be our motto in life, in order not to be among the betrayed.
Whoever wins the future comes with the past is pure.
The main cause of success is love. Love releases desires, awakens creative potential. Genius is nothing other than the ability to fall in love with your desires, your goals. If you don't have goals in life, you get lost.
Most people sit in the brakeman's house their whole life. Better: step on the gas! To reach for the stars!
Recalibrate your compass so you can stay on course like a captain.
Where energy transforms into concentration – the future emerges.
You will feel that the most powerful weapon in the struggle for existence is belief in yourself and in the meaning of your vision.
The best do their best.
The vain believe in themselves, the self-confident in their future.
Whoever fails here on earth does not fail because he does not have good intentions, but because he fails to carry out his own worthwhile intentions.
Learning by heart means shaping your personal subconscious so that it can use what you have learned unconsciously, i.e. completely automatically.
We are free to choose, but bound by the consequences.
The greatest success is like a painting made up of many small pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Success is not a standstill, not a gift and also not a coincidence, but a lifelong growth process.
People are always at the center of success.
Believing in success is the same as believing in one's own possibilities and goals.
Success is the ability to achieve one's goals despite internal and external resistance using time and energy.
Clarity about the goal, awareness of inner strength and patient handling of time are the most important prerequisites for success.
Everything that lives needs success.
Success in life is the result of our thinking.
Success is just another word for life.
Success is the art of solving problems and overcoming obstacles!
Successes are problems solved!
Success is a question of my behavior and my attitude.
With a positive subconscious, success can no longer be prevented.
The door to success opens inwards!
A clear goal and perseverance guarantee success.
Love is pure positive thinking, love is the root cause of success.
Always remember that your own determination to succeed is more important than anything else.
Success is the very principle of life, the central task of the universe.
Success begins with the optimistic thought of success.
Success only comes when you reach your goal – persevere!
Those who strengthen their strengths are on the right path to happiness and success.
Not achieving your goals is less bad than having no goals. If you really want something, all wishes come true!
Courage saves time and energy for the essentials.
Desires show us the way. What we want, we can get.
What man can desire, he can also achieve.
Clearly and specifically formulated wishes become goals!
Just want to go for it, plan like a champion, dare ANYTHING - and you will win!
If you strive for the utmost, you will achieve the possible!
I can do what I want!
Each repetition is a deepening.
Falling is no shame, but staying down is despicable!
Anyone can start - but only through perseverance will you become king!
All skill comes from practice alone.
Every problem carries within itself the germ of the solution.
Problems are signposts to the future.
Bigger than a king's land is the field of our future.
People can only achieve great goals in groups. The lone wolf no longer has a chance.
Success is a question of our behavior.
Goals give me the chance to have anticipation.
The people and problems have not changed. The techniques used to deal with problems have changed.
We become successful through training. Respect comes from viewing.
We are only successful where we are useful, not where we are exploiting.
Doubting your own abilities is the precursor to failure.
If you look for difficulties, you will always find them.
If you put your resolutions in writing, you are making a contract with yourself.
Wanting is good, doing is better.
Small deeds performed are better than great deeds planned. Georges Marshall
Friendship is the connection of souls. Voltaire
Books are ships sailing the vast seas of time. Francis Bacon
Leisure is the art of being a pleasant partner to yourself. KH Waggerl
Humor is just a weird way of being serious.
Man becomes ME with YOU. Martin Buber
Hopefully it won't be as bad as it is. Karl Valentin
Those who arm themselves with humor are practically invulnerable.
Watch your thoughts! They are the beginning of your deeds. Chinese wisdom
Be happy, do good and let the sparrows whistle. Don Bosco
At the point where the fun ends, the humor begins. Werner Fink
When you let go of what you thought you were, it gives you the space to expand your horizons, to grow.
Rick Hanson
Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, a person cannot exist without spiritual life. Buddha
If you look outside, you are dreaming.
Whoever looks within awakens.
Carl Gustav Jung
the way fudoes not end in heaven, the way fulisten to the heart. Buddha
Start living now and count each day as a life in itself.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Life is the fire that burns and all the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is matter, what is and what is not and what is beyond in eternity.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
If you want to be loved, love!
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
I've started to be a friend to myself. Much has already been gained with this, one can no longer be lonely. Also know that such a person will be a true friend to everyone. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
He who has insight is also moderate; he who is temperate is also equanimous; those who are equanimous do not let themselves be disturbed; he who is undeterred is without sorrow; he who is without sorrow is happy: therefore the one who understands is happy, and understanding is sufficient for a happy life. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Wise living does not happen by accident. One must, as long as one lives, learn how to live. Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Everything in nature, every flower, every tree, every animal has important lessons to teach us if we just stop and look and listen.
Eckhart Tolle
True salvation is a state of freedom from compulsive thinking, and especially from the past and future as psychological imperatives. Eckhart Tolle
True happiness lies in the simplest, seemingly unnoticeable things.
Eckhart Tolle
do your body good
so that your soul feels like living in it.
Teresa of Avila about 500 years ago
-Do you love me?
"I love you."
-Very? "A lot more than you think."
- And yet you are always far away, always traveling!
"Because my travels are a way to you."
- When are you arriving?
"I'll never arrive."
- Why?
"Because you are the direction, and direction is direction."
- Like the secrets?
"Like the secrets."
- And on the way, what do you do in the time of heat,
of hunger and storms?
“I see you behind the mountains and jungles
and go on."
"To you."
A warm, deep silence; she raises her head
and sees a wide sky in his eyes,
Forests full of buds.
From: Fuad Rifka. The Valley of Rituals.
1 Recognize the inner core and the beauty in every human being.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.23
2 Our innermost nature is compassion. It arises from the connectedness with all things.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.39
3 When we shift our attention from experience to the space of consciousness in which it occurs, wisdom arises.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.59
4 Recognize the mental states that fill consciousness. Transform unwholesome into wholesome.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.77
5 Our idea of a self is formed through identification. The less we cling to ideas of self, the freer and happier we will be.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.95
6 Our life has both a universal and a personal dimension. Both must be respected if we are to be free and happy.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 119
8 Mindfulness of the body allows us to live our lives fully. She gives us healing, wisdom and freedom.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 163
9 Wisdom recognizes what feelings are present without getting lost in them.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 184
10 Thoughts are often one-sided and wrong. Learn to be aware of your thoughts instead of getting lost in them.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 200
11 There is the personal and the universal unconscious. Penetrating the unconscious with awareness brings insight and freedom.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 225
12 The unwholesome aspects of our personality can be recognized and transformed so that our natural temperament finds wholesome expression.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 243
13 There are wholesome and unwholesome desires. Learn the difference and find peace amidst your desires.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 265
14 If we are attached to anger or hatred, we will suffer. A hateless, powerful, wise and compassionate response is quite possible.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 296
15 Ignorance fails to understand the world and forgets who we really are. It underlies all unwholesome states of mind. Get rid of ignorance and see with wisdom.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 319
16 Pain is inevitable, suffering is not. Suffering comes from attachment. Learn to let go and free yourself from suffering.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 342
17 Pay attention to your motivation. Motivation and intention are the seeds from which our future grows.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 364
18 Whatever we visualize changes our body and consciousness. Imagine freedom and compassion.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 390
19 What we think over and over again shapes our world. It is a dictate of compassion that we replace unwholesome thoughts with wholesome ones.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 418
20 The power of concentration can be trained through inner practice. Concentration opens awareness to the deep dimensions of healing and insight.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 441
21 Virtue and integrity are sine qua non for true happiness. Therefore, we should pay special attention to our integrity.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 467
22 Forgiveness is both necessary and possible. It's never too late to find forgiveness and start over.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 478
23 There is no division between inside and outside, self and other. When we take care of ourselves, we take care of the world. When we take care of the world, we take care of ourselves.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 499
24 The middle way is between opposites. Stay centered and you'll be comfortable wherever you are.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 517
25 Say goodbye to your opinions. Free yourself from fixed views. Open yourself to the mystery.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 524
26 From a peaceful heart comes love. When love meets suffering, it becomes compassion. If she meets luck, it becomes joy.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 542
Form is not different from emptiness. Emptiness is not different from form. And yet form is form and emptiness is emptiness. Heart Sutra in Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 118
Experience this world as a soap bubble, as a wave, as an illusion, as a dream.
Dhammapada in Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 119
When you understand, you will realize that you are nothing. If you are nothing, you are everything.
Kalu Rinpoche in Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart p. 115
what's in your mind In my mind there are only three things, loving kindness, focus and peace.
Dipama Barua in Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart p. 115
In the light of awareness, our composed self of identifications relaxes.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 112
You are the one experiencing these things, not the one possessing them.
Ajahn Chah in Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart p. 112
You are always so quick to identify with everything - your body, your thoughts, your opinions, your roles. That is why you suffer. I have given up all identifications. See how my thumb and forefinger touch. When identifying with my index finger, I am the feeler and the thumb is the object I perceive. If I reverse the identification and become the thumb, I perceive the index finger as an object. So when I shift my attention, I become the object I'm looking at. I refer to this ability to understand other points of view as love. Love says, "I am everything." Wisdom says, "I am nothing." Between these two my life flows.
Sri Nisargadatta in Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart p. 102
To explore the way is to explore the Self. To explore the Self is to forget the Self. To forget the self is to let all things illuminate oneself. Zen Master Dogen in Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart p.93
We take everything quite personally. The more we cling to self, the more problems we have. No self…. well... no problem.
Master Hina-Tyana-Dhamma-Loka in Jack Kornfield's The Wise Heart p.93
Wholesome and unwholesome states of mind are mutually exclusive. When wholesome factors are there, unwholesome ones have no more room. So if we focus on creating wholesome states of mind, the unwholesome ones will disappear by themselves.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.86
Common States of Mind:
Memory, stability, mood (pleasant or unpleasant), will and vitality.
Unwholesome States of Mind:
The 3 roots of attachment, aversion and illusion that give rise to the following states: worry, envy, stubbornness, excitement, greed, selfishness, hatred, avarice, shamelessness, dullness, narrow-mindedness, confusion, misperception, foolhardiness, and others.
Healing States of Mind:
The three roots of wisdom, love, and generosity, which give rise to the following states: mindfulness, trust, courtesy, humility, joy, insight, flexibility, clarity, equanimity, adaptability, kindness, and others.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.85
Recognize the mental states that fill consciousness.
Transform unwholesome into wholesome.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.77
In Western culture, we generally learn that we only attain happiness when the outside world changes according to our desires. But this strategy rarely works. Pleasure and pain, gain and loss, praise and blame coexist in our lives, no matter how hard we may struggle to enjoy only pleasure, gain and recognition. Buddhist psychology shows us a different path to happiness. She teaches us that what matters is the state of our mind.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.76
There is no fixed entity that perceives.
Awareness has no shape or color. It is beyond presence or absence, coming or going. Instead, there is only the clear space, of experience, of consciousness, which is empty and yet "conscious".
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p. 71
Consciousness in its space-like aspect:
open, transparent, timeless, conscious, pure, equal to waves, unlimited, unborn, not ending in death.
Consciousness in its particle-like aspect:
episodic, impersonal, registers the current sensory experience, colored by the current experience, conditioned, momentary, fleeting.
Jack Kornfield The Wise Heart p.64
The mind is like a TV with hundreds of channels. Which channel are you tuning in to? Thich Nhat Hanh
The wise heart p.64
Namaste = I recognize the sacred in you.
The great danger is not in the soul doubting that it can have bread, but in convincing itself that it is not hungry. Simone Weil
The wise heart p.47
do your body good
so that your soul feels like living in it.
Teresa of Avila
Maka Hannya Haramita Shingyo
Kan ji zai bo za tsu
Gyo jin han ya ha ra mi ta
Ji sho ken go on kai ku
Do i sai ku
Yaku sha ri shi
Shiki fu i ku
Ku fu i shiki
Shiki soku ze ku
Ku soku ze shiki
Ju so gyo shiki
Yaku bu nyo ze
Shari Shi
Ze sho ho ku so
Fu sho fu metsu
Fu ku fu jo
Fu zo fu gen
Ze ko ku chu
Mu shiki mu ju so gyo shiki
Mu gen ni bi ze shin i
Mu shiki sho ko mi soku ho
Mu gen kai nai shi mu i shiki kai
Mu mu myo yaku mu mu myo jin
Nai shi mu ro shi yaku mu ro shi jin
Mu ku shu metsu do mu chi yaku mu toku i
Mu sho toku ko bo dai sa ta e
Han ya ha ra mi ta ko
Shin mu ke ge mu ke ge ko
Mu u ku fu on ri i sai ten do mu so ku gyo ne
Han san ze sho butso e
Han ya ha ra mi ta ko
Toku a noku ta ra san myaku san bo dai
Ko chi han ya ha ra mi ta
Ze dai jin shu ze dai myo shu
Ze mu jo shu ze mu to do shu
No jo i sai ku shinjitsu fu ko
Ko setsu han ya ha ra mi ta shu
Soku setsu shuwatsu
Gya tei gya tei
Ha ra gya tei
Hara so gya tei
Bo ji so wa ka
Hannya Shingyo
Heart Sutra — ( The Heart of the Perfection of Great Wisdom Sutra)
Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva doing deep Prajna Paramita
Perceived the emptiness of all five conditions,
And was freed from pain.
O Sariputra, formis no other than emptiness,
Emptiness no other than form,
Form is precisely emptiness,
Emptiness precisely form.
Sensation, perception, reaction and consciousness are also like this.
O Sariputra, all things are expressions of emptiness,
Not born, not destroyed, not stained, not pure,
Neither waxing nor waning.
Thus emptiness is not form;
Not sensation nor perception,
reaction nor consciousness;
No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind;
No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, thing;
No realm of sight, no realm of consciousness;
No ignorance, no end to ignorance;
No old age and death; no cessation of old age and death
No suffering, no cause or end to suffering,
No path, no wisdom and no gain.
No gain—thus Bodhisattvas live this Prajna Paramita
With no hindrance of mind—
No hindrance therefore no fear.
Far beyond all such delusion, Nirvana is already here.
All past, present and future Buddhas live this Prajna Paramita
And attain supreme, perfect enlightenment.
Therefore know that Prajna Paramita Is the holy mantra, the luminous mantra,
The supreme mantra, the incomparable mantra
By which all suffering is cleared.
This is no other than truth.
Therefore set forth this Prajna Paramita mantra,
Set forth this mantra and proclaim:
Gate, Gate, Paragate Parasamgate,
Bodhi Swaha
Prajnaparamita Sutra
The Desire resides in the senses, the merriment or non-cheerfulness lies within hearts. Lue Buewei
Every act of creation is the first of all an act of destruction.
Pablo Picasso
Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth.
Pablo Picasso
And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ABRAHAM LINCOLN |
Mountains don't meet, but people do.
Persian proverb
It takes most people a long time to grow up young. Pablo Picasso
There are only two days a year when you can't do anything. One is yesterday, the other is tomorrow.
This means that today is the right day for loving, believing and most of all living.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our greatest fear is that of being infinitely powerful.
Our light, not our darkness, frightens us most.
We ask ourselves: who am I to be so brilliant?
But who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
It doesn't serve the world if you make yourself small.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking yourself just so others don't feel insecure around you.
We were born to manifest the glory of God within us.
It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone.
And when we let our light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same.
When we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Yesterday I was smart, I wanted to change the world
today I am wise, therefore I am changing myself.
Sri Chinmoy
When mindfulness touches something beautiful, it reveals its beauty. When she touches something painful, she transforms and heals it.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
Albert Einstein
The quieter we become, the more we can hear.
Ram Dass
We are what we think. Everything we are arises from our thoughts.
We form the world with our thoughts.
You don't have to pay attention to where things come from, but where they go.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Don't call yourself poor because
Your dreams didn't come true.
Only those who have never dreamed are really poor.
Marie von Ebner Eschenbach
There is no path to luck. Being happy is the way. BUDDHA
From Mother Theresa
1910 -1997, founder of the "Missionaries of Charity"
1999 Beatification
The fruit of silence is prayer.
The fruit of prayer is faith.
The fruit of faith is love.
The fruit of love is service.
The fruit of service is peace.
“Man is from God
never further away than a prayer.”
If you want to seek God, seek him in humility, in poverty, seek him where he is hidden: among the very needy, the sick, the prisoners.
Pope Francis
It all comes down to attitude. Because only she is permanent and not the goal, which is just a mirage of the wanderer as he progresses from ridge to ridge, as if there was meaning in the achieved goal.
(The City in the Desert)
With a candle, it is not the wax that is important, but the light.
The big picture does not reveal itself as a picture: it is. Or more precisely: you are in it.
(The City in the Desert)
For the space of the spirit, where it can open its wings, is stillness.
(A smile is essential)
If you want to increase your prosperity, you should take the bees as an example. They collect the honey without destroying the flowers. They are even useful for the flowers. Gather your wealth without destroying its sources, then it will keep increasing.
Judge your achievements by what you had to give up to achieve them.
When we realize that death can come at any time, we can enjoy every moment of life and die peacefully.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Think of a person who disagrees with you as a master teaching you patience and compassion. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the worst form of poverty. mother Teresa
As long as there is life, there is also happiness. Leo Tolstoy
Life is safe with a loyal friend.
Jesus Sirach
With patience you can even cross the sea. Romanian wisdom
Friends are never homeless, for one dwells in the other's heart.
Rabindranath Tagore
The beginning is not in the head, but in the heart. Maxim Gorky
God never appears to us as a person, but always in fact. Mahatma Gandhi
If you feel fear, jump in. Because if you want to get out, you first have to get in. Very basic! Mr Ramesh
A Japanese legend tells of a proud samurai who once asked a monk to explain heaven and hell to him. The monk addressed replied: “You are nothing but a lout. I don't waste my time with people like you.” Angered, the offended samurai drew his sword to behead the cheeky monk. "This," said the monk calmly, "is hell." Stunned by the deep realization of the anger that had just overcome him, the samurai sheathed his sword and bowed to the monk in thanks for the insight. "And that," says the monk, "is heaven."
Somewhere in space, very far from here, there once lived a leisurely star that moved leisurely through the depths of space, surrounded by a flock of leisurely planets about which there is nothing more to report. This star was very large, very hot, and its weight was enormous: and this is where the first difficulties arise for us as reporters. We wrote "very far away", "big", "hot", "enormous": Australia is very far away, an elephant is big and a house is even bigger, this morning I took a hot bath, Everest is enormous . It is obvious that there is something wrong with our vocabulary. Primo Levi
We dream of traveling through space, isn't the universe within us?
We do not know the depths of the spirit. - Go inside
the mysterious way.
In us or nowhere
is eternity with its worlds, the past and the future.
Those who do not carry heaven within themselves will seek it in vain throughout the universe. Otto Ludwig
When two elephants fight, it's the grass that suffers the most. Swahili
The separation of the head and hand also ultimately harms the head. Richard Sennet (Chicago 1943-)
Say what is.
Do what you say.
And be what you do.
Alfred Herrhausen on authenticity
If you have no idea: just shut up. Dieter Nur
We have bigger houses but smaller families;
more ease of work but less time.
We got more degrees but less brains
more knowledge but less judgement;
more professionals but more problems,
more medicines, but less health.
We've made it to the moon and back, but we're having a hard time
crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.
We're building more and more computers to hold more and more information, but we're talking less and less to each other.
While we focus on quantity, quality is becoming increasingly scarce.
We live in times of fast cooking and slow digestion,
of tall people and short characters,
of hefty profits and stunted relationships.
It's a time when there's a lot in the window - and nothing in the room.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
I dress to kill & I cook the same way
Just listen to your heart, focus your mind's eyes on it, and you will see for yourself how it is done and learn from it. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)
In the exchange of earth's bounty you will find abundance and contentment.
However, if the exchange is not in love and gracious justice,
then he will only lead some to greed and others to hunger. Khalil Gibran
All are corrupt
we are cheaper
In the community it is easy to live according to other people's ideas.
In solitude it is easy to live on your own terms.
But only he who preserves his independence in the community is remarkable. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
The whole misery of the people is that they not are able to remain quiet in their room. Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)
My life has been full of misfortunes - most of which have not come to pass. Montaigne (1533 - 1592)
I wish you to float and yet be grounded.
That your feet feel the ground and your hands touch clouds.
Stretched out between heaven and earth, free and unbound, be fully yourself, yet able to give yourself up entirely when the moment calls for it. You don't belong to you or anyone else. But the one to whom you belong, the creator, points the way to you and to others at the right moment. Ju Sobing found by the wayside
An old, wise priest once said: "My life has been a going from clarity to clarity."
Then he paused, smiled mischievously, and added, "And in between: long stretches of ambiguity."
The first hour of the morning is the rudder of the day.
Ducks lay their eggs quietly. Chickens cluck like crazy. What is the consequence? Everyone eats chicken eggs. Henry Ford
Everybody said it will not work. Then someone came along who didn't know and just did it.
I was already an adult through and through –
and now this relapse.
If I agree with you, I don't have any more.
How am I supposed to know what I mean before I hear what I say.
Falk Eichman
Education is the organized defense of adults against youth. Mark Twain
The more collected a person
lives in the core of his soul,
the stronger this charisma is,
which emanates from him and
attracts others.
But it also carries all the more
all free mental behavior
the stamp of personal uniqueness,
which is at home in the heart of the soul.
Furthermore, the body is all the stronger
shaped by it and “spiritualized” by it.
Here is the true center of the
spiritual-mental-spiritual being.
Edith Stein
I believe in the future resolution of these seemingly contradictory states of dream and reality in a kind of absolute reality, if you can say: surreality.
Andre Breton 1924
Meaning can only be found by those who seek it.
Dreams and waking flow into each other,
truth and lies. Safety is nowhere.
We know nothing of others, nothing of ourselves.
We always play, whoever knows is clever!
Arthur Schnitzler "Paracelsus" 1898
Today, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, I am not speaking for ANYONE.
Peter Altenberg
It is not what a person does that is to be considered, but the spirit and will from which he acts. Augustine (354-430)
Oh god, I could be locked in a nutshell, thinking myself a king of immeasurable territory. Shakespeare
Is art photography? man ray
Through meditation and contemplation we learn to live calmly in the moment and not be so upset by what we desire. HH 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Sutta Nigata
- What leads to sinking:
hating the right
ignoble people are dear to him, he has no love for noble ones
he is devoted to sleeping and socializing
weak-willed, sluggish, easily angered
He does not support his father and mother
He deceives ascetics and brahmans with lies
as a rich man alone eating the delicacies
Proud of possessions and heritage
libertine with women, wine and dice
not satisfied with his own wife, he rapes the wives of others
Taking a young wife as an old age
Jealousy always awake
to entrust prodigal, alcoholic man/woman to senior position
noble born, poor, aspiring to the royal crown
When I dedicated myself to photography, it was my desire to see it recognized as an art. I wouldn't give a damn for that goal today.
The task of photography is to explain people to people and to help them to recognize themselves. Edward Steinen
Ultimately, the only important thing is that we are there for others and can enjoy the happiness that comes from it. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Werner Bishop. His motto: "It is not important to turn photography into art, as in the old sense, but rather the deep social responsibility of the photographer, who uses the given elementary photographic means to do a job that could not be done with other means . This work must become the unadulterated document of temporal reality."
There is no use expecting happiness and contentment from any external things. HH 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The most important hour is always the present.
The most important person is always the one standing across from you.
The most necessary work is always love. Master Eckhart
Tears clean the heart. Dostoyevsky
"It's not about adding days to life, it's about adding life to the days."
Cicely Saunders
"Recognition means: understanding all things for our best."
Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900, philosopher
"I know well from whom to flee, but not to whom."
Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 BC, Roman orator and statesman
"Marriage is like going to a restaurant: you always think you've picked the best until you see what your neighbor is getting."
Bernd Stelter, born 1961, TV comedian
"You usually don't hear the bang that you have yourself." Doc Happinez |
"Nothing spoils us more than quietly fleeing from ourselves."
Johann Kaspar Lavater, 1741-1801, theologian & writer
We should make the earth heaven by our lives.
John Chrysostom
We can see the world as flawed or as wonderful: it's all in our thinking.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
“If you want to travel on water, a boat is suitable for it because a boat moves on water in a suitable way. But if you go ashore, you will get nowhere with it and you will only have trouble and achieve nothing but harm yourself.”
– Zhuangzi XIV
It is useless to expect lasting happiness from external things. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
We expect the greatest happiness when we give without expecting anything in return and do not ask for love or affection in return.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Having a lot does not bring peace of mind. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Suffering, too, is impermanent and transitory and does not exist of its own accord. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
When, after years of striving for perfection, the archer finally forgets all conscious effort, the perfect shot can unintentionally loosen "like snow slipping off a bamboo leaf".
Zen in the Art of Archery Eugen Herrigel
Those who go their own way grow wings.
All things arise in the mind
Are our mighty spirit's creation. speak with an unclean spirit, deal with unclean spirit, And suffering will follow you As the wheel follows the foot that pulls the chariot.
All things arise in the mind Are our mighty spirit's creation. speak with pure spirit, act with pure mind, And happiness will follow you How the shadow follows the body and does not deviate.
(Dhammapada 1) |
“What you are experiencing in terms of success right now is exactly what you have wanted to be successful in the past. Period.” Veit Lindau
Resign yourself to being meaningless.
Don't worry about loss or gain. TTC13
True love does not depend on special circumstances and does not expect anything in return.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Today, without exception, I am not speaking for anyone. Peter Altenberg
DREAM AND waking flow into each other,
The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and still hope that something will change. Albert Einstein
Zen story 7 arrows as in King Lear
| |
A father had seven sons who were often at odds. Because of the bickering and quarreling, they missed their work and some evil people wanted to use this disagreement to deprive the sons of their inheritance after the death of the father. Then the old man summoned his sons, presented them with seven sticks that were tied tightly together, and said: "I will pay a hundred large thalers to any of you who break this bundle of sticks." One after the other exerted all their strength, but each, after long and fruitless efforts, said: "It is not possible." "And yet," said the father, "nothing is easier!" He untied the bundle and broke one stick after the other with little effort. "Oh," cried the sons, "it's certainly easy like that, a little boy could do it like that!" The father replied, "As it is with these staffs, so it is with you, my sons. As long as you stick together, you will survive and no one will be able to overpower you. But if the bond of unity that is supposed to bind you is broken, you will feel like the staffs that lie broken here on the ground.” |
The feeling of happiness associated with desire is short-lived and constantly demands replenishment.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Digital is made to forget, analogue is made to remember. Roberto Polidori (found at Steidl)
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything! plato
Cheating yourself without realizing it is just as easy
how hard it is to cheat others without them realizing it.
(La Rochefoucauld)
Once you have found yourself, you have nothing in the world to lose.
Stefan Zweig
Thoughts are just thoughts
Feelings are just thoughts. Kabat-Zinn
The truth is found beyond reality. Max Ernest
From Cristián Gálvez's "Logbook for Heroes"
- 240
Eliminate the constant contact with people who regularly “drag” you and slow you down in your goal achievement: instead, make it a law of action to spend even more time with people beyond the limits of your life.
- 203
"If you live each day like it's your last, one day you'll get it right." If today is the last day of my life, would I like to do what I'm going to do today? If the answer is no for many days in a row, I need to change something.
Art does not reproduce the visible, but makes visible. Paul Klee
- 139
I myself can cause my body, my mind, my heart and my soul to carry me powerfully through an intoxicating life.
- 131
It's not the things that worry us, it's the opinion we have about things. Epictetus
You too will discover that many of the truths we cling to depend on our personal point of view. Star Wars VI
A lot of hiking makes you well versed. Otto Kimmig
Everything we do is a distraction, and what we are distracting ourselves from is our own mortality.
Duane Michels
Anyone who says my house is full, more art doesn't fit in, is not a collector. Anyone who says they don't have the money for it is not a collector.
If my wife and I really wanted a painting and couldn't pay for it, then we'd just pay it off in installments over a year.
Wilfred Wiegand
You never find a picture – they come and please you.
Elliot Erwitt
A photographer doesn't need to know much. He just has to look.
Henri Cartier Bresson
"Are you afraid of death?" the little prince asked the rose. To which she replied: "But no. I lived, I flourished and used my strength as much as I could. And love, given a thousandfold, returns to the one who gave it. So I want to wait for the new life and blossom without fear and despondency” Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Where there is fear, there is the way. pema
(The ego doesn't want...)
No dealings ever with fools, fellowship only with those who understand,
Worship of those who are worthy of worship - that, verily, is supreme salvation.
Residing in a favorable place, having done a good deed in a past life,
And even now follow high striving - that, truly, is the highest salvation!
Being rich in knowledge and skill, the morals well practiced,
Speak only well-spoken words - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
Give parents every help, care for wife and child,
Employment that is calm and orderly - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
generosity and righteous living, solicitude for relatives,
Employment of a blameless kind - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
abstaining from evil, abstaining; avoid intoxicating drink,
To be tireless in everything good - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
A heart full of reverence and full of humility, contented and grateful mind,
Listen to the teaching at the right time - that, truly, is the highest salvation!
Being approachable and patient, visits from ascetics too,
A teaching conversation at the right time - that, truly, is the highest salvation!
ascetic practice and chaste conduct, insight into the Noble Truth,
Then experiencing Nibbāna for oneself - that, verily, is supreme salvation!
A heart that does not tremble does so from worldly events [2] met,
That free from sorrow, spotless and peaceful, - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
Those who achieve this are everywhere and always undefeated;
They go everywhere for happiness - this is the highest salvation for them!
Mangala Sutta (German Ütranslation)
That's what I heard. At one time the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, In the Jeta forest, in the grove of Anathapindika. Then, as night approached, a certain deity of great beauty, who made the whole Jeta forest shine, went to where the Blessed One was staying. Having gone there, she saluted the Blessed One and stood to one side. Stepping to one side, this deity addressed the Blessed One in verse:
"Many gods and men have thought of the ways of salvation,
by striving for welfare. You name the highest salvation!"
The Buddha:
The highest happiness
Not to follow fools, but to serve wise ones,
Worshiping good people - this brings good luck.
To live in the right country, in the right place,
Merit earned by good deeds and
Right effort - this brings good luck.
Be honest and open, efficient and disciplined
And mindful of your own words - that brings luck.
Supporting the parents, being loving to the life partner,
Doing the work undisturbed - that brings luck.
Be charitable and good, kind to relatives
And give your best - that brings happiness.
avoiding unwholesome deeds,
Don't get drunk
And tirelessly fulfilling the tasks - this brings good luck.
Respect others, be humble
Satisfied, grateful and taking the time
Wise to hear: teaching - that brings luck.
be patient and gentle
seek the company of good people,
Taking time for wise conversations brings good luck.
limitation and salutary deeds,
Knowing the truth and living according to it - that brings happiness.
To have a mind that is not moved by ups and downs
The world that is carefree, free from passion
And full of peace - this brings good luck.
Whoever realizes this is invincible,
He's fine and
He achieves the greatest happiness.
Man is equally incapable of seeing nothingness,
from which he comes, like the universe that surrounds him. Blaise Pascal
What in me causes those around me to behave this way? Christian Weber
Quote from the Apocalypse “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and we will eat, I with him and he with me.” Rev 3:20
from "Hermit" by Kerstin Rubel:
Amazement and respect for the power behind everything is my religion. Albert Einstein
Peace begins with each of us taking good care of our own body and mind. Thich Nhat Hanh
It is a very beautiful idea that miracles can happen. But at some point you have to decide if miracles should happen to you too. Deepak Chopra
My mind thinks it knows everything anyway. Jon Kabat-Zinn
heart, how torn you are,
And how blessed to dig blindly
not to think, not to know
just to feel, just to feel
Hermann Hesse
Gentle rain, summer rain
Rushing from bushes, roaring from trees.
O how good and full of blessings
To have enough dreams again!
Been outside in the light for so long
This wave is unfamiliar to me:
dwell in your own soul,
Nowhere attracted to foreigners.
I desire nothing, I demand nothing,
hum soft children's sounds,
And surprised home I made it
In the dreams of warm beauty.
Heart, how sore you are
And how blessed to dig blindly
Nothing to think, nothing to know
Just breathe and feel!
I don't think there's a feeling more widespread among women than "feeling wrong." Eva Maria Zurhorst
I don't know anything that's as beautiful as you?
Xavier Naidoo
Do you really want to feel bad? Eva Maria Zurhorst
Start by becoming quiet inside. Silence the outer world so that the inner world can give you insight. Neale Donald Walsch
Nobody can eat for me. Jon Kabat-Zinn
The primary reality is on the inside, the secondary on the outside. Eckhart Tolle
Loss of now is loss of being. Eckhart Tolle
Thoughts are completely impersonal. They come to go.
I am breathed, I am thought. Byron Katie
For most of us it is still natural to use all our energy for our work, for our financial security and for our advancement. But for our relationship, for our heart, for our soul? Eva Maria and Wolfram Zurhorst
You cannot take responsibility for how well another accepts your truth, you can only ensure how well it is transmitted. And by "how good" I don't just mean the level of clarity; I mean how loving, how compassionate, how sensitive, how brave, and how complete. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness is like a loving, knowing mother who looks at her child with compassion, knowing that whatever troubles the child will pass. This mindfulness cultivates love, kindness, and compassion for ourselves and others. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Paradoxically, everything gets worse and better at the same time, only the bad is more obvious because it makes so much "noise". Eckhart Tolle
Every human thought and every human action is based on either love or fear. Neale Donald Walsch
We think if we don't do anything, we're wasting our time. That is not true. Our time is there for us to be. To be what? To be peace, to be joy, to love. And that is what the world needs most. Thich Nhat Hanh
It's never too late to have had a happy childhood. Lency Spezzano
And the spirit saw itself bestowed with understanding that did not understand, surpassing all knowledge. John of the Cross
The ego is the uncontrolled mind. Eckhart Tolle
Feelings are the language of the soul, but you need to make sure you're listening to your true feelings and not some fake model your mind has concocted.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
You realize that the worst thing that can happen to you is a thought. Byron Katie
The waves of life never stop. Let's learn to surf. Chuck Spezzano
There is nothing more attractive than a person who loves - and you can tell that he doesn't just love anything or anyone, but life. Erich Fromm
The person who loves the most is the one who is self-centered. Neale Donald Walsch
Today there are a few grown-ups in a world full of grown-ups.
Eva Maria Zurhorst
Don't give up until you encounter happier feelings. Chuck Spezzano
Your soul does not care about what you do for a living - neither now nor after you have ended your life. Your soul only cares about your being while you do whatever you do. Jon Kabat-Zinn
Take care of your life and then take care of us. Xavier Naidoo
I breathe in and my spirit comes back into my body, back home.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The only thing to learn is mindfulness. Osho
To love you must be present. Thich Nhat Hanh
i am not my thoughts Jon Kabat-Zinn
It is what it is, says love. Eric Fried
All your problems result from the feeling of isolation. Chuck Spezzano
Inside me is an island to return home to. Thich Nhat Hanh
in every human relationship, at the crucial crossroads, only one question arises: what would love do now? Neale Donald Walsch
Now please get up and look out the window. Do you see anything happening that you are not involved in? Karen
May I be free from fear and go through life with serenity. May all beings be free from fear and go through life with serenity. Champa
I'm not interested in how you earn your money. I want to know what you are longing for and whether you dare to dream of fulfilling your heart's desires. Oriah Mountain Dreamer
One can also love from across the room. Chuck Spezzano
Please don't stop dreaming of a better world. Xavier Naidoo
I can stop time Jon Kabat-Zinn
You realize that everything that really matters - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - has its source beyond the mind. Eckhart Tolle
The ego chooses another person and makes them special. In the ego state, love gets entangled in the form, in that other person. Eckhart Tolle
At any moment we can decide for ourselves where we want to sit: on a lotus flower or on glowing coals. Thich Nhat Hanh
let your face shine upon me. psalm 31
If I see an obstacle, I throw my heart over it and jump after it! Gerda Klingenfuss Entrepreneur
Seeing is feeling with the eyes. Jef Verheyen, painter
No problem can be solved by the same awarenessuhbecome
which it created.
Albert Einstein
"Whoever seeks the truth must not be alarmed when he finds it." from China |
"A photo is a secret about a secret.
The more it reveals, the less one knows." (Diane Arbus)
Our lack of insight is responsible for the fact that we always cause our own unhappiness.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
In Germany, anyone who points out the dirt is considered much more dangerous
than the one who makes the dirt.
Kurt Tucholsky
the easyetcrelevant
There's nothing to prove, and that's why he doesn't want to fool anyone.
There is nothing to look for because everything is already there.
The present is his eternity.
He neither takes himself seriously nor finds himself tragic.
“A reason for the existence (purpose) of science is the abolition of miracles: science is an ongoing discourse of explanations, and the definition of a miracle is a matter that has not yet been able to be settled. […] The less wonderful the world is, the more we wonder why it is there and even if it exists at all.”
Vilém Flusser, Wondering About Science, 1989
Humility does not consist in considering ourselves inferior, but in freeing ourselves from a sense of our own importance. This is the state of natural simplicity that is in tune with our true nature and allows us to taste the freshness of the present moment. Matthieu Ricard
Nothing is inside, nothing is outside, because what is inside is outside. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The whole misfortune of people is that they are unable to stay quietly in their room. Blaise Pascal
My life has been full of misfortunes, most of which have not come to pass. Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
In the community it is easy to live according to other people's ideas. In solitude it is easy to live on your own terms. But only he who preserves his independence in the community is remarkable. Ralph Waldo Emerson
If there is an answer to our tremendous problems,
then the, after Luhto search for songs
the beduevents of all those affecteduconsider.
This is not utopian idealism.
I have seen such Luhsung muhare equal
- again and again, all over the world.
Marshall Rosenberg NVC Nonviolent Communication
Face the sun and the shadows will stay behind you.
"If what you want to say isn't nicer than silence, then be silent." (from China) |
poems by
Hermann Hesse
From the years 1911 to 1918
I love the dark night
I love the dark night; Often though, when they are so pale And laughs somberly as if from pain, I dread their evil empire And I long to see the sun And light-filled clouds in the blue, To warm in gleaming day rooms To dream of the night
summer night
O dark glowing summer night! Violins lure in the warm garden, Flares bloom in soft, delicate arch up. My dancer laughs.
I sneak away secretly. The branches Blossoming trees dawn pale. Ah, all lust will soon run out, Only desire burns without ceasing.
Wonderful summer night festivals My youth, where have you gone? All dances, whether I'm happy too, Glide so cool, missing the best.
O dark glowing summer night, Let me have the heavy dreaming for once empty the cup of lust to the bottom, Who fills me up and finally makes me quiet!
Again my happy mouth wants to meet Your lips that kiss me blessing I want to hold your dear fingers And fold in my fingers playfully, fill my eyes thirsting on yours, wrap my skin deep in your hair, Will with ever-waking young limbs Respond faithfully to your limbs And from ever new fires of love renew your beauty a thousand times, Until we are both completely satisfied and grateful dwell happily above all suffering, Until we day and night and today and yesterday Wishless greetings as beloved sisters, Until we are above all doing and acting Walk in peace as transfigured ones.
Night. Darkness. In tired hands I let go of the loud action of the day Facing down towards eternal night The forehead rests. How quiet! How without a sound the vastness! Hardly a withered leaf rustles in the path, The clouds have dark journey Not moon, not stars to escort. Slowly slipping from my chest The bad sting, unconsciously Sheds away everything that surrounded her during the day, The soul off. What comfort and love she knows, Step out of the dream's wondrous homeland Familiar forth and bends over them. O soul comforter, be welcome to me, You foreboding, whose melody So often taken the Alp from my breast! on your voice let me again, Dream-deep fountain of adorned songs, Noise on your silver strings Listen enraptured and lost in dreams!
Lying in the grass
Is that all, flower trickery And fluff of color in the light summer meadow, Delicate blue tense sky, beesong, Is this all of a god? groaning dream, Cry of unconscious forces for salvation? The distant line of the mountain that rests beautiful and bold in the blue, Is it just a spasm? Only wild tension of seething nature, Only pain, only torment, only senseless groping, Never resting, never blissful movement? Oh no! Leave me you, unholder dream From the suffering of the world! A mosquito dance rocks you in the evening glass, a bird call rocks you, A gust of wind on my forehead With flattery cools. Leave me, primeval human woe! likes everything torment May all be sorrow and shadow - But not this one sweet summer hour, And not the scent of red clover, And not the deep, delicate sense of well-being in my soul
The Kuartist
What I created in hot years, Is flaunted at the noisy market. The happy world passes easily, Laughs and praises and finds everything good.
Nobody knows that this happy wreath whom the world laughingly presses into my hair, My life's strength and splendor devoured Oh, and that sacrifice was useless.
To the melancholy
I fled from you to wine, to friends, Since I dreaded your dark eyes In the arms of love and at the sound of the lute I forgot you, your unfaithful son.
But you followed me in secret And you were in the wine that I drink desperately Were in the sultriness of my love nights And you were in the mockery that I spoke to you.
Now you cool my exhausted limbs and took my head in your lap When I got home from my trips: Because all my wanderings were a way to you.
Without you
My pillow looks at me at night Empty as a dead stone; I never thought it would be so bitter To be alone And don't be bedded in your hair!
I lie alone in the quiet house the traffic light turned off And gently stretch out your hands to circumnavigate yours And quietly press the hot mouth After you and kiss me weak and sore - And suddenly I woke up And all around the cold night is silent, The star in the window shines clear - O you, where is your blond hair, where's your sweet mouth
Now I drink pain in every pleasure And poison in every wine; I never knew it was so bitter To be alone, To be alone and without you!
the schuhno
Like a child given a toy The thing looks at and hugs and then breaks, And tomorrow the giver never thinks So you can easily hold it in your little hand My heart that I gave you as a pretty bauble And you don't see how it twitches and suffers.
Since I was a young man Since my first shy courses In the longed-for land of love All brought me back desolate and miserable In the misunderstood glaring day It was my only consolation to dig deep in sorrow with full hands, Self-destructive with lustful bitterness to turn every fair color into black, Wild on breaking strings rushing towards my torment of deprivation. And in the evening I fled the light, Fled the sociable gardens to lonely Down deep in the shade of the beeches To sneak on the rough shore after dark drifting waves, Longing for death in the glowing heart. But today, because I have a poor day Dissolves unfelt into idle hours, Since my buried soul Hasty built high up from the rubble life locks lost the way to hope, Since my youth was the saddest, most unfortunate hour Nor does a treasure of gold laugh from far away, Today I have the dark ways voluptuously poured out melancholy, Leave sweet lament. In the evening, when the quiet hour comes to me, I brightly light my traffic light That the hostile night should sink outside the window. Tenderly I stretch the goldenest strings, The ones left to me, and go In the slow play of every lovely form, After every cheerful comforting beauty. Far away is death and far away suffering in my dreams, I guide her carefully, that her confused drink Show nothing but light and consolation and happy pictures: Blessed gardens, people full of childish lust, Intimate enjoyment of love and feasts adorned with flowers, Pure sublime women, men full of kind ardor, I create this dreaming and seek, What remains of shattered treasures To collect new in euphony into beautiful creations.
Lonely so plays in peaceful hours my longing her game, See, and often I am able to laugh without desire, Outwitting life's senseless cruelty Through my meaningful dreaming game. And the most beautiful picture of a girl whom I once ardently desired, Sacrificed the splendor of my youth to dull renunciation, Changes (she, who has long since Far lost in the gray of everyday life) Luminous, more beautiful than before, Spotless, like a blossom of spring, Over the lovingly laid out carpet of my sweet dreams. As she strides and becomes a goddess, Sinks my life's misery far away And it will be my days Secret sense, the beloved To be an echo and an ennobling mirror. So from an early age I build when my hour comes All my years memory to the temple A love that no longer desires Knows no disappointment.
At bedtime
Well the day made me tired Should my longing desire Friendly the starry night Received like a tired child.
keep your hands off everything forehead you forget all thinking, All my senses now Want to sink into slumber.
And the soul unguarded Wanna soar in free flights Around in the magic circle of the night To live deeply and a thousandfold.
The flame
Whether you go dancing in baubles and junk, If your heart is sore in sorrow, Every day you experience the miracle That the flame of life glows in you.
Some let them blaze and squander drunk in the ecstatic moment, Others give carefully and calmly Child and grandchildren continue their skills.
But only those days are lost whose path leads through dull twilight, who is satisfied with the plague of the day And never feels the flame of life.
tough people
How is your gaze so hard want to petrify everything Ain't the smallest dream in it Is all cold present. In your sense No sun shining at all? And don't you have to cry That you were never children?
To friends in difficult times
Even in these dark hours Dear friends, let me count; whether I found it bright or dull, I never want to scold life.
sunshine and thunderstorms Are mines of the same heaven; Destiny shall, whether sweet or bitter, Serve me as dear food.
soul walks winding paths, Learn to read their language! Tomorrow she already praises as mercy, What agony you have been today.
Only the rude can die Others want to teach the divinity From the low, from the high to nurture spiritual meaning.
Only on those last steps May we rest where we, fatherly called, Already able to see the sky.
mild rain, summer rain rustling from bushes, rustling from trees, Oh how good and full of blessings To have enough dreams again!
been out in the light for so long This wave is unfamiliar to me: dwell in your own soul, Nowhere attracted to foreigners.
I desire nothing, I demand nothing, hum soft children's sounds, And surprised home I made it In the dreams of warm beauty.
heart, how torn you are, And how blessed to dig blindly not to think, not to know Just to feel, just to feel
Lost Sound Once in childhood I walked along the meadow Came still carried a song in the morning wind, A sound in the blue air Or a scent, a floral scent, It smelled sweet. the sound for an eternity All my childhood. I was no longer aware - Only now these days I hear inside my chest hit him again. And now I don't care about the whole world Don't wanna trade with the lucky ones just wanna listen listen and stand still, How the fragrant tones go And whether it still sounds like it did back then.
lonely evening
In the empty bottle and in the glass the candle's gleam falters; It's cold in the room. Outside, the rain falls softly on the grass. Again you lay now to short rest Freeze you and sad down. morning comes and evening again, keep coming back But never you
Nightwalker, I feel my way through forest and gorge, A magic circle glows fantastically around me, Not caring if courted, if cursed, I follow the inner command faithfully.
How many times has reality woken me In which you live, and commanded me to you! I stood in her sobered and terrified And I soon stole away again.
O warm home, from which you withdraw me, O dream of love, from which you disturb me, To you back on a thousand tricks flees My essence, as the water returns to the sea.
Secret springs guide me with singing, dream-birds stir gleaming feathers; The sound of my childhood rings out again, In the gold braid, in the sweet song of the bees I finally find myself with my mother again.
path to solitude
the world falls away from you all joys fade away who you once loved; Darkness threatens from their ashes.
into you Are you sinking unwillingly Pushed by a stronger hand You stand freezing in a dead world. Behind you blows crying echo of lost homeland, Children's voices and tender love tone.
Difficult is the way to loneliness harder than you knew The fountain of dreams has also dried up. But trust, in the end Your way will be home death and rebirth, grave and eternal mother.
The violins buzz high and soft, The horn wails from the depths, The ladies glitter colorful and rich And sparkles of light over it.
I close my eyes silently: I see a tree in the snow He stands alone, has what he wants His own happiness, his own pain.
I leave the room with trepidation And behind me the noise dies away From half pleasure, from half torment - He remained unexcited to me.
I look for my tree in the snow I want what he has My own happiness, my own pain That fills the soul.
All books in the world bring you no luck But they teach you secret back into yourself
There's everything you need sun, star and moon, 'Cause the light you asked for resides in yourself.
wisdom you have long sought in the libraries, Now shines from every leaf - Because now she is yours.
awakening in the night
moon from the window woke me up sleepy eyes wring, Solemn in the pallor Ahh I swing new dreams.
Here and there a light and white, behind all blue blackness, glassy reflecting leg, Devil's tail and pious candles.
From the light and dark builds dream ghost silent palaces, Block and hatchet, crowned bride, Dancers, intoxications, festivals.
And the soul tears with delight at the rotten realities, To get over newly elated To slide into their own kingdom. |
“When you see a worthy one, strive to emulate him. When you see someone unworthy, examine yourself."
Be yourself the change you wish for in this world.
Mahatma Gandhi
The most important prerequisite for happiness is the willingness to be happy. Bernhard Moestl
"Beautiful things do not ask for attention."
Photographer Sean O'Connell in
"The Amazing Life of Walter Mitty"
The true nature of existence is free from suffering, but until we realize this, suffering experiences are part of our existence. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
"The wise man seeks what is within himself,
the gate, what's outside."
from China
An atheist professor of philosophy was teaching his class about the problem that science has with Almighty God. He asked one of his new Christian students to stand up and...
Professor: You're a Christian, aren't you?
Student: Yes.
Professor: So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely.
Professor: Is God good?
Student: Sure.
Professor: Is God omnipotent?
Student: Yes.
Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would at least try to help others who are ill. But not God. How can this god be good then, hmm?
(The student was silent…)
Professor: You can't answer that question, can you? Let's start again young man: Is God good?
Student: Yes.
Professor: Is the devil good?
Student: No.
Professor: Where did the devil come from?
Student: From God.
Professor: That's true. Tell me, is there evil in this world?
Student: Yes.
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God created everything, correct?
Student: Yes.
Professor: So who created evil?
(The student did not answer…)
Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hate? Ugliness? All these things exist in this world, don't they?
Student: Yes sir.
Professor: So who created these things then?
(The student had no answer)
Professor: Science shows that you have 5 senses to identify and observe the world around you. tell me have you ever seen god
Student: No.
Professor: Tell me, have you ever heard God?
Student: No.
Professor: Have you ever felt, tasted, smelled your God? Have you ever had a sensory perception of God?
Student: No sir, I didn't.
Professor: And yet you believe in God?
Student: Yes.
Professor: By empirical, testable, and demonstrative protocol, science says YOUR God does not exist. What do you say?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
Professor: Yes... believe. This is precisely the problem that science has...
Student: Professor, isn't there such a thing as heat?
Professor: Yes.
Student: And is that something like cold?
Professor: Yes.
Student: No sir, there isn't.
(The lecture hall became very quiet with the turning conversation)
Student: Sir, you can have a lot of heat, more heat, even super heat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat, or no heat at all. But there is no such thing as cold. We can reach -458 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not heat, but we cannot exceed that limit. There is no such thing as the cold. Cold is a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We can't measure the cold. Heat is energy. The cold isn't the opposite of the heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(The classroom was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop)
Student: How about the dark, sir? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Professor: Yes. What is the night if there is no darkness?
Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have a little light, normal light, bright light or even bright light. But when you're constantly without light, you have nothing, and that's called darkness, right? So in reality there is no darkness. If it did, couldn't you make the darkness even darker?
Professor: So what do you mean by that, young man?
Student: Sir, what I'm saying is that your philosophical premise is flawed.
Professor: Incomplete? can you explain me why
Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. They claim that there is life and death, a good god and a bad god. They think of God as finite, something we can measure.
Sir, science cannot even explain a thought. She uses electricity, and magnetism, but has neither seen nor fully understood any of them.
Those who see death as the opposite of life ignore the fact that death is not a substance. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it. Now tell me sir, do you teach your students that they descended from apes?
Professor: If you want to get down to the theory of evolution: Yes, of course I teach it.
Student: Have you seen evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where this discussion was going)
Student: If no one has seen evolution in the process and cannot prove that this process is a progressive endeavor, then don't you teach your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class went wild)
Student: Is there anyone in this room who has seen the professor's brain?
(the class laughed)
Student: Is there anyone here who felt, heard, touched, or smelled the professor's brain?
Nobody seems to have done it. So, by the established rules of empirical, stable, and demonstrative protocol, science says you don't have a brain, sir.
With all due respect sir, how can we trust your teaching, sir?
(The classroom was silent. The professor stared at the student, his face – inscrutable.)
Professor: I guess you have to take it by faith, boy.
Student: That's it, sir! Exactly! The connection between man and God is FAITH. That's the only thing that keeps things alive and driving.
If you don't love yourself the right way, you can't love others either. Because the right love for oneself is also the natural goodness towards others. So self-love is not egoism, but goodness. Robert Musil
In a way, sometimes forgiveness simply means that we decide no longer to carry the hate inside us because we have realized that it poisons us. Jack Kerouac
Inner strength starts with your own thinking. Bernhard Moestl
Free yourself from your own power. Wing Tsun
Everything is within ourselves when we go within and are truthful. mengzi
"Master, if I have nothing in my mind, then what shall I do?" Joshu replied: "Then throw it out." - "But if I have nothing at all, how can I throw it out?" - "Well, then carry it out."
Learn that you are anew in every moment
can start. Bernhard Moestl
Experience is like a lantern in the back, it only illuminates the part of the way that we have already walked. Chinese
People only see
what they expect to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greatest and best thing you can do for someone is not to share your wealth with them, but rather to reveal to them the wealth that is already within them. Benjamin Disraeli
Once you've found yourself, you can't lose anything in this world. Stefan Zweig
He who rides a tiger cannot dismount. Chinese
Art is magic freed from the lie to be truth. Theodor W. Adorno
Before you act, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Ernesto Hemingway
The best way to resolve conflicts is to show understanding and respect to the other.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Silence in itself is divine; it contains and mediates the power of God's nature. Often stillness is equated with 'space' so that it appears as nothing, but in reality it is a divine 'something', the divine field in which each 'thing' appears. Mother does not give speeches and rarely answers questions in public. Here, too, she remains true to her principle of only giving what is essential, the divine. She leads us to stillness – the essential nondual field in which everything appears – and thereby gives us more than would be possible through endless explanations. In a world where we are surrounded by information sources and noise everywhere in private and public spheres, gives us mother her silence, the ultimate Ütransmission medium fur teachings and transformation.
God is silent. Everything comes from silence. More work can be done in silence. The true experience of bliss knows no words. - Mother Meera
Fulfill your work and duties wholeheartedly and with joy, bring peace and happiness to your family and surroundings, make yours japa (the repeating of the divine name) and then ask for what you desire. – mother meera
A person's character as an expression of their individual personality determines their destiny.
If you change your personality, your destiny will change as well. This wisdom is ancient and at the same time highly topical for today's world, which is characterized by drama and strokes of fate of all kinds.
What actually defines a person's personality in general? That he is different from all other people, at least in one tiny detail! What makes you special with your individual personality? Maybe just the desire to be something very special or to create something unique?! Yes, definitely, because otherwise you would not have been born into this time with these small and large dramas, into this world full of bad news, disaster reports and conspiracy theories.
It was your free choice to experience this world in this way because you were curious about the duality.
You can never lose this free decision, no matter in which circumstances you are currently trapped. You can make a new decision at any moment, even if you have forgotten it. So you have the freedom to recreate your destiny today, because you are tired of the struggles of life and basically you already know that you have already experienced all the dramas and successes, all the ups and downs of life. Your curiosity about duality was satisfied, but you missed the exit from the dramas. The way to the exit seems blocked or the door locked. Start changing your destiny right now and open yourself to the realization of yourself. Without self-knowledge there is no sense of change, because knowledge is the first step towards improvement.
treatment by love
An infinite source of love bubbles up deep in the center of my being. I now allow this love to well up to the surface. It fills my heart, my body and my mind, my consciousness and my innermost being, and radiates from me in all directions to return with increased strength. The more love I practice and give, the more I have to give; the supply is limitless. When I practice love, I feel good; this is the expression of my inner joy. I love myself, and therefore I take loving care of my body. I lovingly feed him good food and drink, care for him and dress him lovingly. My body thanks me with love, radiant health, vitality and energy. I love myself, so I prepare myself a comfortable home that meets all my needs and where I enjoy staying. I infuse all rooms with vibrations of love so that everyone who enters them - including myself - will feel this love and feel empowered by it.
I love myself, so I work in a place where I really enjoy the work, where my creative talents and skills are used. I work with and for people I love and who love me and I earn a good income from it. i love myself; therefore I act lovingly towards all people and think of them lovingly, because I know that whatever I give will come back to me multiplied. I only attract loving people into my world because they are a mirror of who I am. i love myself; therefore I forgive and completely detach myself from the past and all past experiences and I am free. I love myself, so I live in the now every day and experience every moment as good. I know my future is bright, joyful, and secure, for I am a beloved child of the Universe, and the Universe lovingly cares for me now and forever. That's the way it is. I love you. Louise L Hay
If I could put it into words, I wouldn't need to paint it. My pictures speak. I couldn't explain them either.
Gotthard Graubner
The space between the words is more important than the words.
The more space between the words, the better.
But this only works if you are aware of this space. Because otherwise it's just an unwelcome interruption and you wait impatiently for the next word or sentence. Eckhart Tolle
Nature is enough for itself and should also be enough for man. What we can still find around us from nature (I deliberately do not say 'have') does not need any human additions. She is herself - and for us a revelation... Herman de Fries
I've never seen a fanatic with a sense of humor in my life. Amos Oz
Be patient if your conversation partner doesn't seem to be listening. Maybe he just has some fur in his ear. pooh bear
Life doesn't have to be easy if only it's rich in content.
Read Meitner
The more I see of people, the more I appreciate dogs.
Frederick the Great
Present: that part of eternity that separates the domain of disappointment from the realm of hope. Ambrose Bierce
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. unknown thinker
The space between the words is more important
than the words themselves.
Eckhart Tolle
The difference between what is and what we perceive is the source of all suffering. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Because all pornography is an image that points beyond itself, it is therefore dissatisfied, it always wants more, wants to be more direct, step out of the image, get under the reader's skin as if it were a part of himself. And because the more you stare at the pornographic images, the more intangible they become, they become more colourful, wilder and coarser. Thomas Steinfeld about Jonathan Littel “The well-meaning ones” in the Süddeutsche 05/17/2013
If the man does not admit his feminine traits, i.e. his feelings, the creative and soft in himself, he projects it onto women, who then fascinate him. Projection always causes fascination.
The man should admit and affirm that he carries within himself everything that attracts him so much about the woman. Anselm Green
All his life trying desperately to open the door, sinking down exhausted and realizing that the door opens inwards.
God empties us through disappointments, reveals our hollowness through our failures, works on us through the sufferings he imposes on us. Anselm Green
"Easy is right.
Start right and it's easy.
Proceed lightly and it is right.
The right way to find the easy is,
forgetting the right way and forgetting,
that he is light."
-Dschuang Tsu- (also: Yang Dschu)
A life without morals reduces man to the level of animals. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
"Health is less a condition than an attitude, and it thrives on enjoying life.” Thomas Aquinas (1224 - 1274)
Therefore the true artist despises nothing, he is obliged to understand instead of to judge. Albert Camus Nobel Prize Speech
C'est pourquoi les vrais artistes ne méprisent rien ; ils s'obligent à comprendre au lieu de juger.
That is why true artists scorn nothing: they are obliged to understand rather than to judge.
That which is so composed of components that it forms a unified whole, not in the manner of a heap, but like a syllable this is obviously more than just the sum of its parts. |
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) |
If we try hard over a long period of time,
success is ultimately inevitable.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
One should not want to foresee the future, but muhmake equal. Antoine de Saint Exupery
If life doesn't have a vision to strive for, long for, realize muhecht, then there is also no motive to make an effort. Erich Fromm
The world owes none of us a living, but we all owe each other a living. Henry Ford
Inner gratification does not depend on material or sensual gratification.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The open-minded finds a solution for every problem,
the closed one for every solution a problem.
Albert Einstein
Every change starts within us. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Belief in life after death helps us
to accept things as they are.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
It is better not to insist on your personal views, but to enter into a dialogue with the other person. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and to trust the magic of the beginning. Master Eckhardt
In the end the question arises, what have you done with your life? Then what you wish you had done, do now. Erasmus of Rotterdam
Don't let anyone pressure you into a decision you may later regret. Bernhard Moestl
Life is the sum of your decisions. Albert Camus
Every person pursues a dream in their life. Either someone else's or his own. Make sure you are chasing your own dream. Christopher La Brec
We cannot calculate in advance what is important. The greatest joy is always found where you least expect it. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
One must not consider oneself so divine that one cannot occasionally improve one's own works.
Ludwig van Beethoven
"Magnificent!" exclaimed the Emperor. “This is the most beautiful garden in all of Japan. And that one over there is the most beautiful stone in the whole garden.” The gardener immediately removed the stone that the emperor had liked so much. "Only now is the garden complete," he said. "Only now, when nothing stands out anymore, does its sight convey true harmony. A garden is like life. It has to be seen in its entirety. If we get caught up in the beauty of one detail, the rest will seem ugly to us.”
We are asked to gain a value-free awareness of our own self. Bernhard Moestl
Humility means accepting what doesn't suit us if we can't change it. Bernhard Moestl
Humility means not comparing yourself. Dag Hammerskjold
When it becomes apparent that there is no prospect of success, running away in good time is the best method. from China
Anyone who finds that you shy away from confrontation will look for it. Bernhard Moestl
The decision to consciously accept something deficient in order to avoid a confrontation is ultimately made by you alone. Bernhard Moestl
Confrontation means steadfastness, not argument. Bernhard Moestl
Learn that fear of confrontation weakens you and makes your opponent strong. Bernhard Moestl
Imagine it's war and no one goes - then the war will come to you. Bertolt Brecht
The big ones stop ruling when the little ones stop crawling. Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Surround yourself with only the best employees you can get. That's the only way you'll stay king in the long run. Bernhard Moestl
Meeting at eye level does not just mean not looking up to anyone. Rather, it also means the opposite: not to look down on anyone. Bernhard Moestl
Being equal means understanding that you are just as valuable as everyone else.
Bernhard Moestl
A sage scattered seeds around his house every evening. One day one of his disciples, watching him, asked: "Master, why are you spreading seeds around the house?" "To keep the tigers away," answered the sage. "But master," replied the disciple, "there are no tigers around!" "Then," said the sage, "so my method is effective." China
Comparing yourself to others only costs energy and makes you weak. Bernhard Moestl
Wherever you go, be your own master, and where you stand, stand tall. Linji
One should not seek peace outside, only within oneself. Those who have found inner stillness do not grasp at anything, nor do they reject anything. Buddha
In the end, good concepts are only discarded because someone else didn't react enthusiastically enough. Bernhard Moestl
In my opinion, it is not those who automatically think of themselves as the best who make it to the top, but those who have learned to deal with their doubts and fears. Bernhard Moestl
Value good company. Even if you are alone. Asia
It is impossible to please everyone. from Germany
Like true power, true wealth comes only from within. What counts in the end is not what we have, but what we are. Bernhard Moestl
Wanting something but not being able to have it makes us suffer. Bernhard Moestl
Let go, what you love. If it comes back, it's yours forever. Confucius
Everything that is, no matter how great and good, has its time, serves its purpose, and passes. Francis of Assisi
Attachment to the object always brings about the demise of the owner. Marcel Proust
If you don't love yourself the right way, you can't love others either. Because the right love for oneself is also the natural goodness towards others. So self-love is not egoism, but goodness.
Robert Musil
Free yourself from your own power. Wing Tsun
Everything is within ourselves when we go within and are truthful. mengzi
The path that we have always walked is the easiest for us. Bernhard Moestl
Experience is like a lantern in the back. It always only illuminates the part of the way that we have already walked. China
People only see what they expect to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Once you've found yourself, you can't lose anything in this world. Stefan Zweig
He who rides a tiger cannot dismount. China
One can probably say quite generally that in in the history of human thought the most fruitful developments often result there
have where two different ways of thinking have met. These
different ways of thinking may have their roots in
have different areas of human culture or in different times, in different cultural environments or different religious ones
traditions. When they only really meet, that is, if they relate to each other at least to the extent that there is real interaction
takes place, then one can hope that new and interesting ones
developments follow. Werner Heisenberg
If I could put it into words, I wouldn't need to paint it. My pictures speak. I couldn't explain them either.
Gotthard Graubner
The space between the words is more important than the words.
The more space between the words, the better.
But this only works if you are aware of this space. Because otherwise it's just an unwelcome interruption and you wait impatiently for the next word or sentence. Eckhart Tolle
Nature is enough for itself and should also be enough for man. What we can still find around us from nature (I deliberately do not say 'have') does not need any human additions. She is herself - and for us a revelation... Herman de Fries
Life doesn't have to be easy if only it's rich in content.
Read Meitner
The more I see of people, the more I appreciate dogs. Frederick the Great
Present: that part of eternity that separates the domain of disappointment from the realm of hope. Ambrose Bierce
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits. unknown thinker
The space between the words is more important
than the words themselves.
Eckhart Tolle
All his life trying to get the Tur to pushucken, sink down exhausted and realize that the Ture opens inwards.
"Easy is right.
Start right and it's easy.
Proceed lightly and it is right.
The right way to find the easy is,
forgetting the right way and forgetting,
that he is light."
-Dschuang Tsu- (also: Yang Dschu)
A life without morals reduces man to the level of animals. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
"Health is less a condition than an attitude, and it thrives on enjoying life.” Thomas Aquinas (1224 - 1274)
Therefore the true artist despises nothing, he is obliged to understand instead of to judge. Albert Camus Nobel Prize Speech
Ultimately, if we make consistent effort over a long period of time, success is inevitable. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
10/13/2013 – 2/23/2014
What is the high glory / and youth / honor and art?
When this hour ends: everything will be smoke and haze.
Andreas Gryphius, To himself
You see / wherever you look only vanity on earth.
What this one builds today / that one brings in tomorrow:
Where there are towns and cities / there will be a wisdom /
A shepherd's child will play with the herds.
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
What is blooming now and magnificently / will soon be closed
What now throbs and defies tomorrow is ashes and legs /
Nothing is / that is eternal / not ore / not marble stone.
Luck smiles at us now / soon complaints will thunder.
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
The glory of great deeds must pass away like a dream.
Should the game of time / the easy man endure?
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
Oh! what is all this / what we consider delicious
As bad vanity / as shadows / dust and wind;
As a Wisen-Blum / which one cannot find again.
Nor does a single person want to look at what is eternal!
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
Man plays the game of time / plays because he lives everywhere.
In the scene of this world; he sits / and yet not firmly.
He rises and that falls / he sought the palaces /
And he who has a bad roof / who reigns and he weaves.
What was yesterday is gone / what happiness now raises;
Will go down tomorrow / the previously green branches
Are now dry and dead / we poor are only guests
Whether a sharp sword floats on delicate silk.
And learns that when one departs from the pancket of life:
Crown / wisdom / strength and good / remain a borrowed splendor.
Andreas Gryphius, image of our life
the years are not mine
who took my time;
the years are not mine
Some would like to come;
the moment is mine
And I'll take care of him
That's mine
Made of year and eternity.
Andreas Gryphius, Consideration of Time
Up friends! let's go to the table/
In which the sun holds in the midst of heaven
And the world weary with heat and work
Seeks her way / and to share our day.
The zircon of flowers is blown by the flaming arrows
Hurt too hard / the parched field
Desires for the rope/ the reaper for the tent;
No bird laments from its libes ropes.
Now the light reigns. The black shadow flees
Into a cave / into which one hides /
Forces shame and fear to hide.
One can escape the glamor of the day!
But not the light / that / where we always stand
Vhn sees and judges / and penetrates Hell and Grufft.
Andreas Gryphius, noon
You live in time / and yet know no time /
So you humans do not know of / and in what you are.
You know this / that you were born in one time.
And that you too will be lost in time.
But what was the time / that brought you into itself?
And what will this be / that will make you nothing more?
Paul Fleming, Thoughts / About Time
Man is in time; she is in him at once.
But the human being / if it still stays / has to give way.
Time is / what you are / and you are / what time /
Except that you are still less / than what the time is / are.
Paul Fleming, Thoughts / About Time
That what you call beauty / Are things like flowers / That are unstable / And
flee like the wind.
It will be on your cheeks / Not constant spring. / The starlight gives way /
As how the flowers are resplendent.
No river rushes away so soon / Than beauty and form.
Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau
my whole life
At any time /
Remain firm /
in joy and sorrow /
of eternity.
Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, Transience
"What it is and blooms magnificently /
should be kicked in soon
What now so throbs and defies
is tomorrow ashes and bones /
Nothing is / that is eternal /
no ore / no marble stone.”
Andreas Gryphius: It's all vain
You shouldn't want to foresee the future, you should make it possible. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
If life has no vision to strive for, long for, want to achieve, then there is no motive to strive. Erich Fromm
The world owes none of us a living, but we all owe each other a living. Henry Ford
Inner gratification does not depend on material or sensual gratification.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The open finds a solution for every problem, the closed finds a problem for every solution. Albert Einstein
Every change starts within us. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Belief in life after death helps us
to accept things as they are. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The Chinese Peasant, His Son and His Horse.
In a village in China, not very small but not big either, lived a farmer - not poor but not rich either, not very old but not young any more, he had a horse. And because he was the only farmer in the village who had a horse, the people in the village said: "Oh, such a beautiful horse, he's lucky!"
And the farmer replied, "Who knows? I don't know if it's good or bad. You'd better go home, everyone."
One day, a normal day, no one knows why, the farmer's horse broke out of its paddock and ran away. The farmer saw it galloping away, but couldn't catch it. In the evening the people of the village stood by the fence of the empty paddock, some grinning a little maliciously, and said: "Oh the poor farmer, now his only horse has run away. Now he has no horse anymore, poor thing!"
The farmer heard that and just murmured: "Who knows? Everyone go home again.
I don't know if it's good or bad."
A few days later, in the morning in the farmer's paddock, the beautiful horse could be seen chasing back and forth in play with a wild mare: she had followed him from the mountains. The neighbors were very jealous and said: "Oh, how lucky he is, the farmer!" But the farmer just said: "Who knows? Everyone go home.
I don't know if it's good or bad."
Then, one fine summer day, the farmer's only son got on the horse to ride it. Soon he was no longer alone, half the village watched as he proudly rode the beautiful horse. "Aah, how good he is!" But suddenly the horse was startled, reared up and the son, the farmer's only son, fell off and broke his leg. And the neighbors cried out and said: "Oh, the poor farmer: his only son! Will he ever be able to walk properly again? Such bad luck!" But the farmer just said, "Who knows? Everyone go home. I don't know if it's good or bad."
Some time later the whole village was startled awake when, towards morning, a wild clatter ran through the streets. The ruler's soldiers rode into the village and roused all the boys and men from their beds to take them to war. The farmer's son couldn't go. And many sat at home and said: "How lucky he is!"
But the farmer just mumbled, "Who knows?!"
It is better not to insist on your personal views, but to enter into a dialogue with the other person. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
To whom time is like eternity,
And eternity like time;
He's free
From all strife.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Darkness is the greatest enmity of light and yet it is the cause for light to be revealed.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
God gave me knowledge. Not I, who am the "I", know it, but God knows it in me.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
But the saint has his church with him and in himself everywhere.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
The right heaven is everywhere also in the place
where you stand and go
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Just open your eyes and you will see:
The world is filled with God.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
There is no more beautiful music, because that's how people feel together from the inside.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
No work pleases God except by faith in God.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Where the way is hardest, go there
and what the world throws away, accept it!
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Why do you speak of God more than you know or is revealed to you?
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
mae west
What do we mean by liberation?
Victory over our emotions.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
In ancient times, True People breathed yin and yang. All beings looked up to their virtue and thus found themselves in peaceful harmony. In these times the leaders worked in secret and spontaneously created pure simplicity. Pure simplicity had not yet been lost, and so the ten thousand beings were free and at ease. wen-tzu
Gradually the society declined. At the time of Fu Xi, conscious effort awoke: people slowly lost their innocence and began to grasp the universe through conscious understanding. Human virtues were complex and no longer formed a unity. wen-tzu
In the days when Shen Nong and Huang Di ruled the land and created the calendar to attain alignment with yin and yang, people stood up and thoughtfully bore the burden of seeing and hearing. Thus order prevailed, but harmony had been lost. wen-tzu
The way of evolved people is to nurture the body through rest and nourish life through frugality... If you want to direct the body and nourish the true nature, sleep and rest in moderation, eat and drink in moderation, bring Harmony in your feelings and simplify your actions. If you are mindful of yourself inside, you will realize this and be impervious to corrupt energies. wen-tzu
He who adorns his outside harms his inside.
If you give your feelings space, you damage your spirit.
He who flaunts his adornments hides his reality.
Those who cannot leave their intellect aside even for a moment inevitably burden their innermost nature.
If you don't forget to keep up appearances even if you walk 100 paces, you will inevitably strain your physical body.
Therefore, the beauty of the feathers harms the bones, dense foliage on the branches injures the roots. No one can excel at both. wen-tzu
What applies to the lower levels of society must not be disregarded at the higher levels: what is forbidden to the people must not be allowed to privileged people. So when people who lead others make laws, they should first apply them to themselves to test them. Only when a provision is suitable for the rulers can it be imposed on the people. wen-tzu
If there is more than enough, the people yield; if there is less than enough, then there is competition. When people yield, courtesy and justice develop; when there is competition, violence and confusion ensue. If the wishes are numerous, the worries do not become less. For those seeking enrichment, competition never ends. Thus, when a society is orderly, the people maintain their sincerity and are not seduced by gain or advantage. When society is disordered, the ruling class acts criminally, and the laws cannot stop it. wen-tzu
Explore your destiny, control your thinking, organize your preferences and live in harmony with your true nature; then you have grasped the path of leadership. Find out your destiny and neither luck nor misfortune can throw you into confusion. Control your thinking and you will not be at the mercy of feelings of joy or anger. Order your likes and you will not crave what is useless. Live in harmony with true nature and your desires will not be excessive.
When neither fortune nor misfortune can confuse you, then whether you act or rest, you follow reason. If you don't leave it to chance whether you feel joy or anger, then you don't flatter people in hope of reward or fear of punishment. If you do not desire what is useless, then do not hurt your nature with greed. If your desires are not excessive, then you nourish life and experience contentment. You cannot find these four things on the outside, they do not depend on other people. You can reach them by returning to yourself. wen-tzu
Great people are peaceful and free from longing. You are calm and free from worries. They make the sky their canopy and the earth their vehicle. They make the four seasons their horses and the dark and the light their drivers. They travel into the pathless, roam the inexhaustible, set out through the gateless. wen-tzu
Hence the affairs of the world cannot be forced, but only promoted in accordance with their own nature. Nothing can sustain the ten thousand things in their transformation unless one grasps the essence and returns to it. Therefore, the wise cultivate their inner basis and do not adorn their outer appearance with superficial things. They activate their life spirit and bury their preconceived notions. This makes them open and free of any intention, and yet there is nothing they don't do; they do not order, and yet there is nothing that is not ordered. wen-tzu
To be empty means to be free from burdens within. Being balanced means that the mind is free from bondage. When habitual desires don't bother you - this is the peak of emptiness. When you know neither likes nor dislikes - this is the pinnacle of balance. When you are in unity and not changing - this is the pinnacle of stillness. When you are not involved - this is the pinnacle of purity. When you feel neither sadness nor delight - this is the pinnacle of virtue. wen-tzu
The great way is gentle and not far from yourself.
Those who seek afar go and come back.
Happiness has nothing to do with wealth or reputation, but is a matter of harmony. Those who know enough to consider the self important and the world insignificant are near the way. wen-tzu
The so-called true people are connected in their nature with the way. Therefore they have gifts, although they seem to have none; they are fulfilled. although they seem empty. They direct the inside, not the outside. In their purity and utter simplicity, they do not strive for the artificial but return to simplicity. Wen-tzu 42
Take the world lightly and the mind will be free from every burden. Do not attach importance to ten thousand things and your heart will not be confused. Let life and death be of equal importance to you, and your mind will be without fear. Take the same attitude toward change and constancy, and nothing will cloud your clarity.
Accomplished men lean on a pillar that will never be shaken, they travel on roads that never break, they draw from a well that never fails, and they learn from a teacher who is immortal. Everything they undertake is crowned with success, and wherever they go, they get there. No matter what they do, they resign themselves to their fate and make their way free of any confusion. Unhappiness and luck, profit and damage cannot harm their spirit. Wen-Tzu 32
When people lose their innermost nature by giving in to their desires, their actions are never correct. Running a nation in this way can only result in chaos; leading yourself in this way defiles your insides. Wen-Tzu
The Way gives form to ten thousand things, yet is itself forever formless. It is still and immobile, yet in its entirety it embraces the undifferentiated unknown. Nothing is so vast that it would go beyond him, nothing so tiny that it could penetrate inside him. It has no dwelling and arises between being and non-being.
True people embody this through open emptiness, balanced informality, clear stillness, pliable yielding, unadulterated purity and plain simplicity, and don't get caught up in things. Her perfect virtue is the way of heaven and earth. That is why they are called real people. wen-tzu
Look straight ahead like a newborn calf without asking why; let your body be like a withered tree and your spirit like dead ashes. Realize the true knowledge and do not follow tortuous trains of thought. Keep your openness and lack of intention, because then you can achieve clarity and mastery. How could there be talk of ignorance? Wen-tzu 5
Kindness, compassion, humanity and the performance of duty form a short and narrow path: he who first treads this narrow path and then treads a broader path, strays; he who first walks a short path and then travels a long distance becomes confused. In the way of the wise one enters the vastness without getting lost and travels far without becoming confused. The climax is reached when one is constantly dwelling in emptiness and with oneself. Wen-tzu 118
Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord, a German army officer in World War I who was personally sidelined by Hitler in World War II because of his skeptical attitude, mentally divided his officers into four camps: The stupid and lazy, who made up ninety percent of any army, were suitable for routine tasks. The smart and industrious should join the general staff. But the clever and lazy are predestined for the highest managerial positions, because only they bring "the mental clarity and nerves of steel for difficult decisions." On the other hand, one must beware of the stupid and hardworking. You shouldn't transfer any responsibility to them, because they would "only ever do mischief". Actually, this grid would still offer a good orientation when recruiting elites.
When you create art, you live in a world full of dreams that have come true. Ignacio Lopez Porras
Happiness comes from taming the mind. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The secret of happiness is not in possession, but in giving. Who makes others happy, is happy. Andre Gide
It is best not to constantly worry about our personal gain or loss. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
We only suffer because we think too much. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The best human qualities are love and compassion. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Talking a lot without need is like letting weeds overgrow our garden.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The only way to develop the mind of enlightenment is: meditate, meditate, meditate.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Without hope there is no progress. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
It is an illusion to believe that the outside world can grant our desires. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The more collected a person
lives inside him
the stronger is his charisma,
that emanates from him
and captivates others.
But it also carries all the more
all free mental behavior
the stamp of personal uniqueness,
which is at home in the heart of the soul.
Furthermore, the body is all the stronger
shaped by it and thereby “spiritualized”.
Here is the true center of the
physical, mental and spiritual being. Edith Stein
Art should do something other than sit on your butt in a museum. (Claes Oldenburg)
Works of art only stick when they fall out of the frame. (Wolfram Weidner)
"The head is round so that thinking can change direction." (Francis Picabia)
I was already an adult through and through -
and now this throwback.
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you. And although they are with you, they are not yours. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. Because they have their own thoughts. You may give their bodies a home, but not their souls. For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them; but do not try to make them like you. For life does not go backwards, nor dwells on yesterday. You are the bows from which your children are sent forth as Living Arrows. Archer sees the target in the path of infinity, and He stretches you with His power so that His arrows may fly far and wide. From the archer's hand let your bow be aimed for joy. For as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves the bow that is firm.
Khalil Gibran: The Prophet
You can tell the culture of a people by how they treat their dead.
Receive what you are: the body of Christ!
Become what you receive: body of Christ!
Aurelius Augustine (354-430), bishop of Hippo in North Africa, philosopher, church father, saint
Search what you are looking for, but not where you are looking.
If you're looking for the truth, you're already separated from it. ZEN
"The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule, but to set dates for your priorities."
Stephen R Covey
I'm only responsible for
what I say,
Not for that, what you understand.
My boss doesn't eat honey, he chews bees!
Money alone does not make you happy,
it has to be yours too.
Existence is delicious, you just have to have the courage
to lead his own life. Giacomo Casanova
Extension question:
Would you continue to live the time you have lived with me in the future if everything goes the way it did last month?
Would you rather come home or go?
First the marriage, then the tricycle, then a house, then it's over.
Only when you are well can you give the world your best.
The smallest bee collects more honey every day
than the elephant in a year. vernacular
Zhuang Zi:
"Once Dschuang Chou dreamed that he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly, who felt well and happy and knew nothing about Dschuang Chou. Suddenly he woke up: there he was again really and truly Dschuang Chou. Now I don't know if Chouang Chou dreamed that he was a butterfly, or whether the butterfly dreamed that he was Chouang Chou, although there is certainly a difference between Chouang Chou and the butterfly. That's how things change."
In Genesis, my camera allowed nature to speak to me. And it was my privilege to listen. (Sebastiao Salgado)
is the most important key to wealth.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
"In the beginning love, in the end love!
All experiences in between are meaningless;
that's all you have to learn."
Mhaádeii AmaMia
The five theses of creation
The first thesis of creation reads:
You are everything. You are the beginning and the end of your world as the ONE Creator.
The second creation thesis reads:
If there is only you as the ONE Creator, the other must be a mirror of you and is not separate from you.
The third creation thesis reads:
If you and the other are not separated from each other, you yourself are the cause of "good and evil" and thus both the perpetrator and the victim.
The fourth thesis of creation reads:
If you, as creator, are both victim and perpetrator, then there is no fault of the other. If there is no guilt of the other, then there is no reason to look for the cause in the other or to demand the punishment of the guilt in the outside.
The fifth thesis of creation reads:
No being is "evil" or "good" by nature, but always "holy" at its core. However, every being has the right to experience “good” and “evil” through its free will in order to be able to experience duality.
The seven theses of life
The first thesis of life is:
All people are essentially the same and should not be judged differently based on their external expression. For this reason, respect for every life form is the basis for harmony within any collective world.
The second life theses are:
Every human being has the right to dispose of the wealth of his world through his creative power without restrictions, as long as he accepts the consequences of it.
The third thesis of life is:
Every human being bears direct responsibility for all consequences of his creations, whether he is aware of this or not.
The fourth theses of life:
Every human being has an obligation, if he has violated one of the theses of life, to reach natural forgiveness through his ability to self-knowledge of cause and effect. Out of this forgiveness man receives unconditional salvation.
The fifth theses of life:
Anything a person sends out through the power of their free creative spirit will inevitably come back to them in due course. If he does not accept this, he loses his access to the creative power.
The sixth theses of life:
The free will of every human being is inviolable. If a person uses his free creative spirit to manipulate or deliberately harm another person, he loses his own free will and thus his creative power.
The seventh theses of life:
Every human being is obliged to maintain his highest consciousness in order to discern the "good" or "evil" of his creations. If man loses this discernment, he remains powerless until he finds it again.
The other person's eyes are yours
Reflecting mirrors, you can tell from them
where you stand You can only then in the eyes
meet other people's love,
when you look deeper than the ego allows you.
Face the ego without fear, then it kicks
willingly to the side and you will be behind the
recognize the radiant purity of your own love,
and glublissful joy will settle in your heart
spread if you may experience
that you are love
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2013
Who lives no respect and no respect,
who has not realized gratitude,
he can in no case demulife fuhear.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2013
follow moment fur moment the river
of life and accept everything
what wants to come to you
and don't hold backuck,
what wants to leave you again,
then you are in the flow with yourself
and fear will take you without your own
leave effort mueat
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2013
First the Üovercoming the darkness through the
Acceptance of fear and powerlessness can light up
illuminate within yourself.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Find the tiny seed from the source within you and
uhopen the T within yourselfur to the light of love and
meet your own guhhuman beings.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
The light of grace transforms ours
self destructuheric thoughts,
Emotions and actions in constructive and
healing thoughts, emotions and actions.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Isn't it bigßnice to recognize
that the Enttetca blessing fur is you.
Because that's the only way you could have an experience with
Make yourself and you yours and yours
blacketcin loving, forgiving greetingsosse
and stetcturn to rke.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
If you can immediately see that all
obstacles only one in frontupassing Pruare
that have no real consequences,
you soon made it to freedom.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Recognizing one's own weaknessesetcchen is the
clear indication of the beginning
of enlightenment.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Do you criticize your Kuhrper, your thoughts,
your companionuevil or actions negative,
so you criticize yourself in the core of your power,
at the core of your power negative.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
With every veretcchange of perspective
veretcdo you change
Your living conditions, the other people,
Your future and your past.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
The addiction to emotions hetclets you off
staying in the moment and preventing
that you have your necessary Fetcability
can develop of patience.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Everything always begins with the desire
as an individual being its own special
to have meaning
to stand out from the crowd
perceive yourself in the mirror by being different to kuhcall
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Forget your Wunsche on requlling,
give up your search for perfection and
focus on peace within yourself
then you can gently spuren,
the burgeoning glublissful love.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Do not search for enlightenment, peace or perfection,
as long as you have not realized the trust in yourself.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Start living in the moment today fuhear.
Draw a line below your expectations
and allow fate
To you Üto bring surprise and adventure.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
You find the source of love in your own heart.
Mhaadeii 2011
does not mean,
to do what you want
to want what you do.
Mhaadeii 2010
I respect your individual nature and see beauty in it, I respect your special features and see beauty in it, I respect your talents and see beauty in it. I notice and respect your limitations, I notice and respect your individual dislikes, I notice and respect your weaknesses, I notice and respect your individual hurts. I respect you the way you are with your many individual ways of expressing yourself as a human being. I neither judge your merits nor judge your shortcomings. Since I don't judge you, I don't see any flaws in you. Because I don't idealize you, I don't feel any envy or rejection, there's no competition and no dissatisfaction.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
"It is not because it is difficult that we do not dare,
but because we dare not it is difficult.” Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The relative truth is that
what we perceive with our senses.
But the absolute truth is indescribable.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
The people of the past knew neither the joy of being born nor the horror of dying. Their entrance (into the world of corporeality) was not joyful for them, their entrance (into the hereafter) was without reluctance. They went calmly, they came calmly. They did not forget their origin; they were not dying; they accepted their fate and rejoiced in it, and (forgetting death) they returned (to the hereafter).
Zhuang Zi
Living in the present moment is everything
what matters. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Your life is not decided by what you open your mouth to the outside world, what you whisper to yourself has the most power.
Robert T Kiyosaki
Good ideas have the greatest energy as soon as they are opened.
Nicole Spitzberg
The space you give
is the proportion
who determines your share.
Nicole Spitzberg
If you want to wait for it to move forward by itself,
let it roll downhill Nicole Spitzberg
The shoes you put on
decide how you progress and arrive.
Nicole Spitzberg
headwind disturbs
who does not feel enough warmth for his goal.
Nicole Spitzberg
Who ducks his head
can only look in one direction.
Nicole Spitzberg
The greatest development opportunities are often buried there
where you lose your temper
Nicole Spitzberg
Some people go pretty far
so as not to have to leave your own point of view.
Nicole Spitzberg
New ways grow again,
if you admire them long enough
but don't hike. Nicole Spitzberg
Above every longing door is written:
let yourself in
Nicole Spitzberg
The lasting enjoyment of beautiful memories
is a first class contraceptive against fertilization by novelty. Nicole Spitzberg
I'm here and there's nothing to say. What we need is silence. John Cage
We should all worry about our future
because we're going to spend the rest of our lives in it.
Charles F. Kettering (1876-1958), American. industrialist
The moral is not a divine but a purely human matter.
Albert Einstein
Nothing in human history legitimizes endless suffering and misery like good intentions.
Richard David Precht p. 48 "The art of not being an egoist"
In the world we encounter in ordinary experience we are faced with choices between equally ultimate goals and equally absolute claims, some of which can only be realized at the sacrifice of others. Sir Isaiah Berlin 1909-1997
Do not rely on expedient but on ultimate meaning.
Do not rely on the conditional, but on the unconditional.
Do not rely on words, but on the meaning.
Shakyamuni Buddha
My Father is the wisdom of immediate awareness
my mother is supreme joy and emptiness.
My land is the uncreated space of Dharma,
I don't belong to any particular caste.
Clarity and confusion serve me as nourishment,
and I am here to destroy the spirit poisons.
Yeshe Tsogyal, wife of King Trisong Detsen, disciple of Padmasambhava
I think of myself differently than everyone else. I don't know anyone, not one, who thinks of me as I think of myself.
Solve the problem - not the question of guilt.
Identify the damage and repair it.
Nobody is blamed.
The real composer is in the brain of the audience.
Brian Eno extracted from Clifford Ross
The most beautiful monument a person can get is in the hearts of those around him. Albert Schweitzer
You are today what you thought you were yesterday.
You will be tomorrow what you think you are today.
Boris Grundl
The difference between what is
and what we perceive is the source of all suffering.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Every state, every moment is of infinite value,
for he is the representative of a whole eternity.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
When I think how lucky and comfortable I am
I am deeply ashamed:
because my poor, good people only have plague, toil and distress!
Emperor Fushimi (reigned 1288-1298)
Simplicity is not a goal
but you get to it without wanting it,
by getting closer to the essence. Constantine Brancusi
The eye sees what it is looking for. . . Max Slevogt
I'm ready to meet my Maker.
Wether my Maker is prepared for the order of meeting me is another matter. Sir Winston Churchill
Science abolishes all belief and turns it into vision.
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
"Everything will be alright in the end, and if it's not alright then it can't be the end yet!" Dev Patel in the movie Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
When you were born it was a rainy day.
But it wasn't really rain, the sky was crying because it had lost a star. We are happy about the birth of...
I'm too old to just play
too young to be without desire. JW Goethe Faust
It is part of the nature of violence that it cannot be calculated. Therefore, you cannot control their application. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Pleasure or pain, gain or loss, praise or blame, fame or shame: these eight worldly concerns shape our lives. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Today I'm not making supper, today I'm thinking.
A sky high difference:
we can think about feelings not.
Ernst Ferstl, heckling
There are no borders.
Not for the thought, not for the feelings. Fear sets the limits.
The poverty has her freedoms, the wealth his constraints.
In the beginning all thoughts belong to the love.
Later, all love belongs to thoughts.
thoughts make big feelings rich.
The richest are the people who earn the most waive be able. Rabindranath Tagore
A work of art must arise from an inner necessity, appeal not only to the eye but also to the soul and mind and enrich humanity with its vision. Arturo Schwarz, gallery owner, Milan
If it is that we can only live a small part of what is inside us, then what happens to the rest? Pascal Mercier, night train to Lisbon.
If you don't see anything, you look letccloser.
Gerhard Hoehme
I'm not interested in the relationships between color and form. I'm only interested in expressing the basic human emotions - tragedy, ecstasy, doom, etc.
Marc Rothko
"weumen of travel
through the universe –
isn't the universe within us?
We do not know the depths of our spirit –
goes inside
the mysterious way.
In us or nowhere
is eternity with its worlds –
the past and future.” Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772–1801) Novalis
The actual voyages of discovery consist not in getting to know new regions, but in seeing something with new eyes. Marcel Proust
By giving the common a high meaning, the ordinary a mysterious aspect, the known the dignity of the unknown, the finite an infinite semblance, I romanticize it. Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772–1801) Novalis
What's the hardest thing of all? What you think is the easiest thing to see with your eyes, what lies before your eyes. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The moment is timeless. Leonardo da Vinci
You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time. Christian Morgenstern
"The more methodically people proceed,
the more effectively chance can hit them."
Friedrich Durrenmatt
The most important thing is that we have happiness for others
to be there, to be able to enjoy. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
If you don't think about it, then there's nothing else.
Everything comes only from the fact that man thinks. Leo Tolstoy
Not the things themselves, but only our ideas about things make us happy or unhappy. Epictetus
Don't complain that God created the tiger, but thank him for not giving him wings. amharic wisdom
If there is one faith that can move mountains, it is the belief in one's own strength. Marie Ebner-Eschenbach
Happiness is a matter of will. I am the result of what I have imagined and imagined, what I have wanted and what I have decided to be. Karl Lagerfeld
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. Marcus Aurelius
Only that which one gives up is lost. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
It is useless to complain about spilled milk. Chinese
Most people make luck a condition. But happiness only comes when there are no strings attached. Arthur Rubinstein
One must buy one's superiority with constant vigilance. Mark Twain
The best way to be fooled is to think you are smarter than others. La Rochefoucauld
Before getting something burning coveted, you should luck check the one who already has it. La Rochefoucauld
Avant que de desirer fortement une chose, il faut examiner quel est le bonheur de celui qui la possiten. La Rochefoucauld
The luck lies in us, not in them things; matters. La Rochefoucauld
I, egoism speaks everyone languages and plays all roll, even that of selflessness. La Rochefoucauld
Problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them. Albert Einstein
Happiness and misfortune do not come by themselves, they are called upon. Chinese
The thoughts of others are snares. Those who follow the Tao do not allow themselves to be defined, disturbed or admired by others. Deng Ming
Realize that others never do anything to you, you always let it happen yourself. Bernhard Moestl
The peace
you can neither at work
still up for grabsugene,
neither in the world nor in a monastery,
but only find it in your own soul.
William Somerset
“Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.” Duane Michels
It is better to fail with originality than to impress with an imitation.
Herman Melville
Those who lack courage will always find a philosophy that justifies it. Albert Camus
There is no shortcut to a worthwhile destination. Beverly Sills
Success means going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. Winston Churchill
We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are. Anaïs Nin
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to the shop makes you an auto mechanic. Laurence J. Peter
Contentment is the bizarre lure of mediocrity. Michael Montaigne
Whatever the mind can imagine, it can create.
Clement Stone
The noble only suffers from their lack of ability. Confucius
One day everything will be fine, that is our hope.
Today everything is fine, that is our illusion.
For we are all mortal as long as we fear death, but immortal unless we identify with the limitations of our present personality and surrender to the eternal rhythm of the universe in which we live. Lama Anagarika Govinda
Don't waste too much time looking for obstacles. Maybe there aren't any.
Franz Kafka
I don't understand why people are afraid of new ideas.
I'm afraid of the old ones. John Cage
Man's freedom does not lie in his being able to do what he wants, but in not having to do what he does not want. Jean-Jacques Rosseau
"Where the journey is going, huhdoes not depend on which way the wind blows – but how to set the sails..."
Is there anything relateduIs there anything better than knowing someone you can talk to, like yourself?
(Marcus Tullius Cicero)
There is perfection deep within all imperfection.
There is a stillness deep within all perplexity.
There is a goal deep in the midst of all worldly cares and needs.
Be yourself.
Everyone else is already taken.
Oscar Wilde
Πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ οὐδὲν μένει
"Pánta chorei kaì oudèn menei"
"Everything moves on and nothing stays." Heraclitus
Once the light of the colors red, green and blue
mixed in the same way, it appears to us as white. Herman von Helmholtz
There are always two people involved in a picture: the photographer and the viewer.
BIn unfavorable lighting conditions or unphotogenic motifs, it is an art NOT to press the shutter button!
Andrew Feininger
Dhe eye takes the picture, not the camera.
Gisitle friend
Das one eye of the photographer looks wide open through the viewfinder,
the other, the closed one, looks into one's own soul.
Henri Cartier Bresson
DEveryone sees the material in front of them, only those who have something to do with it find the content
and the shape is a mystery to most.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Dhe use of a camera is similar to that of a knife:
You can use it to peel potatoes, but you can also carve a flute.
Erich Kahlmeyer
Dhe development does not only take place in the darkroom.
Almut Adler, 1951
Dhe first 10,000 shots are the worst.
Helmut Newton, 1920
Dhe photography is the deadly enemy of painting, it is the refuge of all failed painters, the untalented and lazy.
Charles Baudelaire
Dhe photography is a craft.
Many want to make an art out of it, but we are simply craftsmen who have to do their job well.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Dhe camera was destined for me and I used it
like a musician the piano, or a painter the canvas.
I felt like a master of the elements and believed in miracles
to be able to effect.
Alfred Stieglitz, 1864 – 1946
Dhe nature seems to me more imaginative than the most gifted mind.
My achievement is to see what is suitable for my picture from the abundance of what is available and much,
to discard much that is superfluous. I try to think with my eyes.
Hans Martin Erhardt
Dhe fact that people are born with two eyes but only one mouth,
suggests that they should see twice as much as talk.
Marie Marquise de Svign
Dhe fact that a (in the conventional sense) technically flawed photograph can be more emotionally effective
as a technically flawless image, will come as a shock to those naïve enough to believe
that technical perfection constitutes the real value of a photo.
Andrew Feininger
EA photograph never shows the truth.
Richard Avedon, 1923
Ein photo no longer tells the truth. It only suggests one possibility.
photokina 2000
EA photo is mostly just looked at - you rarely look into it.
Ansel Adams
Ein the picture should be looked at - not talked about.
Elliot Erwitt, 1928
EA good photo is a photo that you look at for more than a second.
Henri Cartier Bresson, 1908
Et is no more a coincidence that the photographer becomes a photographer than it is a coincidence
that a lion tamer becomes a lion tamer.
Dorothea Lange, 1895 - 1965
fotografie is the sadness about the passing time and the need to capture a few moments -
there are formal emotions, evoked by light or form, sentimental or sensual,
triggered by humans, and purely intellectual ones.
Photography can unite them and create new ones...
Photography is inextricably linked to the time it captures, to the time that passes between your fingers,
between the moments, with the time of things and people,
of light and feelings.
Time will never be what it was.
Jeanloup Sieff
"Photographers mistake the emotion they feel while taking the photo as a judgment that the photograph is good" - Garry Winogrand
fto photograph means to bring the head, eye and heart into the same line of sight.
It is one way to live.
Henri Cartier Bresson
fto photograph is to hold one's breath when all our faculties unite in the moment of ephemeral effect.
Head, eye and heart must be aligned. Taking pictures, that's a way of screaming
but not to prove its originality. It is one way to live.
Henri Cartier Bresson
fPhotographing is like archery:
aim correctly, shoot fast, run away.
Henri Cartier Bresson
fPhotographing is like writing with light, like making music with color tones,
like painting with time and seeing with love.
Almut Adler, 1951, Munatural photo course instructor
fto photograph means to recognize simultaneously and within fractions of a second -
a state of affairs itself and the strict arrangement of the visually perceptible forms,
that give it its meaning.
It aligns mind, eye and heart.
Henri Cartier Bresson
ffor me a photo and a drawing are one and the same,
none takes precedence over the other...
I don't separate one from the other
except for the tools.
Henri Cartier Bresson
II've never asked myself what I'm doing, it tells me what I have to do.
The photos took themselves with my help.
Ruth Bernhard 1905-2006, American photographer
II love symbols. You photograph something banal and reproduce it differently.
People understand immediately and say:
Oh, I've never seen the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty like this!
In that moment you know that you have created something.
Peter Turner
II found that digital photography allows for a more organic and natural way of seeing.
It is more like the way the human eye sees. You take a camera, take a picture
and can react and deal with it immediately. You can't do that in film.
And the latest technology that has now come to market is proving to be clearly better than the film.
Jim Brandenburg 2003
Jeveryone can snap. Also a vending machine. But not everyone can watch.
Photographing is only art insofar as it is used by the art of observation.
Observing is an elementary poetic process.
Reality also has to be shaped if you want to make it speak.
Frederick Dumad matt
Man can record people without photographing them
© Almut Adler
Myou have to hurry if you want to see something
everything disappears.
Paul Cézanne, 1839 – 1906
Minferior painting arises from the claim to want to reproduce everything.
The whole thing gets bogged down in details and boredom is the result.
But the impression that comes from the simple distribution of colors, highlights and shadows
this is the music of the picture.
Paul Gauguin
Noh my view you can't pretend anything
to have seen before photographing it.
Emile Zola, 1840 - 1902
Pto photograph, it's a way of screaming to break free...
It is one way to live.
Henri Cartier Bresson, 1908
Pphotographing is more than just pressing the shutter button.
Bettina Rheims, 1952
SLearning to marry develops awareness.
Robert Hetcusser, 1924
Smarriage changes our knowledge. Knowledge changes our vision.
Jean Piaget, 1896 - 1980
TTalent is more important than technology.
Andreas Feininger, 1906 - 1999
WIf I could tell the story in words, I didn't need them
lugging the camera around.
Lewis W. Hine, 1874 - 1940
Whe, as a beginner, ignores the design rules of photography and has no brains.
But anyone who clings to it for the rest of their life has no imagination.
Detlev Motz in "Devilish Views"
Whe can see, can also take pictures.
However, learning to see can take a long time.
Leica ad
We have to learn to understand that artistic creation must not be limited to professionalism.
Art is not a craft, although the craft is an art.
Art exists in all actions of happy people.
Art is joie de vivre, it is the automatic reflex of our attitude towards life.
Asgar Jorn
Zu all the things we can't see are added to the things we don't want to see
because we chose to ignore them. For example, at the moment I have decided
the sound of my breath, the feel of the ring on my finger, the sight of the glasses right on my nose,
even ignoring that of the nose itself.
A camera's aperture and pupil are not designed to let information in,
but to hide some.
Anyone who has ever held a camera in their hands knows that too much information can blind you just as much as too little.
If you wanted to listen to all nine of Beethoven's symphonies at the same time, you would only hear the noise.
KC Cole, American science journalist and writer
Ztwelve good photos in one year is a good yield.
I'm glad I haven't found my style yet, I would be bored to death. Edgar Degas
»A KuThe artist must approach his work in the same state in which the criminal commits his crime.«
- Thomas Mann
When I photograph, I'm really looking for answers about things.
— Wynn Bullock
NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. Least of all reality.
not from giving
but from keeping we get sick.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
“I slept and dreamed that life was joy.
I woke up and saw that life is a duty.
I did my duty and lo and behold, life became joy. "
"Marry an archaeologist! The older you get, the more interesting he finds you!”
Yes, I know where I come from unsaturated equal to the flame I glow and consume myself. Light becomes everything I grasp charcoal everything I leave I am certainly a flame. |
Loup Igaly
"I don't want to say anything with any of my pictures.
The only thing that interests me about photography is seeing how something looks photographed." Gary Winogrand
The beauty of nature is a revelation of God's love. Irmgard Erath
The object is not seen
but the rays of light reflected from it. Michael Henry
"Being right" means sticking to your old ways of thinking and living. T Harv Eker
Order for rich people: BE, DO, HAVE
Order for poor people: HAVE, DO, BE.
- Harv Eker
"In death the world of appearances dissolves."
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
If, staying in love, one falls to the point where one cannot hold back the cry, "My God, why have you left me?" and then remains at that point without ceasing to love, one touches in the end something that is no longer unhappiness, which is also not joy, but the pure, supernatural, joy and sorrow common, innermost, essential being and which is the love of God himself. Simone Weil
Love is not there to make us happy, but to show us how much pain we can take. from "White as milk, red as blood" Alessandro D'Avenia
The expected happens to those who expect, but the unexpected happens to those who hope. Heraclitus
If you are not happy with what you have,
how do you want to be happier with more? Friedhelm Wax
"Those who trust others too little have fear everywhere; those who rely too much on others wake up in terror. Only a light fence separates them, the two worry groupsunder: too little and too much trust are neighbors' children."
Wilhelm Busch
Unsatisfactory experiences are our problem,
but our reaction to it.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Walking means missing the place.
Michele de Certeau
“To walk is to lack a place. It is the indefinite process of being absent and in search of a proper. The moving about that the city mutliplies and concentrates makes the city itself an immense social experience of lacking a place -- an experience that is, to be sure, broken up into countless tiny deportations (displacements and walks), compensated for by the relationships and intersections of these exoduses that intertwine and create an urban fabric, and placed under the sign of what ought to be, ultimately, the place but is only a name, the city...a universe of rented spaces haunted by a nowhere or by dreamed -of places."
― Michele de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life
The head is round so that thinking can change direction. Francis Picabia
The most beautiful harmony is created by bringing opposites together. Heraclitus
You too are looking for God, and yet he is everywhere. Everything proclaims it to you. Everything gives it to you. It went to your side, it surrounded you, it penetrated you and stayed in you. . . and you were looking for him! You strive for an idea of God and essentially possess him. You pursue perfection as it lies in everything that comes your way unsought. God himself confronts you in the form of your suffering, your actions, the impulses that you receive. Because you're struggling in vain for sublime ideas with which he doesn't want to clothe himself.
Jean P. Caussade "Devotion to God's Providence"
Willigis Jäger Return of mysticism p.84
Or someone who loves something so passionately that nothing else pleases him and moves his heart, and he only longs for this and nothing else: certainly, wherever such a person may be or with whom , or whatever he begins, or whatever he does, what he loves so much never dies out in him, and in all things he finds an image of this thing, and this is all the more present to him the more the love becomes stronger and stronger will. Such a person does not seek rest, because no restlessness hinders him. Master Eckhart
Willigis Jäger Return of Mysticism p.88
When we do our best, when we succeed, we are happy. But if we don't have one, we don't need to reproach ourselves.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Even if I'm ground to powder
my ashes will embrace you.
Liu Xiaobo Nobel Peace Prize Tretcger 2010 to his wife 2008
Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Emptiness is no different from form, and form is no different from emptiness. What is form is emptiness, what is emptiness is form. Buddhist Sutra Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.213
The Great Void can only consist of Ch'i; this Ch'i must condense to form all things; and these things have to dissolve again to form the great void again. Chang Tsai
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.212
As ephemeral manifestations of emptiness, things in this world have no fundamental identity. Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.211
In this spiritual world there are no divisions of time such as past, present and future, for these have contracted into a single present moment where life in its true sense vibrates. . . Past and future are unrolled in this present moment of enlightenment, and this present moment does not stand still with all that it contains, but moves on unceasingly. DTSuzuki
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.180
The present moment is absolute stillness.
Although she exists in this moment, it has no limits and therein lies eternal delight. Hui Neng
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.180
Time, space and causation are like the glass through which one sees the Absolute. . . In the absolute there is neither time nor space nor causality. Swami Vivekananda
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.189
Most believe that time flies. In reality, she stays where she is. The idea of passing can be called time, but it is the wrong idea, because since you only see time passing, you don't realize that it stops where it is. Master Doge
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.188
In Einstein's theory, matter cannot be separated from its gravitational field, and the gravitational field cannot be separated from curved space. Matter and space are thus seen as inseparable and interrelated parts of a single whole.
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.206
The theory of relativity showed that the activity of matter
the very essence of their being. The particles of the subatomic world are not only active in the sense of fast movement, they are processes themselves! The existence of matter and its activity cannot be separated. They are just different aspects of the same space-time reality.
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.202
European philosophy sought reality in the substance
the Chinese philosophy in relation. Joseph Needham
Today, as I recommit myself to the moment, I hop about happily. Tenkai-san
Good role model
Follow the example of an old cow:
She is content to sleep in the barn.
You have to eat, sleep and shit-
this is inevitable-
other than that, you don't have to worry about anything.
do what you have to do
and stay for you
Patrul Rinpoche
Jealousy is the most radical, primal, and blatant form of admiration, admiration in war paint, so to speak.
Robert Louis Stevenson
Love is that you are the knife I dig into myself with.
Franz Kafka to Milena Jesenka
The observer cannot be separated from the observed.
Man creates his world.
What we perceive is something other than reality.
Nothing is what it seems. Willigis Jäger
Nothing is what it seems, least of all reality. Karen Kneffel
Were man perfect and "whole", he would probably not long for union with another man.
Pamela Ball "10,000 Dreams"
Emptiness is not nothing.
She is the fullness of non-material consciousness.
Willigis Jäger
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Willigis Jäger
Trying to grab or hold something is painful,
because there is nothing to grasp or hold on to.
Everything comes from the void and returns to it.
Student of Willigis Jäger
Anything we can allow tends to spill over into comfort.
But what you fight against, grabs you. Willigis Jäger
You cannot lengthen your life, nor can you increase it. But you can deepen it! Gorch Fock
Thoughts grow like ivy that grips the tree so tightly.
Incompatibility as a Great Wall of China between lovers?
At the intersection of sea and sky, the sun blazes towards the day.
There is no "self-salvation", salvation can only be found. She is always there. The source of strength flows within each of us, and our effort can only be to remove the obstacles that separate us from it.
Willigis Jäger
The story of awakening is the "love story" between the divine and the human, with the initiative always coming from God. We only think we are the seekers, in reality we are the sought.
Willigis Jäger
Mystical consciousness could be described as a dimension of experience where everything is as it is and perfect as it is. There one is neither happy nor unhappy, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, neither happy nor sad. Being happy would already be less, just like being sad. Acceptance and love already belong to a subordinate region. There is no bliss, no happiness in the sense of feeling. All other levels of consciousness appear relative next to it, while that state is self-contained and complete and utterly fulfilled.
Willigis Jäger
The connection between body and mind is made through the feelings. Willigis Jäger
In the mystical consciousness form and formlessness are one. It is the fulfillment of all our longings. There is no subject and object there, just being.
Willigis Jäger
Love that remains unfulfilled lasts the longest.
- Sumerset Maugham
"Mystical knowledge can never be attained through observation alone, but only through full participation with the whole being."
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.142
"The most fruitful developments have come about wherever two different ways of thinking have met."
Werner Heisenberg
is infinitely more important
Duane Michels
The ultimate key to happiness is being content with what you are and have in the moment. HH 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
I welcome whatever happens next. John Cage
Those who recognize the futility of all conceptual thinking will experience reality as pure being. Nagarjuna
"A conflict is a tragic expression
an unmet need"
Marshall B Rosenberg
"We don't see the world as it is,
we see the world as we are"
from the Talmud
"Be determined
and the thing is done"
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift,
the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We created a society
which distinguishes the servant
and forgot the talent."
Albert Einstein
"One should offer the body something good so that the soul feels like living in it."
Winston Churchill
To get someone to desire something
you just have to make it seem elusive.
Mark Twain.
Impatience is the fear that it might not work out.
A lack of confidence in yourself, in others, or in the world.
Not knowing how to develop yourself and other people in a targeted manner creates exactly this insecurity. Boris Grundl
Nothing in this world is permanent
nothing exists by itself.
HH 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
"You were my companion.
Now you are gone, mate.”
Let language be to you what the body is to lovers.
It is he alone who separates beings and unites them.
Friedrich Schiller
If you tell yourself that you can achieve your goals, you will inevitably succeed. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
what is the human? Where is he from? And why didn't he stay there? Matthew Beltz
The most dangerous worldview is that of people
who have not looked at the world.
Alexander von Humboldt
If we succeed in simply accepting what is happening to us at present, without evaluating and judging, and then also allow this, our life will gradually become a paradise.
Jan van Helsing Hands off p. 163
I open myself to everything
what belongs to me and finds my way, whereby I prefer to do that,
what i do best
what brings me the most joy.
There is always enough money
and with me is the partner with whom I am happy and who suits me best.
Jan van Helsing "Hands off" p. 384
I live in the here and now, in the present. My life is determined by my positive thoughts and actions. I shape my life according to my ideas and plans. I enjoy being successful. My successes stem from my perseverance and perseverance to think positively, plan creatively and act decisively. I have a creative money consciousness. I have a fantastic instinct for money and good earning potential. I take responsibility for everything in my wonderful life - for my thoughts, for my words, for my actions. I'm constantly improving my professional skills and I enjoy being well prepared. I am open to all people, regardless of their position or rank. I know that everything in my life depends only on my attitude towards it. I'm looking forward and determined to make the best of my life. I often smile and beam at people and I know that whatever I put out comes back. I'm in the best shape of my life now.
Jan van Helsing "Hands off" p. 390
"Dwell with a calm mind where you find satisfaction!
Thus will the essence of bliss be revealed to you!"
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Daniel Odier
Consciousness awakens through you
his dream of identifying with the forms and withdraws from them.
Eckhart Tolle
Plan your work.
Work your plan.
Gil Reyes Coach by Andre Agassi
"In the early '70s, documentary photography was celebrated for its ability to be objective. But I've always believed that photography needs to be personal and subjective in order to be effective." Nobuyoshi Araki
Happy people seem to live less hectic lives.
You have more time and can enjoy the moment.
This happiness is within reach of all of us.
If you don't enjoy, you become inedible.
Oscar Wilde
You shouldn't want to foresee the future, you should make it possible.
Atoine de Saint-Exupery
The past is a source of knowledge, the future one of confidence!
Coming together is a beginning
Staying together is progress
Working together leads to success
Henry Ford
All that really matters is how pictures move the viewer, not the level of difficulty in obtaining them.
Owen Edwards
Things are as they are and not as we would like them to be. Understanding and accepting this is the key to happiness.
HH 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Want to eliminate emotions completely
we must meet you with wisdom.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
We only regret what we didn't do.
Marcel Proust
Das one eye of the photographer looks wide open through the viewfinder,
the other, the closed one, looks into one's own soul.
Henri Cartier Bresson
fPhotographing is like writing with light, making music with color tones, painting with time and seeing with love.
Almut Adler, 1951, Munatural photo course instructor
Smarriage changes our knowledge. Knowledge changes our vision.
Jean Piaget
From the moment man no longer knows the limit of his power, he tends to self-destruction. C. Levi-Strauss
Getting old is a wonderful thing
if you haven't forgotten
what to start means. Martin Buber
"Truth is a category that changes as we acquire new knowledge," writes Mexican writer Juan Villoro.
There is need in all of usneed for attachment and security and at the same time
the needneed for variety and freedom. Michael Collen
He looked at her as a man looks at a withered flower which he has plucked and in which he can only with difficulty see the beauty for which he plucked it up and destroyed it.
Vronsky on Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
I don't think we're entitled to happiness. When happiness comes, one should be thankful.
Marlene Dietrich
the propertyWhat is unique about love is that it is never-endingreally has to grow
if you don't want her to lose weight. Andre Gide
The moment two partners feel secure in each other,
they have mostly already lost each other. Max Frisch (Stiller)
Sometimes in marriage you have to fight
because then you learn something about each other. Goethe
Love me when I least deserve it
Because that's when I need it the most. Eugene Drewermann
Not those who fight are to be feared,
but those who evade. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Crisis is a productive state.
You just have to take the aftertaste of disaster. Max Frisch
Many who are believed to have died
are just married. Francoise Sagan
admiration is happy self-loss,
Envy unhappy self-assertion. Soren Kirkegaard
Behind contempt is desire. Sigmund Freud
He married her because he loved her.
She loved him because he married her. Jean-Paul Richter
How else should love be described as a movement of the soul that makes everything external in the appearance of the other transparent for us towards his soul and at the same time awakens the urge in us to learn more and more about the other, to recognize him and him in everything to understand more deeply.
Eugene Drewermann
Without effort and without the willingness to go through pain and fear,
no one can grow Erich Fromm To have or to be
In marriage one must wage a ceaseless battle against a monster that devours everything, habit. Honore de Balzac
Partnership does not mean that only the partner creates. Swabian
Our life is a river that flows into the sea, which is called dying. García Lorca
The secret of a partnership is often based on one's own deficit:
Because you're such a daredevil sexually, you're doing me, the uptight wallflower, good.
We all use each other and call it love
and when we can't use each other, we call it hate.
Tennesse Williams Suddenly last summer
Loving a person means seeing them as God intended them to be.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
No fire, no coal
Can burn so hot
as a secret love
that nobody knows about. vernacular
James Reason's Swiss Cheese Model 1990
There are different types of errors:
- True error – arises from performing an incorrect action
- Dropouts - caused by forgetting an activity within a process
- Slipping occurs due to the incorrect implementation of a correct action
There are different levels:
- Practical and manual level skill-based level
- Level of rules and response processes rule-based level
- level of abstract thinking knowledge-based level
There are several factors:
- People involved Boss, team, colleagues, friends
- Technical conditions equipment, workplace
- Organizational elements Task, time management
- External influencing factors Time, economic situation, mood, weather
Happiness (flow) occurs when we a) concentrate on an activity that we b) determine ourselves, which c) neither underchallenges us (boreout) nor overwhelms us (bunrnout), which d) has a clear goal and on which e) there is immediate feedback. Mihaly Csikzentmiahly 1961
We don't fail because of the defeats we suffer, but because of the arguments we don't fight. Graffiti in Bern
Starting today, I release my partner, my family, my friends from the tyranny of longing for love.
From today I love myself. Safe in this love I am free to give love to others.
Essenes (0-40 nC)
Moral indignation consists in most cases of 2 percent morality, 48 percent inhibitions and 50 percent envy. La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
In the fog
Strange to wander in the fog!
life is lonely
Nobody knows the other
everyone is alone
Hermann Hesse
From death
For Use
The leaves are falling, falling as if from far
as if the gardens in the distant heavens withered;
they fall with a negative gesture.
And in the nights the heavy earth falls
from all the stars into solitude.
we all fall That hand is falling.
And look at others: it's in everyone.
And yet one who is this falling
infinitely gently held in his hands.
Rilke, Rainer Maria 1875-1926
Joseph von Eichendorff: On my child's death The little child is playing outside in the spring sunshine, And was happy and had so much to see As the fields shimmer and the streams go - Then the evening looked in through the trees, Who confuses all the beautiful pictures. And how quiet it is all around A secret singing begins from the valleys, As if it wanted to embrace the world with melancholy, The colors fade and the earth grows pale. Full of amazement, the little child asks: "Oh, what is that?" And lies down dreaming in the whispering grass; Then the flowers touch his heart with coolness And smiling it feels so sweet pain And the earth, the mother, so fair and pale, Kiss the baby and won't let go Pulls it heartily into her lap And bed it warm and soft down below, Still among flowers and moss. -
"And why do you weep, father and mother, for me? In a much nicer garden am I, It is so big and wide and wonderful Many flowers stand there clear of gold, And swing beautiful little children with wings Get up and down on it and sing. - I know them well from the spring time, How far they traveled over mountains and valleys And some called me out of the blue sky, When I slept down in the garden. - And in the middle of the flowers and bills Stands the fairest of all women, A shining babe at her breast. - I can neither speak nor cry Just sing over and then watch again Quiet with great, blissful lust." |
A monk visited a friend who was dying. "Would you like me to walk you over?" he asked. "I came alone and I go alone," was the reply. "If you really believe you come and go, that's an illusion. Let me show you the path of no coming and going.” The monk smiled and died. ZEN
I, Absolute spirit is the true nature of all living beings. He is here now, eternal, unchanging. When we experience this, we experience our true face, our uranium twinkle, as it is called in ZEN. This our true face, that One, to recognize again is the goal of all spiritual paths. So tell me what's yours true face? What is your original face? What is your face, which is always and forever and unchanging your own face? That face that no one can take away from you? That beautiful face of yours that is yourself?
It shows itself in many ways, it changes like the waves change on the sea, but it always remains unmistakably your face that cannot hide. It is very familiar to you, and when you discover it, you will recognize it again. Then you will know that it is and always was the same - before you were born, before your parents were born, endless ages ago and at the end of the world. Then you will find out that the world can end, but your uranium will never perish. Anyone who breaks through to it will immediately recognize it as their true essence. You can then die, because what you are is imperishable.
Mysticism and ZEN often use the negative description for the unspeakable reality and say what it is not. Zen master Bassui described it similarly to Dionysios: “It does not arise at birth, and it does not disappear at death. He is neither male nor female. He is neither good nor evil. Nothing compares to him. That is why he is called Buddha-nature.”
It is featureless and surpasses anything we know or can imagine. And yet is this one our true identity. We are not created at birth. The one fits into this form. We don't perish in death, it just loses form.
It's always just him Absolute spirit who makes the many experiences, although he himself is not born and does not die. The One experiences itself as being born and dying.
In a deep spiritual experience man learns that it is only the outer form that arises and perishes. Then he finally recognizes himself as that Infinite and absolute being. He discovers that he's always known each other and just forgot, and now he's found himself again. Then he could speak as it is written in an Indian text: "I am the infinite ocean of the world - I am eternal and immortal - I am spirit."
From "West-Eastern Wisdom" by Willigis Jäger p.113-114
Into Your hands, O Lord, I trustingly place my spirit.
Pain that does not speak chokes the full heart and makes it break.
William Shakespeare
Why should one be afraid of death?
Because as long as we are, death is not there,
and as soon as he is there, we are no more.
(Seen in this way, it actually has no human
ever tormented to be dead)
none of us knowsßwhat death is;
maybe he is the huhnext good on earth?
Fear of death?
I will - maybe - be 80 or 90 years old one day,
and have done nothing more in my whole life
than fear of dying prematurely.
(Kristiane Allert-Wybranietz)
I have given to so many people;
you probably don't need another immortality.
(Hans-Georg Gadamer shortly before his "death")
For fear of death kuhthe child could snatch usßen,
let's withdraw it from life;
to prevent his death
let's not live it right
(Janusz Korczak)
So many fall for the regime
some of them have to fall against it once in a while.
(Sophie Scholl)
Dying does not take a smart person by surprise.
(Jean de la Fontaine)
Truth sits on the lips of dying people.
(Matthew Arnold)
Like every blossom fades and every youth
Age gives way, every stage of life flourishes,
Every wisdom blooms too, and every virtue
In its time and must not last forever.
It must be the heart with every calling of life
Be ready for goodbyes and new beginnings,
To stand up in bravery and without grief
In others, to give new bonds.
And there is magic in every beginning
Who protects us and who helps us to live.
We should happily walk through room after room,
Clinging to none like a home
The world spirit does not want to tie us up and restrict us,
He wants to raise us step by step, expand.
Hardly are we at home in a circle of life,
And snugly settled in, then slackening threatens,
Only those who are ready to set off and travel,
May break free from paralyzing habit.
It may also be the hour of death
Send us young to new spaces,
Life's call to us will never end...
Well then, heart, say goodbye and be well!
(Hermann Hesse)
No one who walks over corpses can walk the path of Jesus
Violence should force the end of all violence. Blood will only flow so that blood will never be shed again. But who guarantees the certainty? They are beautiful flags, shining in the wind, the ideas, but dreadful as soon as storming regiments carry them ahead. No idea is a whole truth, but every single person is a whole truth. This, only this, seems important to me to hammer into the consciousness of confused mankind, to promote this one revaluation in the feelings of mankind: the devaluation of ideas, the higher evaluation of the individual human being.
(Stefan Zweig)
Only when we are willing to each By giving up war for good, for whatever purpose and for whatever reason, we will leave the madhouse of human history. Wars are what they are: the willful killing of people on command and the denial of all guilt for the end of humanity. But we are not yet living in George Orwell's 1984. War is not yet a peace measure. Killing people is not yet saving people. The lie is not yet a prerequisite for the truth.
It was May 26, 1999, when Patriarch Bartholomew I, the honorary head of the Orthodox Church, declared in Athens: "War is not the work of rational, responsible people, but the work of the mentally disturbed."
Yet this "mental disorder" still justifies itself as "duty," "responsibility," "courage," "loyalty," and "obedience."
(Eugene Drewermann)
We humans don't give each other a chance
When we ignite this thing, we have to invite the Japanese generals in so they seewhat lies ahead for them.
(Albert Einstein, 1942 building the atomic bomb)
... Man didn't do it
Under this circumstanceetcit is uextremely important now and fur always to learn again an old truth: With violence one does not serve justice, with war one does not serve peace, and with the Tuhone does not serve life. Not the pacifism of Gandhi Pretcgung is dead, tuhFinally, the steel helmet pacifism of German politicians is in the service of NATO.
Psychologically, the path to war is always the same: in a complicated historical situation, reality is simplified into the simple scheme of good and Buhse, then you unilaterally assign the blame to one side, and then you personify the Buhse in a single person. You have to know them thenetcfight the devil like Saint Michael.
(Eugene Drewermann)
The following stories are from Anthony de Mello's books
"One Minute of Nonsense", "One Minute of Wisdom", "Why the Shepherd Loves Any Weather", "Who Makes the Horse Fly?" and "times of happiness"
made easier
A student had to rush home when news reached him that his house had burned down.
He was an old man and everyone felt sorry for him.
All the Master told him was, "It will make dying easier."
At most
Some people say there is no life after death," said one student.
"Do that?" asked the master noncommittally.
"Wouldn't it be awful to die without ever seeing, hearing, loving, or moving again?"
"Do you think that's terrible?" replied the master. "That's how it is with most people, even before they die."
Like a child
A student decided to ask the Master more personal and direct questions.
"Believe you actually think of life after death?" she wanted to know from him.
"Strange that you cling to this subject so much," said Master.
"Why should that be strange?"
"Here you have this bright May day in front of you", replied the master and pointed out the window. --- "Like a child who refuses to eat today because he knows what tomorrow will bring. You are hungry. Eat your daily bread!"
dad i'm back
A soldier was hastily recalled from the front because his father was dying. He received a special permit because his father had no family members apart from him.
When he entered the intensive care unit, he immediately realized that this semi-conscious man with tubes in his mouth and nose was not his father. Someone had made a mistake and taken the wrong soldier from the front.
"How long will he live?" he asked the doctor.
"Just a few more hours. You just made it."
The soldier thought of the dying man's son who was thousands of miles away at the front God knows where. He thought of the old man who had only survived in the hope of seeing his son one more time before he died. That determined his decision. He leaned forward, took the old man's hand and said softly:
"Father, I'm here. I'm back."
The dying man clasped the outstretched hand; his empty eyes opened and looked around; a satisfied smile crossed his face and stayed there until he died about an hour later.
"I was convinced you would come"
"My friend has not returned from the battlefield, sir. Request permission to find and bring him in."
"Denied," said the officer, "I don't want you to risk your life for a man who is probably dead."
The soldier went in search anyway and returned an hour later mortally wounded, his dead friend in his arms.
The officer raged. "I told you he was dead. Now I've lost you both. Now what was the use of going out to bring back a body?"
The dying man replied, "It was worth it, sir. He was alive when I found him. And he said to me, 'I knew you were coming, Jack.'"
The master enjoyed playing cards and once spent the whole night playing poker with some of his students during an air raid. As they paused for a drink, the subject of death came up.
"If I dropped dead in the middle of this game, what would you do?" asked the master.
"What do you want us to do?"
"Two things. First get rid of the body."
"And then?"
"Redeal the cards," said the master.
Something else is necessary to be alive: to be now. What does that mean? It means, first and foremost, understanding something that very few understand, namely that the past is not reality, nor is the future, and that to live in the past and in the future is to be dead. I am well aware that there are many wonderful things in the past that we can also learn from, and that the past influences and shapes us. Good! But she is not the reality.
According to a legend, God sent an angel to the Master with the following message: "Ask for a million years of life and they will be given to you, even millions and millions of years. How long do you want to live?"
"Eighty years," replied the master, without the slightest hesitation.
The students were dismayed. "But master, if you could live a million years, think how many generations could benefit from your wisdom."
"If I lived a million years, people would be more intent on prolonging their lives than developing wisdom."
When the disciples asked to be given a model of spirituality to emulate, Master just said, "Hush, listen!"
And as they listened to the sounds of the night outside, Master began softly to recite the famous haiku:
"Of an early death,
the cicada appears unimpressed.
She sings."
Although the master seemed to enjoy life and live it to the full, it was known that he was not afraid of taking great risks. So when he condemned the tyranny of the government, thereby threatening arrest and death. Or when he and a group of his students helped out in a plague-infested village.
"The wise know no fear of death," he used to say.
"Why would a man risk his life so carelessly?" he was once asked.
"Why does it affect a person so little when a candle goes out after daybreak?"
When the master grew old and sick, the disciples begged him not to die.
Said the master, "If I didn't go, how would you ever learn to see?"
"What don't we see when you're with us?" they asked.
But Master didn't want to say it.
When the moment of his death drew near
they said, "What will we see when you're gone?"
With a smile in his eyes, Master said, "I did nothing but sit on the bank of the river and hand out water.
When I'm gone, I hope you'll see the river."
Socrates was in prison awaiting the execution of his sentence. One day he overheard a fellow prisoner singing a difficult lyrical song by the poet Stesichorus.
Socrates asked the man to teach him this poem.
"Why?" asked the singer.
"That I can die knowing I've learned something new," was the tall man's reply.
Disciple: "Why learn something new a week before you die?"
Master: "For the same reason you would learn something new fifty years before you die."
The hero
“My friend,” the master said to the freedom fighter in his prison cell, “you will face your execution bravely tomorrow. Only one thing keeps you from embracing death with joy.”
"What's this?"
“The wish that your heroic deeds be remembered. A desire for future generations to recognize your heroic struggle.”
"Is there something wrong with that?" asked the condemned man.
"Has it ever occurred to you that not you it is with whom posterity associates your deeds, but yours Surname?
"Aren't they both the same?"
"Oh no, my friend! Your name is the sound you respond to. Your figurehead, your license plate. Who are you?
That was all the man needed to "die" in the dark of that night - even before the execution squad was at his door at dawn.
Those who embark on the spiritual path without being able to control their emotions
will create more suffering than before - for others and for oneself. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Death is as natural as breathing. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
What would have become of us if our parents had not loved us? 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
You want to know what nirvana is? A quality of mind. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
My religion is kindness. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Compassion automatically leads to non-violence. 14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Because we cannot control our minds, we are unable to see true nature.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
We should learn to appreciate ourselves first, and then extend that appreciation to others.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
No one has ever accomplished anything without self-confidence.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Everyone can love without making their whole happiness dependent on this love.
14. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
You can't teach a person anything, you can only help
to discover it in yourself. Galileo Galilei
The old man's orange
The old man of the village was asked by a young man if he could sell the village products in a market further away. The old man looked at him for a long time and said: "All right, try your luck, but please take an orange with you." After a week, the young man came back very upset, angry and disappointed. He hadn't been able to sell anything, they were all "stupid" customers who didn't want anything from him. The old man listened to his rant about the impossible customers for a moment, then interrupted him with the question, "Didn't I tell you to take an orange with you?" Now the young man was very confused, "What should I do with the orange?" The old man smiled and said people buy from you when they feel you have love inside you”. "But what does that have to do with the orange?" the young man wanted to know. "What do you get if you cut them open and squeeze the halves?" "Orange juice." "What do you get when you hit the orange with a hammer?" "Orange juice." "What do you get when you trample on it?" "Orange juice." The old man went on talking; “You see, whenever the orange is under pressure, orange juice comes out. When you're under pressure, what's inside you comes out. So try to awaken so much love in you that you feel like the orange. Whenever you're under pressure, love comes out. I promise you that you will then be a very successful trader in the market.” The old man got up and went about his work again, but the young man sat for a long time and held an orange in his hands. Lena Lieblich
Whoever I love should be free.
From me too.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"You have to mourn people when they are born, not when they are born Deaths." - Charles de Montesquieu
"Do you want peace, or do you want to be left in peace? It's not the same: not the same policy, not the same strategy - and above all, not the same consequences. I want you to think about it."
(French President Nicolas Sarkozy 2009
to the address of the Munich Security Conference)
means to be free
freedom to some,
not necessarily
freedom from some.
In this senseI wish you in the new apartment
freedom to meditate
freedom to think
Freedom to be creative
freedom to yourself.
Only when you have found yourself, you will also find the right connection to the Näclosest, to you, to other people.
Helmut Bollen KoIn 8/25/1984
My heart flows with longing.
Here it is.
MBo 1982
Some aphorisms from Teresa's works:
"Our nature is so deadened that we like to pursue only what we see presently before us (Vv. 10:6)."
"If someone takes care of things that he doesn't have to take care of at all, he will of course only be able to carry out his actual tasks imperfectly (C 34.5)."
"What do we buy with the money we ask for? Is it something valuable, something permanent? Or what do we want it for? Ah, it is a pathetic calm that costs us so dearly! Often one trades through money enters hell and buys with it an unquenchable fire and endless torment. Oh, that everyone would think of money as useless dust of the earth! What peaceful order would then prevail in the world, and how many troubles would be banished from it! How friendly people would become communicate with one another if they were free from lust for honor and money! I believe that everything would be remedied with that (V 20:27)."
"How different our human will can be from the will of God; God wants us to reach out to the eternal - we bow down to the things that are transitory! He wants us to strive for great and high values - but we hang us to the low and purely earthly! He wants us to look for what alone gives security - but we love the flimsy (C XLII, 4)."
"The safest thing is to want nothing but what God wills, for he knows us better than we do and loves us. Let us put ourselves in his hands so that his will may be done in us; and we will not err if we always stick to this with a determined will (C VI 9-V)."
"He who does not grow shrinks. I find it impossible that love should be content with constantly treading water (C VII 4-V)."
"Suddenly I wondered why our Lord loved the virtue of humility so much, and then - as it seemed to me not out of deliberation but quite suddenly - the insight came to me: because God has the highest truth, but humility nothing other than walking in the truth. For it is certainly true that we have nothing good from ourselves, but only poverty and futility. And whoever does not know this is walking in lies. The more one understands this, the more he corresponds to the highest truth, since he walks in it (C VI, 11-V)."
"There is something great about science; for it instructs us who know little; it enlightens us; and when through it we have come to know the truth of the Holy Scriptures, we also do what we owe. But before silly devotions God keep us (V 13, 16-A)!
Whoever seeks the truth seeks God, whether he realizes it or not.
Edith Stein
Many people's horizon is a circle of zero radius - and that's what they call their viewpoint.
Albert Einstein
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain
To characterize the general condition of the people:
Emaciated children, degenerate tribes, people and animals in shared living quarters, uninterrupted, deadening work, subservience, despondency. And on the other side the ministers and governors: nothing but selfishness, ambition, ostentation, striving for influence and power.
Leo Tolstoy, The Young Tsar, 1894
When asked about the secret of his success, Woody Allen replied, "Just go."
The noblest development comes from reflection,
the easiest through imitation and the most painful through experience.
If I walk ahead of you, I don't know if I'm putting you on the right path.
If you walk in front of me, then I don't know if you're putting me on the right path.
If I walk next to you, we will find the right path together.
South African proverb
Do you always want to wander further,
See the good is so close;
just learn to seize happiness
because happiness is always there.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The kingdom of God is like when a man casts seed on the ground 27and sleeps and rises, night and day; and the seed sprouts and grows - he doesn't know how. a 28For the earth bears fruit by itself, first the stalk, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. 29But when it has brought forth the fruit, he immediately sends the sickle; because the harvest is here.
Mark 4:26-29
Our greatest fear is not that we are insufficient. Our deepest fear is being powerful beyond measure!
It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most. We often ask ourselves: Who am I to call myself brilliant, awesome, talented, amazing?
But who are you not to call yourself that? You are a child of God. Keeping yourself small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightening about shrinking so small that others around you feel insecure.
We are all destined to shine like children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God within us. It's not just in some of us - it's in everyone.
And as we allow our own light to shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. When we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela
A true work of art
is the creation of love
love for the subject first
and for the medium second.
Eliot Porter
If you don't want to be caught lying, just don't lie!
Kent Kobersteen, National Geographic
The true wealth of a man is
what good he has done to others.
Mahatma Gandhi
The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
L.-P. jacks
Every real compulsion for people does not ultimately come from things, but from thinking and is therefore not an external compulsion, but a self-compulsion. In truth, man can only be forced if he forces himself, and he can only do that when he has understood the necessity of what he should force himself to do. Which then again shows that any real progress in the world cannot be brought about by laws, regulations or even violent means, but only by instruction. From time immemorial the world has not needed so-called great men, but teachers, and from time immemorial the greatest deed for the thinker is not victory and conquest, not discovery and invention, not mastery of the world but mastery of himself. And the only one The real way to do this is to understand yourself.
Paul Dahlke (1865-1928)
Huang Po:
if you just awaken to the One Mind, there is nothing else to realize.
Hannya Hara Mita Shingyo:
Form is nothing but emptiness, emptiness is nothing but form.
"The first prerequisite for the immortality is dying." - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Bassui Zenjii To a dying person:
The being of your spirit was not called into being and does not die. It's not being, it's not nothing. It's not empty space, it's not sensuality. Nor is it anything that feels pain and pleasure. No matter how hard you try to see what is sick and painful now, you cannot see it with your mind. Well then, what is the mind-substance of one who suffers sickness and pain? Think about it, and apart from this have nothing in mind, not even any other wish. Don't want to understand anything either, and don't rely on anything else. So when you end your days like the clouds in the sky vanish, your karma will end and you will soon be redeemed.
Anyone who begins to think "has" or "hasn't" and has lost touch with life.
If you only awaken to the One Spirit, there is nothing else to realize. This is the real Buddha. The Buddha and all living beings are the One Mind and nothing else.
Properly understood, the nature of the spirit cannot be grasped or conveyed through human words. Enlightenment cannot be attained, and he who finds it does not say he knows. If I were to explain this too, you wouldn't understand it.
As he entered the assembly hall, ZEN-Master Huang Po said:
“Owning many kinds of knowledge is not like giving up looking for anything. That's the best of all things. There are no different kinds of minds, and there is no teaching that can be put into words. Since there is nothing further to say, the meeting is closed.”
The phenomena of life can be likened to illusions: a bubble of air, a shadow, reflections in the dew, a flash of lightning, and as such they must be seen.
Hindu proverb:
The mother is as good as ten fathers, but the teacher is as good as ten mothers.
In life there is a moment, after a lot of work, when the shapes and images come by themselves; you don't have to worry about it - everything comes by itself.
The art of the samurai already encapsulated something quite independent of strategy itself: the idea of fighting with the intention of ending it and upholding justice.
For Aikido, these higher purposes are mutual human understanding, striving for unity and peace.
This ability to act in accordance with external circumstances as well as internal standards requires the ability to grasp situations that have never been encountered before.
Very few practitioners, and perhaps not many teachers, still believe in the possibility of acquiring or upholding human qualities such as patience, perseverance, and a love of exertion through the practice of the Martial Arts, let alone in the possibility that human character could be shaped by the art of the sword.
Shinto culture instilled in the Japanese an attitude of striving for harmony between man, nature and deities, respect for all living things, ancestor worship, and a sense of serenity and permanence.
the insatiable desire that keeps people chasing after things that vanish into nothing once attained.
The Teaching urges students to suppress all egoism and body-consciousness, to accept nothing but the equality of all created things, and to regard no thing as permanent and permanent. This is done by suppressing every feeling and desire and hate and finally leads to the highest stage, Nirvana, a kind of perfect realization in which man completely detaches himself from his own life and from every life that touches him.
The attitude of non-attachment to ephemeral things probably helped the warrior to overcome the fear of death.
The center, the unmoving center around which everything is distributed, is called hara. This is the center of gravity, the center of all stability and balance, from which all paths to perfection and inner harmony emanate. The more stable the center, the wider the sphere it creates around itself and the greater its radiance.
Knowing others is smart.
He who knows himself is wise.
Tao Te Ching 33
That the weak conquers the strong
and soft the hard,
everyone on earth knows, but no one can act on it.
Tao Teking 78
Man consists of body and mind, the mind is like a clear mirror.
But the body makes the spirit dull. Aikido dusts off the body.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 38
The competition robs budo of its substance and cuts it off from its tradition. He takes away from him the pursuit of wisdom that made it such a obligatory activity.
Training fighters is one thing; Perfecting people through the art of competition is something else. On top of that, it is uncertain whether winning the competition will bring good luck.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 46
If you sit, then sit, if you walk, then walk... but above all, avoid any inner turmoil! Yun Men
André Protin AIKIDO p. 51
If you wish to see, be content with opening your eyes; once you start thinking about something, you look past it. zen master
André Protin AIKIDO p. 51
At such a moment I no longer see the adversary threatening me, but I transform myself into the adversary; and it is as if every movement, every thought of the opponent were mine. Intuitively, or rather unconsciously, it is then clear to me how and when to act. I find all of this very natural. Tkano Shigeyoshi
André Protin AIKIDO p. 53
That the warrior despised his own well-being, even his own life, allowed him to devote this life to the service of a higher one.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 57
From Bujutsu to Budo
To the original destructive combat technique embedded in the ethics of the art of war is added another and more evolving element; integration into society and into the universe.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 66
Morihei Uyeshiba
Whenever he set about learning a martial art, he saw it through to the end, and often retained nothing but perfect mastery of a technique and a much strengthened spirit.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 75
The ideal in Master Uyeshiba's martial arts is to intuitively find the behavior appropriate to the needs of the situation.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 78
I understood that budo does not consist in throwing the opponent down by force, and that it is not a tool to lead the world towards annihilation through arms. True Budo means absorbing the spirit of the cosmos, keeping peace in the world and creating, protecting and respecting everything that lives in nature according to its model.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 79 very nice passage!
It differs from other forms of warfare in its consistently human and peacemaking character.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 79
To retain its full value and effectiveness, a martial art is bound to be unconventional.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 85
What allows the Aikidoka to master the attacker is not his technical ability, but something else, a thing unimaginable to many, which in Aikido is called "Wu-Wei". This is a way of fighting, leading without resistance, which makes the Aikidoka unassailable, but which in any case only develops after acquiring and mastering the basic techniques.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 91
In addition, Aikido presupposes a desire to maintain physical and psychological balance and one's own integrity, while also restoring the integrity of others when it is momentarily disturbed.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 93
When we distance ourselves from our own time and environment, we may renew and maintain inner balance and intellectual independence in a society that, sometimes without realizing it, is constantly alienating us from ourselves.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 94
However, what makes it special compared to other martial arts and martial arts is that Aikido has liberated itself from the narrow sphere of struggle and competition and has become a form of personality development with the intention of using the body and all human abilities in the spirit of perfect order and harmony to develop. The highest goal of Aikido is the control of human behavior, the assertion of the mind against the body.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 100
Series of movements and actions suitable to divert the attack from its target, directing it so that it exhausts itself.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 100
The top priority is never to counter the opponent's strength with your own strength, to avoid any direct measure of strength and to use the energy of the attack to neutralize the attack and tame the attacker.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 101
In a world where anything can become the cause of clashes, struggles and strife, resistance and showdowns inevitably lead to the annihilation of the weaker. Therefore, it is better to adopt an attitude that is one of "letting go" or being carried by the forces at work, but maintaining one's position and reacting only at the moment when these forces are fading or about to pass of their own accord to go out.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 101
If you push a judoka, he pulls, and if you pull him, he pushes.
The aikidoka, on the other hand, makes an evasive turn around its own axis when you push him and goes into the action of the opponent when you pull him.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 102
The basic attitude is called the attitude of non-resistance.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 102
Aikido never offers resistance and the effect of its technique can only be seen through the success of regulatory measures, namely the restoration of unison and harmony.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 103
Anyone who adopts an attitude of renunciation of resistance opens up unlimited freedom of action, with countless possibilities of how they can live and work depending on the circumstances and according to their own knowledge and ability.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 104
Excessiveness, whatever its motivation, inevitably separates man from himself and from the world.
André Protin AIKIDO P. 107
"Directing" is understood to mean the course of action that leads the opponent back to the path of peace, tranquility and harmony. The invincible weapon that Aikido uses to achieve this goal is sympathy.
André Protin AIKIDO P. 107
The ultimate goal of Aikido is to let the opposing force lose itself and become exhausted, or to direct it in such a way that it turns against the attacker - of course in a non-aggressive, non-violent way.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 113
There is no attack in Aikido. This art of war is inherently so defensive and to fight without any intention that it teaches no offensive strategy.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 116
The path of Aiki as a form of fighting leads to the practice of renouncing violence.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 117
When the practitioner, having traversed the long and arduous road to mastery, is free inwardly and outwardly, he sees the onslaught that disturbs the peace looming before it has taken concrete shape. It is then sufficient to stop the progress of the attack by a decisive and moderate means, perhaps even before it has actually taken place physically.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 119
Anyone who chooses the path of Aiki knows from the outset that he must first gain a thorough knowledge of himself and resolve his own contradictions before he can begin to resolve the contradictions which the circumstances of life set up before him; he also knows that it will take a great deal of sympathy for others and a great deal of self-confidence to “take to heart” those who attack him.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 120
The etiquette of respecting the ceremonial is, first of all, to express a desire to learn by going to school in an Eastern tradition. This requires mental openness, a lot of curiosity and at the same time a lot of modesty.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 130
It is about bringing about reconciliation by first conquering oneself, one's own selfishness, one's own harshness, the violence one is capable of when one feels attacked. Finally, it is important to act firmly on the other and to bring him back to the path of kindness.
The fight is no longer a fight against the other in terms of annihilation rather than a struggle with him, something in common in which one tries to win over the other.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 133
... to educate your mind in such a way that if you just sit still, not even the rudest lout will dare to attack you. Inazo Nitobe
André Protin AIKIDO p. 134
But there is no right action without right perception and assessment of things as a whole and in detail.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 136
Rather, the aim of the search for oneself is to prepare oneself to receive all events and not just endure them; to accept them without giving them too much importance, lest the mind dwell on one and miss the other; "to go with life" wherever it goes when it ends. In this way one learns to keep one's mental composure under all circumstances.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 137
The wisdom of Master Uyeshiba lies in realizing that the supreme power or authority is what we are exercising at any given moment in relation to our thoughts, feelings and actions.
- 138
Through controlled, regular and deep breathing, man maintains continuity and thus establishes the relationship between his being and himself and the cosmos.
- 143
The yogi follows his specific path, abandons solidarity with his fellow human beings and isolates himself, while the aikidoka seeks the unity of his self in order to be able to better fit into the world of his fellow human beings so that his path can also benefit them.
- 147
Mental effect is conveyed through symbols. We owe knowledge of things to sight, but consciousness of reality to the heart. Lin Hsieh
- 149
It takes great humility, patience, and moderation to examine, internalize, and embrace the qualities of simplicity, modesty, wisdom, and practicality, such as possessed by the reed that bends under the gusts of wind, or the willow bough that brushes off the snow without ever having to bother.
- 151
Man must go to the heart of things and settle down. To get there he must regain the state of primal simplicity, cleanse himself of his passions and thoughts, curb his ambition to accept reality as it is. He has to “dust off” the mirror, so to speak. He must remove the dust that clouds him, the rust that eats away at him.
- 154
The opponent is not a rival, but a mirror with the help of which both can correct their mistakes, a stone to sharpen your technique and your behavior.
- 155
The Legend of the Blacksmith Masamume
The care taken in the ornamentation of the sword indicates the importance the Japanese attached to this weapon. The splendor of the ornament was complemented by the quality of the blade, the manufacture of which was subject to a secret ritual and the finishing touches carried out with particular care.
One of the most famous armourers was Masamume, whose art was highly revered for forging blades of inimitable quality. His student Senzo Murasama competed with him, he also created incomparable swords. The belief prevailed that the armorer's personality was reflected in his works. It was said that Murasama's blades were "bloodthirsty" because the artist was a violent person, while the works of his teacher were considered "morally good". The only way to tell the master's blades from the equally fine ones of his student was to dip them in the water of the same river. The leaves came swimming with the current and were sliced by Murasama's blades, while dodging their master's blades of their own accord, whose edge "like a honed intelligence knew how to discern between appearances."
- 155
The Master of the Sword Way said to his new disciple: "Every day from today you will go chopping wood in the forest and drawing water from the river."
The young man obeyed and did what the Master commanded him for three years. But then he asked him: "Master, I have come to learn fencing and I have not even crossed the threshold of the dojo."
"So come with me to the dojo today," was the master's reply, "and walk around the room on the edge of the tatami without setting foot on the mats!" The student diligently undertook this exercise, but after one He got angry and cried out, "Now I'm going. I didn't learn anything I wanted to learn."
Then the master asked the disciple to follow him and said, "Today I will show you the way." "Go over!" commanded the master. The student felt dizzy as he gazed at the abyss that yawned beneath him, and paralyzed with fear. A blind man came along, groping his way with a crutch, stepped onto the log without hesitation, and crossed the ravine with calm steps.
Then the secret of the way dawned on the disciple. Losing all fear of death, he entered the tree trunk and calmly walked over the chasm until he was on the other side. "Now you have learned the secret: Let go of the ego, do not fear death! The wood you cut down and the water you drew every day increased your physical strength; the careful striding on the edge of the tatami gave your movements delicacy and accuracy. and today you have learned the secret of the Way of the Sword. Come on you will become very strong!”
On the physical level, mastery of FORM (kata) is the key point in training. The teacher provides the model form, the student observes closely and repeats it countless times until the movement is fully internalized. Words are not spoken and no explanations are given; the burden of learning is on the student. In the ultimate mastery of form, the student is freed from attachment to form. This liberation occurs because of inner psychological changes that take effect from the very first practice. The perpetual, tedious, and monotonous practice routine tests the student's commitment and willpower, reduces stubbornness, curbs self-will, and eradicates bad habits of body and mind. In this process, her or his real strength, character, and potential begin to emerge. Spiritual mastery is inseparable from psychological mastery, but only begins after an intense and long period of practice.
The heart of spiritual mastery is this: the ego self becomes the egoless self.
In all martial and cultural arts, free expression of self is blocked by one's ego. In the path of swordsmanship, the student's mastery of posture and form must be so total that there is no gap (suki) for the opponent to penetrate. If there is a gap, it was created by your own ego. One becomes vulnerable when one stops thinking about winning, losing, taking advantage, impressing or ignoring the opponent. If the mind stops, even for a moment, the body freezes and free, fluid movement is lost.
Foreword by Taitetsu Unno in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 7
The art of the sword is
never to worry about victory or defeat, strength or weakness,
to move neither a step forward nor backward,
not being seen by the opponent and not seeing the opponent.
Penetrating to what is fundamental before the separation of heaven and earth, where even yin and yang do not reach, one immediately attains supreme proficiency in the art.
Zen monk Takuan (1573-1645) in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 8
The goal of martial arts training is to
to overcome six types of diseases:
the desire for victory,
the striving to be able to build on technical skills,
the desire to indicate
the attempt to psychologically overwhelm the opponent,
the desire to remain passive, to wait out a gap and
the desire to be free from all these diseases.
Samurai Yagyu Munenori (1571-1646) in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 8
Ultimate physiological, psychological and spiritual mastery are one and the same. The egoless self is open, flexible, supple, fluid, and dynamic in body, mind, and spirit. Egoless, the self identifies with all things and all people, seeing them not from the self-centered perspective but from their own perspective. In a circle of limitless circumference, each point becomes the center of the universe. The ability to see everything that exists from a non-self-centered point of view is central to Shinto's identity with nature, and is also what Buddhism calls wisdom, which in its highest expression is nothing other than compassion.
Foreword by Taitetsu Unno in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 9
Budo is not a means of killing an opponent with violence or deadly weapons. Nor does it intend to lead the world into destruction through arms and other illegitimate means. True budo seeks to bring the inner energy of the universe into order, to protect world peace, and to treat and preserve everything in nature in proper form. Training in Budo is synonymous with strengthening the love of kami, the goddess who creates, protects and nourishes everything in nature in my body and soul.
Quote from Ueshiba Morihei (1883-!969) in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 9
Hannya Shingyo
The Bodhisattva named Kan Ji Zai, who was fully perfected in wisdom, understood that all things in the world, made up of five elements of existence, have no substance.
He (the Bodhisattva) took away all bitterness and suffering. He said: O Sariputra, all appearances of this world are not different from non-substance; there is no difference between non-substance and appearances. This implies that all appearances of the world are "non-substance". That is, non-substance includes all phenomena of the world. The same applies to the senses, ideas, will, knowledge.
O Sariputra! All things in the world have the appearance of non-substance. There is nothing that is born, nothing that perishes. There is neither impurity nor purity. There is no growth nor decrease in growth. So in non-substance there are no appearances of this world. There are no senses, no ideas, no will, no knowledge. There is no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no brain. No phenomena of this world: no voice, no smell, no taste, nothing tangible, no objects in the realm of sense perception. No field of vision, no realm of knowledge: nothing between the two.
There is no hindrance, no ebbing away of hindrances, no aging and no death. There is no suffering, no cause of suffering, no suppression of suffering, no way to suppress suffering, no possibility of knowing, no content of knowledge either. The bodhisattvas therefore pursue perfection in wisdom. For them there is no veil over their hearts. There is no veil and therefore there is no fear. Any hindrance that prevents them from seeing clearly lags far behind them. You are finally entering Nirvana. The Buddhas in the three worlds: past, present and future have attained the best, perfect satori, as they pursue perfection in wisdom.
We must therefore learn the perfection of wisdom. This is the great word of incantation. It is the mantra of incantation that completely takes away suffering. Verily, verily, the Word that reveals the perfection of wisdom is this: O all who go, O all who go, O people who go to Nirvana.
Mumon Kai Sotetsu Zuzen Zenzei
the Supreme Wisdom Sutra ("Heart Sutra")
The Bodhisattva Kanjizai (Kannon) is deeply practicing the great wisdom when he suddenly realizes: All existence and all appearances are KU (emptiness, nothingness), and so he helps and saves all beings.
O Shariputra, appearances are not different from emptiness. Emptiness is not different from appearances. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness is form, and so are perception, thought, action, and consciousness. Oh Shariputra, all existence is essentially emptiness, there is neither arising nor ceasing, neither purity nor defilement, neither increase nor decrease. Therefore in emptiness there is no form and no sensation, perception, thought, action and consciousness, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body or mind, no colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches or concepts. There is neither the realm of perception nor its six objects. The world of the six types of consciousness (eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, mouth consciousness, body consciousness and will) does not exist either. There is no ignorance, nor the cessation of ignorance. There is no old age and no death, and no cessation of old age and death, and accordingly (regarding the twelve Inside). Also, the Four Noble Truths (suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and DO, the way there) does not exist. There is no knowledge and no gain. So it is mushotoku (without a goal, there is nothing to gain).
By this supreme wisdom the Bodhisattva (has) the (steadfast) mind without hindrance. Without obstacle there is no fear. By breaking away from all confusion and illusion, he finally attains nirvana. The Buddhas of the three worlds (past, present and future) attain supreme satori through Hannya Haramita. So it must be understood that Hannya Haramita is the great universal sutra, the great brilliant sutra, the supreme, supreme of all sutras, the incomparable sutra that cuts off all suffering. In real truth there is no error.
That is why the Supreme Wisdom Sutra says: 'Let us go beyond, beyond and beyond beyond, across to the banks of Satori.
The pure soul has peace everywhere because it always carries peace with it, so that for the sake of this peace all places and all things are right for it.
Margareta Porete French 14th century mystic
Those who voluntarily do the best-paid work in the world - working on themselves - no longer need the pressure exerted by suffering.
Erhard F. Friday
The cessation of organic life in an individual does not mean that the same force that has been active up to now has come to nothing; - just as little as the death of the spinner can be inferred from the stationary spinning wheel.
Every birth is a death sentence - there is no one who survives life. We only repress this judgment and live as if we had an infinite amount of time ahead of us.
Ayya Khema
Explore, my soul, your life in daily dialogue. Be careful how much you benefit and how much harm you take; what kind you are in your disposition, what you are in your affections.
Bernhard v. Clairvaux
Man suffers in this world only because he lacks dispassion. Usually man is attached to so many things: his wife, children, parents, friends and relatives, honor, fame and money. This attachment often causes him agony: and unless he strives for equanimity in the face of these worldly things, he cannot truly find peace and lasting happiness. All worldly things disappoint because they are ephemeral and constantly changing. Man enters this world entirely alone, and in death he goes out again entirely alone. What follows him like a shadow are the good and bad effects of his work.
Swami Nara Yanananda
All that really matters is
how pictures move the viewer not the level of difficulty in obtaining them.
Owen Edwards in Poollight by Howard Schatz
All knowledge is memory.
Death is self-conquest.
Photographs give people the imaginary possession of the past.
Learning to live and being able to die are the same.
Karl Jaspers
Life has stopped, but the movement continues, nothing else is eternity.
Joseph Beuys
A true work of art is the creation of love.
Love for the subject first
and for the medium second.
Eliot Porter
A clear mind and a loving heart are meant to work together.
- Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Only those who do something are successful
while he waits.
Thomas Edison
As he entered the assembly hall, Master Huang-Po said:
“Owning many kinds of knowledge is not like giving up looking for anything. That's the best of all things.
There are no different kinds of minds, and there is no teaching that can be put into words. Since there is nothing further to say, the meeting is closed.”
Huang Po (OBAKU)
“ Nature (or the visible) stimulates me ... but I want to get as close as possible to the truth; for this I abstract until I get to the essence of things (although still their external essence) ... I am sure, by avoiding expressing everything unequivocally, one arrives at the expression of the final par excellence: the (all-encompassing) truth.” Piet Mondrian
Hakuin Zenji Zazen Wasan
Choral singing by ZEN Master Hakuin
In their deepest being, people are Buddhas,
like water is ice.
And as there is no ice without water,
So without Buddha there is not a human being.
Woe to those who seek far away
and what is near, do not know!
They are like those who stand in the middle of the water
and yet cry for water.
Born sons of the noblest and richest,
they still walk in poverty and misery
desolate there.
The cause of the eternal cycle in the sixfold kingdom
is the dark path of one's own dullness and stupidity.
But it's getting darker and darker around her
in the darkness of error.
When should they ever separate
of life and death?
O miracle of Mahayana's perfect vision,
that is above all praise!
All virtues: doing good and keeping the commandments,
every good deed: praise Buddha,
remorse and practice,
they all flow here!
For whom only a one-time seat is completed,
immeasurably accumulated evil disappears from him.
Where should there be a place of exile
find for evil,
when pure land is so near?
Who only once this praiseworthy truth
hear and feel holy bliss,
immeasurable fortune is bestowed on him;
even more so when he surrenders to her
and immediately experienced its own nature.
Then his own being is nothing else
as the nature of perfect nothingness,
and it is above the game of thought.
The gate of unity opens wide
of cause and effect;
and the only way opens up, straight ahead,
no second and third.
Anyone who walks on it takes it as a figure
the form of the formless;
and neither his going nor his coming
are strangers to her.
He assumes the thinking of non-thinking as his thinking.
And his singing and also his dancing
are voice of truth.
The Heaven of Samadhi
is stretched out unhindered,
and the full moon shines
the fourfold wisdom.
what was missing
where is nirvana revealed?
Here's nothing but lotus land
and this body here is none other than Buddha.
excerpt from "The little Prince" by Antoine de Saint Exupery
At that moment the fox appeared: "Hello" said the fox. "Hello," replied the little prince, who turned around but saw nothing. "I'm here," said the voice, "under the apple tree..." "Who are you?" asked the little prince. "You are very pretty......" "I am a fox," said the fox. "Come play with me" suggested the little prince. "I'm so sad..." "I can't play with you," said the fox. 'I'm not tamed yet!' 'Ah sorry!' said the little prince. But after some reflection he added: "What does 'tame' mean?" "You are not from here," said the fox. "What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for people," said the little prince. "What does tame mean?" "That's a forgotten thing," said the fox. "It means `make oneself ́." "Make acquaintance?" "Certainly," said the fox. "To me you are nothing but a little boy who is exactly like a hundred thousand little boys. I don't need you and you don't need me either. But if you tame me, we'll need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. I'll be the only one in the world for you...' 'I'm beginning to understand,' said the little prince. "There is a flower...I think it tamed me..." "It's possible," said the fox. "You meet all kinds of things on Earth...." "Oh, that's not on Earth," said the little prince. The fox seemed excited: "On another planet?" "Yes" "Are there hunters on your planet?" "No" "That's interesting. And chickens?” “No.” “Nothing is perfect!” sighed the fox. But the fox came back to his thought: “My life is monotonous. I hunt chickens, people hunt me. All chickens are alike, and all people are alike. So I'm a little bored. But if you tame me, my life will be sunny. I will know the sound of your step, different from all others. The other steps chase me underground. Yours will lure me out of the den like music. And then look! You see those wheat fields over there? I don't eat bread. For me the wheat is useless. The wheat fields remind me of nothing. And that's sad. But you have wheaten blonde hair. Oh, it will be wonderful once you tame me! The gold of the wheat fields will remind me of you. And I will grow fond of the sound of the wind blowing through the grain.” The fox fell silent and looked at the prince for a long time: “Please tame me!” he said. "I would like to," answered the little prince. “but I don't have much time. I have to make friends and learn many things.” “One only knows things that one tames,” said the fox. "People don't have time to learn anything. They buy everything ready-made in the shops. But since there are no shops for friends, people no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me!' 'What must I do?' asked the little prince. "You must be very patient," the fox replied. “First you sit down on the grass a little apart from me. I'll look at you so stealthily, out of the corner of my eye, and you won't say anything. Language is the source of misunderstandings. But every day you will be able to sit a little closer..."
So the little prince made the fox acquainted with himself.
And when the hour of parting was near: 'Oh,' said the fox, 'I shall weep.' 'That is your fault,' said the little prince, 'I certainly wish you no harm, but you wanted me to tame you ...." "Certainly," said the fox. "But now you will cry!" said the little prince. "Certainly," said the fox. 'So you won nothing!' 'I won', said the fox, 'the color of wheat.' Then he added: 'Go look at the roses again. You will understand that yours is the only one in the world. You will come back and say goodbye to me and I will give you a secret.”
And the little prince came back to the fox: "Adieu" he said. "Adieu" said the fox. "Here's my secret. It is very simple: it is only with the heart that one can see clearly. The essentials are invisible to the eyes.” “The essentials are invisible to the eyes,” repeated the little prince, to remember. "The time you wasted on your rose, it makes your rose so important." "The time I wasted on my rose..." said the little prince, to remember. "People have forgotten this wisdom," said the fox. "But you mustn't forget her. You are responsible for life for what you have made familiar. You are responsible for your roses...' 'I am responsible for my rose...' repeated the little prince to remember.
Things are as they are and not as we would like them to be. Understanding and accepting this is the key to happiness.
Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
You have to hurry if you want to see something, everything disappears. Paul Cézanne
Photographing is like writing with light, like making music with color tones, like painting with time and seeing with love.
Almut Adler
The truth is mostly on the edge, not in the middle.
Henry Miller
Through you, consciousness awakens from and withdraws from its dream of identification with the forms.
Eckhart Tolle
All that really matters is how pictures move the viewer, not the level of difficulty in obtaining them.
Owen Edwards
Dwell with a calm mind where you find satisfaction! This is how the essence of bliss will reveal itself to you!
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra
In life there is a moment, after a lot of work, when the shapes and images come by themselves; You don't have to worry about it - everything comes by itself.
One sees clearly only with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
What I cannot see is infinitely more important than what I can see.
Duane Michals
As ephemeral manifestations of emptiness, things in this world have no fundamental identity.
Fritjof Capra
In the mystical consciousness, form and formlessness are one. It is the fulfillment of all our longings. There is no subject and object there, just being.
Willigis Jäger
Every state, every moment is of infinite value, because it is the representative of a whole eternity.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
It is not because it is difficult that we do not dare, but because we do not dare that it is difficult.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
You don't discover new continents without the courage to lose sight of all the coasts.
Andre Gide
The present moment is absolute stillness. Although she exists in this moment, it has no limits and therein lies eternal delight.
Hui Neng
If you don't see anything, you look longer.
Gerhard Hoehme
I'm here and there's nothing to say. What we need is silence.
John Cage
We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are.
Anaïs Nin
Nothing is what it seems. Least the reality.
Karen Kneffel
Relative truth is what we perceive with our senses. But the absolute truth is indescribable.
Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso
Form is nothing but emptiness, emptiness is nothing but form.
Hanna Hara Mita Shingyo
If you wish to see, be content with opening your eyes; once you start thinking, you look past it.
The purest form of insanity is to leave everything as it is and still hope that something will change. Albert Einstein
Zen story 7 arrows as in King Lear | |
A father had seven sons who were often at odds. Because of the bickering and quarreling, they missed their work and some evil people wanted to use this disagreement to deprive the sons of their inheritance after the death of the father. Then the old man summoned his sons, presented them with seven sticks that were tied tightly together, and said, "To any of you who break this bundle of sticks, I will pay a hundred large talers." One after the other, they exerted all their strength, but everyone said after a long and fruitless effort: "It's not possible." "And yet," said the father, "nothing is easier!" He untied the bundle and broke one stick after the other with little effort. "Oh," cried the sons, "it's easy that way, a little boy could do it like that!" The father replied: "As it is with these sticks, so it is with you, my sons. As long as you stick together, you will survive and no one will be able to overpower you. But if the bond of unity that is supposed to bind you is broken, you will feel like the staffs that lie broken here on the ground.” |
The feeling of happiness associated with desire is short-lived and constantly demands replenishment.
Dalai Lama
Digital is made to forget, analogue is made to remember.
Roberto Polidori (found at Steidl)
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything!
Cheating yourself without realizing it is as easy as it is hard to cheat others without them realizing it.
(La Rochefoucauld)
Once you have found yourself, you have nothing in the world to lose.
Stefan Zweig
Thoughts are just thoughts
Feelings are just thoughts.
The truth is found beyond reality.
Max Ernest
From Cristián Gálvez's "Logbook for Heroes"
p. 240
Eliminate the constant contact with people who regularly “drag” you and slow you down in your goal achievement: instead, make it a law of action to spend even more time with people beyond the limits of your life.
p. 203
"If you live each day like it's your last, one day you'll get it right." If today is the last day of my life, would I like to do what I'm going to do today? If the answer is no for many days in a row, I need to change something.
Art does not reproduce the visible, but makes visible. Paul Klee
p. 139
I myself can cause my body, my mind, my heart and my soul to carry me powerfully through an intoxicating life.
p. 131
It's not the things that worry us, it's the opinion we have about things. Epictetus
You too will discover that many of the truths we cling to depend on our personal point of view. Star Wars VI
A lot of hiking makes you well versed.
Otto Kimmig
Everything we do is a distraction, and what we are distracting ourselves from is our own mortality.
Duane Michels
Anyone who says my house is full, more art doesn't fit in, is not a collector. Anyone who says they don't have the money for it is not a collector. If my wife and I really wanted a painting and couldn't pay for it, then we'd just pay it off in installments over a year.
Wilfred Wiegand
You never find a picture – they come and please you.
Elliot Erwitt
A photographer doesn't need to know much. He just has to look.
Henri Cartier Bresson
"Are you afraid of death?" the little prince asked the rose. To which she replied: "But no. I lived, I flourished and used my strength as much as I could. And love, given a thousandfold, returns to the one who gave it. So I want to wait for the new life and blossom without fear and despair."
Antoine de Saint Exupéry
Where there is fear, there is the way.
(The ego doesn't want...)
No dealings ever with fools, fellowship only with those who understand,
Worship of those who are worthy of worship - that, verily, is supreme salvation.
Residing in a favorable place, having done a good deed in a past life,
And even now follow high striving - that, truly, is the highest salvation!
Being rich in knowledge and skill, the morals well practiced,
Speak only well-spoken words - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
Give parents every help, care for wife and child,
Employment that is calm and orderly - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
generosity and righteous living, solicitude for relatives,
Employment of a blameless kind - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
abstaining from evil, abstaining; avoid intoxicating drink,
To be tireless in everything good - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
A heart full of reverence and full of humility, contented and grateful mind,
Listen to the teaching at the right time - that, truly, is the highest salvation!
Being approachable and patient, visits from ascetics too,
A teaching conversation at the right time - that, truly, is the highest salvation!
ascetic practice and chaste conduct, insight into the Noble Truth,
Then experiencing Nibbāna for oneself - that, verily, is supreme salvation!
A heart that does not tremble when it is struck by worldly events[2],
That free from sorrow, spotless and peaceful, - that, verily, is the highest salvation!
Those who achieve this are everywhere and always undefeated;
They go everywhere for happiness - this is the highest salvation for them!
Mangala Sutta (German Ütranslation)
That's what I heard. At one time the Blessed One dwelt at Savatthi, In the Jeta forest, in the grove of Anathapindika. Then, as night approached, a certain deity of great beauty, who made the whole Jeta forest shine, went to where the Blessed One was staying. Having gone there, she saluted the Blessed One and stood to one side. Stepping to one side, this deity addressed the Blessed One in verse:
"Many gods and men have thought of the ways of salvation,
by striving for welfare. You name the highest salvation!"
The Buddha:
The highest happiness
Not to follow fools, but to serve wise ones,
Worshiping good people - this brings good luck.
To live in the right country, in the right place,
Merit earned by good deeds and
Right effort - this brings good luck.
Be honest and open, efficient and disciplined
And mindful of your own words - that brings luck.
Supporting the parents, being loving to the life partner,
Doing the work undisturbed - that brings luck.
Be charitable and good, kind to relatives
And give your best - that brings happiness.
avoiding unwholesome deeds,
Don't get drunk
And tirelessly fulfilling the tasks - this brings good luck.
Respect others, be humble
Satisfied, grateful and taking the time
Wise to hear: teaching - that brings luck.
be patient and gentle
seek the company of good people,
Taking time for wise conversations brings good luck.
limitation and salutary deeds,
Knowing the truth and living according to it - that brings happiness.
To have a mind that is not moved by ups and downs
The world that is carefree, free from passion
And full of peace - this brings good luck.
Whoever realizes this is invincible,
He's fine and
He achieves the greatest happiness.
Man is equally unable to see the nothingness from which he comes as the universe that surrounds him.
Blaise Pascal
What in me causes those around me to behave this way?
Christian Weber
Quote from the Apocalypse “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him, and we will eat, I with him and he with me.” Rev 3:20
from "Hermit" by Kerstin Rubel:
Amazement and respect for the power behind everything is my religion.
Albert Einstein
Peace begins with each of us taking good care of our own body and mind.
Thich Nhat Hanh
It is a very beautiful idea that miracles can happen. But at some point you have to decide if miracles should happen to you too.
Deepak Chopra
My mind thinks it knows everything anyway.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
heart, how torn you are,
And how blessed to dig blindly
not to think, not to know
just to feel, just to feel
Herrman Hesse
Gentle rain, summer rain
Rushing from bushes, roaring from trees.
O how good and full of blessings
To have enough dreams again!
Been outside in the light for so long
This wave is unfamiliar to me:
dwell in your own soul,
Nowhere attracted to foreigners.
I desire nothing, I demand nothing,
hum soft children's sounds,
And surprised home I made it
In the dreams of warm beauty.
Heart, how sore you are
And how blessed to dig blindly
Nothing to think, nothing to know
Just breathe and feel!
I don't think there's a feeling more widespread among women than "feeling wrong."
Eva Maria Zurhorst
I don't know anything that's as beautiful as you?
Xavier Naidoo
Do you really want to feel bad?
Eva Maria Zurhorst
Start by becoming quiet inside. Silence the outer world so that the inner world can give you insight.
Neale Donald Walsch
Nobody can eat for me.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
The primary reality is on the inside, the secondary on the outside.
Eckhart Tolle
Loss of now is loss of being.
Eckhart Tolle
Thoughts are completely impersonal. They come to go.
I am breathed, I am thought.
Byron Katie
For most of us it is still natural to use all our energy for our work, for our financial security and for our advancement. But for our relationship, for our heart, for our soul?
Eva Maria and Wolfram Zurhorst
You cannot take responsibility for how well another accepts your truth, you can only ensure how well it is transmitted. And by "how good" I don't just mean the level of clarity; I mean how loving, how compassionate, how sensitive, how brave, and how complete.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Mindfulness is like a loving, knowing mother who looks at her child with compassion, knowing that whatever troubles the child will pass. This mindfulness cultivates love, kindness, and compassion for ourselves and others.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Paradoxically, everything gets worse and better at the same time, only the bad is more obvious because it makes so much "noise".
Eckhart Tolle
Every human thought and every human action is based on either love or fear.
Neale Donald Walsch
We think if we don't do anything, we're wasting our time. That is not true. Our time is there for us to be. To be what? To be peace, to be joy, to love. And that is what the world needs most.
Thich Nhat Hanh
It's never too late to have had a happy childhood.
Lency Spezzano
And the spirit saw itself bestowed with understanding that did not understand, surpassing all knowledge.
John of the Cross
The ego is the uncontrolled mind.
Eckhart Tolle
Feelings are the language of the soul, but you need to make sure you're listening to your true feelings and not some fake model your mind has concocted.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
You realize that the worst thing that can happen to you is a thought.
Byron Katie
The waves of life never stop. Let's learn to surf.
Chuck Spezzano
There is nothing more attractive than a person who loves - and you can tell that he doesn't just love anything or anyone, but life.
Erich Fromm
The person who loves the most is the one who is self-centered.
Neale Donald Walsch
Today there are a few grown-ups in a world full of grown-ups.
Eva Maria Zurhorst
Don't give up until you encounter happier feelings.
Chuck Spezzano
Your soul does not care about what you do for a living - neither now nor after you have ended your life. Your soul only cares about your being while you do whatever you do.
Jon Kabat-Zinn
Take care of your life and then take care of us.
Xavier Naidoo
I breathe in and my spirit comes back into my body, back home.
Thich Nhat Hanh
The only thing to learn is mindfulness.
To love you must be present.
Thich Nhat Hanh
i am not my thoughts
Jon Kabat-Zinn
It is what it is, says love.
Eric Fried
All your problems result from the feeling of isolation.
Chuck Spezzano
Inside me is an island to return home to.
Thich Nhat Hanh
In every human relationship, at the crucial crossroads, only one question arises: what would love do now?
Neale Donald Walsch
Now please get up and look out the window. Do you see anything happening that you are not involved in?
May I be free from fear and go through life with serenity. May all beings be free from fear and go through life with serenity.
I'm not interested in how you earn your money. I want to know what you are longing for and whether you dare to dream of fulfilling your heart's desires.
Oriah Mountain Dreamer
One can also love from across the room.
Chuck Spezzano
Please don't stop dreaming of a better world.
Xavier Naidoo
I can stop time
Jon Kabat-Zinn
You realize that everything that really matters - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - has its source beyond the mind.
Eckhart Tolle
The ego chooses another person and makes them special. In the ego state, love gets entangled in the form, in that other person.
Eckhart Tolle
At any moment we can decide for ourselves where we want to sit: on a lotus flower or on glowing coals.
Thich Nhat Hanh
let your face shine upon me.
psalm 31
If I see an obstacle, I throw my heart over it and jump after it!
Gerda Klingenfuss Entrepreneur
Seeing is feeling with the eyes.
Jef Verheyen, painter
No problem can be solved by the same awarenessuhbecome
which it created.
Albert Einstein
"Whoever seeks the truth must not be alarmed when he finds it." from China |
"A photo is a secret about a secret.
The more it reveals, the less you know."
(Diane Arbus)
Our lack of insight is responsible for the fact that we always cause our own unhappiness.
Dalai Lama
In Germany, the one who points out the dirt is considered much more dangerous than the one who makes the dirt.
Kurt Tucholsky
the easyetcrelevant
There's nothing to prove, and that's why he doesn't want to fool anyone.
There is nothing to look for because everything is already there.
The present is his eternity.
He neither takes himself seriously nor finds himself tragic.
“A reason for the existence (purpose) of science is the abolition of miracles: science is an ongoing discourse of explanations, and the definition of a miracle is a matter that has not yet been able to be settled. […] The less wonderful the world is, the more we wonder why it is there and even if it exists at all.”
(Vilém Flusser, Wondering About Science, 1989)
Humility does not consist in considering ourselves inferior, but in freeing ourselves from a sense of our own importance. This is the state of natural simplicity that is in tune with our true nature and allows us to taste the freshness of the present moment.
Matthieu Ricard
Nothing is inside, nothing is outside, because what is inside is outside.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Not what a person does, but for what reason and will he acts.
The whole misfortune of people is that they are unable to stay quietly in their room.
Blaise Pascal
My life has been full of misfortunes, most of which have not come to pass.
Michel Eyquem de Montaigne
In the community it is easy to live according to other people's ideas. In solitude it is easy to live on your own terms. But only he who preserves his independence in the community is remarkable.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
If there is an answer to our tremendous problems,
then the, after Luhto search for songs
the beduevents of all those affecteduconsider.
This is not utopian idealism.
I have seen such Luhsung muhare equal
- again and again, all over the world.
Marshall Rosenberg NVC Nonviolent Communication
Face the sun and the shadows will stay behind you.
"If what you want to say isn't nicer than silence, then keep quiet."(from China) |
poems by Hermann Hesse
From the years 1911 to 1918
I love the dark nightI love the dark night, but often, when she laughs so pale and gloomy as if from pain, I dread her evil empire And I long to see the sun And light-filled clouds in the blue, To warm in gleaming day rooms To dream of the night summer night O dark glowing summer night! Violins lure in the warm garden, Flares bloom in soft, delicate arch up. My dancer laughs. I sneak away secretly. The branches Blossoming trees dawn pale. Ah, all lust will soon run out, Only desire burns without ceasing. Wonderful summer night festivals My youth, where have you gone? All dances, whether I'm happy too, Glide so cool, missing the best. O dark glowing summer night, Let me have the heavy dreaming for once empty the cup of lust to the bottom, Who fills me up and finally makes me quiet! love Again my happy mouth wants to meet Your lips that kiss me blessing I want to hold your dear fingers And fold in my fingers playfully, fill my eyes thirsting on yours, wrap my skin deep in your hair, Will with ever-waking young limbs Respond faithfully to your limbs And from ever new fires of love renew your beauty a thousand times, Until we are both completely satisfied and grateful dwell happily above all suffering, Until we day and night and today and yesterday Wishless greetings as beloved sisters, Until we are above all doing and acting Walk in peace as transfigured ones. inspiration Night. Darkness. In tired hands I let go of the loud action of the day Facing down towards eternal night The forehead rests. How quiet! How without a sound the vastness! Hardly a withered leaf rustles in the path, The clouds have dark journey Not moon, not stars to escort. Slowly slipping from my chest The bad sting, unconsciously Sheds away everything that surrounded her during the day, The soul off. What comfort and love she knows, Step out of the dream's wondrous homeland Familiar forth and bends over them. O soul comforter, be welcome to me, You foreboding, whose melody So often taken the Alp from my breast! on your voice let me again, Dream-deep fountain of adorned songs, Noise on your silver strings Listen enraptured and lost in dreams! Lying in the grass Is that all, flower trickery And fluff of color in the light summer meadow, Delicate blue tense sky, beesong, Is this all of a god? groaning dream, Cry of unconscious forces for salvation? The distant line of the mountain that rests beautiful and bold in the blue, Is it just a spasm? Only wild tension of seething nature, Only pain, only torment, only senseless groping, Never resting, never blissful movement? Oh no! Leave me you, unholder dream From the suffering of the world! A mosquito dance rocks you in the evening glass, a bird call rocks you, A gust of wind on my forehead With flattery cools. Leave me, primeval human woe! likes everything torment May all be sorrow and shadow - But not this one sweet summer hour, And not the scent of red clover, And not the deep, delicate sense of well-being in my soul The Kuartist What I created in hot years, Is flaunted at the noisy market. The happy world passes easily, Laughs and praises and finds everything good. Nobody knows that this happy wreath whom the world laughingly presses into my hair, My life's strength and splendor devoured Oh, and that sacrifice was useless. To the melancholy I fled from you to wine, to friends, Since I dreaded your dark eyes In the arms of love and at the sound of the lute I forgot you, your unfaithful son. But you followed me in secret And you were in the wine that I drink desperately Were in the sultriness of my love nights And you were in the mockery that I spoke to you. Now you cool my exhausted limbs and took my head in your lap When I got home from my trips: Because all my wanderings were a way to you. Without you My pillow looks at me at night Empty as a dead stone; I never thought it would be so bitter To be alone And don't be bedded in your hair! I lie alone in the quiet house the traffic light turned off And gently stretch out your hands to circumnavigate yours And quietly press the hot mouth After you and kiss me weak and sore - And suddenly I woke up And all around the cold night is silent, The star in the window shines clear - O you, where is your blond hair, where's your sweet mouth Now I drink pain in every pleasure And poison in every wine; I never knew it was so bitter To be alone, To be alone and without you! the schuhno Like a child given a toy The thing looks at and hugs and then breaks, And tomorrow the giver never thinks So you can easily hold it in your little hand My heart that I gave you as a pretty bauble And you don't see how it twitches and suffers. conversion Since I was a young man Since my first shy courses In the longed-for land of love All brought me back desolate and miserable In the misunderstood glaring day It was my only consolation to dig deep in sorrow with full hands, Self-destructive with lustful bitterness to turn every fair color into black, Wild on breaking strings rushing towards my torment of deprivation. And in the evening I fled the light, Fled the sociable gardens to lonely Down deep in the shade of the beeches To sneak on the rough shore after dark drifting waves, Longing for death in the glowing heart. But today, because I have a poor day Dissolves unfelt into idle hours, Since my buried soul Hasty built high up from the rubble life locks lost the way to hope, Since my youth was the saddest, most unfortunate hour Nor does a treasure of gold laugh from far away, Today I have the dark ways voluptuously poured out melancholy, Leave sweet lament. In the evening, when the quiet hour comes to me, I brightly light my traffic light That the hostile night should sink outside the window. Tenderly I stretch the goldenest strings, The ones left to me, and go In the slow play of every lovely form, After every cheerful comforting beauty. Far away is death and far away suffering in my dreams, I guide her carefully, that her confused drink Show nothing but light and consolation and happy pictures: Blessed gardens, people full of childish lust, Intimate enjoyment of love and feasts adorned with flowers, Pure sublime women, men full of kind ardor, I create this dreaming and seek, What remains of shattered treasures To collect new in euphony into beautiful creations. Lonely so plays in peaceful hours my longing her game, See, and often I am able to laugh without desire, Outwitting life's senseless cruelty Through my meaningful dreaming game. And the most beautiful picture of a girl whom I once ardently desired, Sacrificed the splendor of my youth to dull renunciation, Changes (she, who has long since Far lost in the gray of everyday life) Luminous, more beautiful than before, Spotless, like a blossom of spring, Over the lovingly laid out carpet of my sweet dreams. As she strides and becomes a goddess, Sinks my life's misery far away And it will be my days Secret sense, the beloved To be an echo and an ennobling mirror. So from an early age I build when my hour comes All my years memory to the temple A love that no longer desires Knows no disappointment. At bedtime Well the day made me tired Should my longing desire Friendly the starry night Received like a tired child. keep your hands off everything forehead you forget all thinking, All my senses now Want to sink into slumber. And the soul unguarded Wanna soar in free flights Around in the magic circle of the night To live deeply and a thousandfold. The flame Whether you go dancing in baubles and junk, If your heart is sore in sorrow, Every day you experience the miracle That the flame of life glows in you. Some let them blaze and squander drunk in the ecstatic moment, Others give carefully and calmly Child and grandchildren continue their skills. But only those days are lost whose path leads through dull twilight, who is satisfied with the plague of the day And never feels the flame of life. tough people How is your gaze so hard want to petrify everything Ain't the smallest dream in it Is all cold present. In your sense No sun shining at all? And don't you have to cry That you were never children? To friends in difficult times Even in these dark hours Dear friends, let me count; whether I found it bright or dull, I never want to scold life. sunshine and thunderstorms Are mines of the same heaven; Destiny shall, whether sweet or bitter, Serve me as dear food. soul walks winding paths, Learn to read their language! Tomorrow she already praises as mercy, What agony you have been today. Only the rude can die Others want to teach the divinity From the low, from the high to nurture spiritual meaning. Only on those last steps May we rest where we, fatherly called, Already able to see the sky. rain mild rain, summer rain rustling from bushes, rustling from trees, Oh how good and full of blessings To have enough dreams again! been out in the light for so long This wave is unfamiliar to me: dwell in your own soul, Nowhere attracted to foreigners. I desire nothing, I demand nothing, hum soft children's sounds, And surprised home I made it In the dreams of warm beauty. heart, how torn you are, And how blessed to dig blindly not to think, not to know Just to feel, just to feel Lost Sound Once in childhood I walked along the meadow Came still carried a song in the morning wind, A sound in the blue air Or a scent, a floral scent, It smelled sweet. the sound for an eternity All my childhood. I was no longer aware - Only now these days I hear inside my chest hit him again. And now I don't care about the whole world Don't wanna trade with the lucky ones just wanna listen listen and stand still, How the fragrant tones go And whether it still sounds like it did back then. lonely evening In the empty bottle and in the glass the candle's gleam falters; It's cold in the room. Outside, the rain falls softly on the grass. Again you lay now to short rest Freeze you and sad down. morning comes and evening again, keep coming back But never you forlornness Nightwalker, I feel my way through forest and gorge, A magic circle glows fantastically around me, Not caring if courted, if cursed, I follow the inner command faithfully. How many times has reality woken me In which you live, and commanded me to you! I stood in her sobered and terrified And I soon stole away again. O warm home, from which you withdraw me, O dream of love, from which you disturb me, To you back on a thousand tricks flees My essence, as the water returns to the sea. Secret springs guide me with singing, dream-birds stir gleaming feathers; The sound of my childhood rings out again, In the gold braid, in the sweet song of the bees I finally find myself with my mother again. path to solitude the world falls away from you all joys fade away who you once loved; Darkness threatens from their ashes. into you Are you sinking unwillingly Pushed by a stronger hand You stand freezing in a dead world. Behind you blows crying echo of lost homeland, Children's voices and tender love tone. Difficult is the way to loneliness harder than you knew The fountain of dreams has also dried up. But trust, in the end Your way will be home death and rebirth, grave and eternal mother. concert The violins buzz high and soft, The horn wails from the depths, The ladies glitter colorful and rich And sparkles of light over it. I close my eyes silently: I see a tree in the snow He stands alone, has what he wants His own happiness, his own pain. I leave the room with trepidation And behind me the noise dies away From half pleasure, from half torment - He remained unexcited to me. I look for my tree in the snow I want what he has My own happiness, my own pain That fills the soul. Bucher All books in the world bring you no luck But they teach you secret back into yourself There's everything you need sun, star and moon, 'Cause the light you asked for resides in yourself. wisdom you have long sought in the libraries, Now shines from every leaf - Because now she is yours. awakening in the night moon from the window woke me up sleepy eyes wring, Solemn in the pallor Ahh I swing new dreams. Here and there a light and white, behind all blue blackness, glassy reflecting leg, Devil's tail and pious candles. From the light and dark builds dream ghost silent palaces, Block and hatchet, crowned bride, Dancers, intoxications, festivals. And the soul tears with delight at the rotten realities, To get over newly elated To slide into their own kingdom. |
“When you see a worthy one, strive to emulate him. When you see someone unworthy, examine yourself."
Be yourself the change you wish for in this world.
Mahatma Gandhi
The most important prerequisite for happiness is the willingness to be happy.
Bernhard Moestl
"Beautiful things do not ask for attention."
Photographer Sean O'Connell in
"The Amazing Life of Walter Mitty"
The true nature of existence is free from suffering, but until we realize this, suffering experiences are part of our existence.
Dalai Lama
"The wise seek what is within themselves, the fool what is outside."
from China
An atheist professor of philosophy was teaching his class about the problem that science has with Almighty God. He asked one of his new Christian students to stand up and...
Professor: You're a Christian, aren't you?
Student: Yes.
Professor: So you believe in God?
Student: Absolutely.
Professor: Is God good?
Student: Sure.
Professor: Is God omnipotent?
Student: Yes.
Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. Most of us would at least try to help others who are sick. But not God. How can this god be good then, hmm?
(The student was silent…)
Professor: You can't answer that question, can you? Let's start again young man: Is God good?
Student: Yes.
Professor: Is the devil good?
Student: No.
Professor: Where did the devil come from?
Student: From God.
Professor: That's true. Tell me, is there evil in this world?
Student: Yes.
Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn't it? And God created everything, correct?
Student: Yes.
Professor: So who created evil?
(The student did not answer…)
Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hate? Ugliness? All these things exist in this world, don't they?
Student: Yes sir.
Professor: So who created these things then?
(The student had no answer)
Professor: Science shows that you have 5 senses to identify and observe the world around you. tell me have you ever seen god
Student: No.
Professor: Tell me, have you ever heard God?
Student: No.
Professor: Have you ever felt, tasted, smelled your God? Have you ever had a sensory perception of God?
Student: No sir, I didn't.
Professor: And yet you believe in God?
Student: Yes.
Professor: By empirical, testable, and demonstrative protocol, science says YOUR God does not exist. What do you say?
Student: Nothing. I only have my faith.
Professor: Yes... believe. This is precisely the problem that science has...
Student: Professor, isn't there such a thing as heat?
Professor: Yes.
Student: And is that something like cold?
Professor: Yes.
Student: No sir, there isn't.
(The lecture hall became very quiet with the turning conversation)
Student: Sir, you can have a lot of heat, more heat, even super heat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat, or no heat at all. But there is no such thing as cold. We can reach -458 degrees Fahrenheit, which is not heat, but we cannot exceed that limit. There is no such thing as the cold. Cold is a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We can't measure the cold. Heat is energy. The cold isn't the opposite of the heat, sir, just the absence of it.
(The classroom was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop)
Student: How about the dark, sir? Is there such a thing as darkness?
Professor: Yes. What is the night if there is no darkness?
Student: You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have a little light, normal light, bright light or even bright light. But when you're constantly without light, you have nothing, and that's called darkness, right? So in reality there is no darkness. If it did, couldn't you make the darkness even darker?
Professor: So what do you mean by that, young man?
Student: Sir, what I'm saying is that your philosophical premise is flawed.
Professor: Incomplete? can you explain me why
Student: Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. They claim that there is life and death, a good god and a bad god. They think of God as finite, something we can measure.
Sir, science cannot even explain a thought. She uses electricity, and magnetism, but has neither seen nor fully understood any of them.
Those who see death as the opposite of life ignore the fact that death is not a substance. Death is not the opposite of life, just the absence of it. Now tell me sir, do you teach your students that they descended from apes?
Professor: If you want to get down to the theory of evolution: Yes, of course I teach it.
Student: Have you seen evolution with your own eyes, sir?
(The professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where this discussion was going)
Student: If no one has seen evolution in the process and cannot prove that this process is a progressive endeavor, then don't you teach your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?
(The class went wild)
Student: Is there anyone in this room who has seen the professor's brain?
(the class laughed)
Student: Is there anyone here who felt, heard, touched, or smelled the professor's brain?
Nobody seems to have done it. So, by the established rules of empirical, stable, and demonstrative protocol, science says you don't have a brain, sir.
With all due respect sir, how can we trust your teaching, sir?
(The classroom was silent. The professor stared at the student, his face – inscrutable.)
Professor: I guess you have to take it by faith, boy.
Student: That's it, sir! Exactly! The connection between man and God is FAITH. That's the only thing that keeps things alive and driving.
If you don't love yourself the right way, you can't love others either. Because the right love for oneself is also the natural goodness towards others. So self-love is not egoism, but goodness.
Robert Musil
In a way, sometimes forgiveness simply means that we decide no longer to carry the hate inside us because we have realized that it poisons us.
Jack Kerouac
Inner strength starts with your own thinking.
Bernhard Moestl
Free yourself from your own power.
Wing Tsun
Everything is within ourselves when we go within and are truthful.
"Master, if I have nothing in my mind, then what shall I do?" Joshu replied: "Then throw it out." - "But if I have nothing at all, how can I throw it out?" - "Well, then carry it out."
Learn that you can start over at any moment.
Bernhard Moestl
Experience is like a lantern in the back, it only illuminates the part of the way that we have already walked.
People only see what they expect to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greatest and best thing you can do for someone is not to share your wealth with them, but rather to reveal to them the wealth that is already within them.
Benjamin Disraeli
Once you've found yourself, you can't lose anything in this world.
Stefan Zweig
He who rides a tiger cannot dismount.
Art is magic freed from the lie to be truth.
Theodor W. Adorno
Before you act, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.
Ernesto Hemingway
The best way to resolve conflicts is to show understanding and respect to the other.
Dalai Lama
silence itself is guhdaily; it contains and mediates the power of God's nature. Often stillness is equated with 'space' so that it appears as nothing, but in reality it is a divine 'something', the divine field in which each 'thing' appears. Mother does not give speeches and rarely answers questions in public. Here, too, she remains true to her principle of only giving what is essential, the divine. She leads us to stillness – the essential nondual field in which everything appears – and thereby gives us more than would be possible through endless explanations. In a world where we are surrounded by information sources and noise everywhere in private and public spheres, gives us mother her silence, the ultimate Ütransmission medium fur teachings and transformation.
mother meera
requDo your work and your duties with all your heart and with joy, bring peace and Gluck in your family and your environment, make your japa (repeating the guhreal name) and then ask for what you wantunext
mother meera
The character of a person as an expression of his individual personalityuhsimilarity determines his fate.
Change your personuhsimilarity, then your destiny will change as well. This wisdom is ancient and at the same time fur the present time, the of dramas and destiny Schletcgenes of all kinds checkedetcgt is highly topical.
What is the person actually doing?uhlikeness of a person in general? That he is different from all other people, at least in one tiny detail! What makes you special with your individual personuhsimilarity? Maybe just the desire to be something very special or to create something unique?! Yes, definitely, because otherwise wetcDon't you rive into this time with these small and big dramas, in this world full of bad news, disaster reports and conshuhtion theories born into it.
It was your free choice to experience this world in this way because you were curious about the dualityat.
You can never lose this free decision, no matter what the circumstances in lifeetcnd you're caught right now. You can make a new decision at any moment, even if you have forgotten it. So you have the freedom to recreate your destiny today, because you mude are from the Lebensketcand basically already knowing that you have all the dramas and successes, all the Huhhave already experienced the heights and depths of life. Your curiosity about dualityetct was satisfied, but you missed the exit from the dramas. The way to the exit seems blocked or the Tur closed. Start changing your destiny right now and uhopen fur the cognition uabout yourself. Without self-knowledge there is no sense of veretcChange, because knowledge is the first step to improvement.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
treatment by love
An infinite source of love bubbles up deep in the center of my being. I now allow this love to well up to the surface. It fills my heart, my body and my mind, my consciousness and my innermost being, and radiates from me in all directions to return with increased strength. The more love I practice and give, the more I have to give; the supply is limitless. When I practice love, I feel good; this is the expression of my inner joy. I love myself, and therefore I take loving care of my body. I lovingly feed him good food and drink, care for him and dress him lovingly. My body thanks me with love, radiant health, vitality and energy. I love myself, so I prepare myself a comfortable home that meets all my needs and where I enjoy staying. I infuse all rooms with vibrations of love so that everyone who enters them - including myself - will feel this love and feel empowered by it.
I love myself, so I work in a place where I really enjoy the work, where my creative talents and skills are used. I work with and for people I love and who love me and I earn a good income from it. i love myself; therefore I act lovingly towards all people and think of them lovingly, because I know that whatever I give will come back to me multiplied. I only attract loving people into my world because they are a mirror of who I am. i love myself; therefore I forgive and completely detach myself from the past and all past experiences and I am free. I love myself, so I live in the now every day and experience every moment as good. I know my future is bright, joyful, and secure, for I am a beloved child of the universe, and the universe lovingly cares for me now and forever. That's the way it is. I love you.
Louise L Hay
If I can put it into words kuhnnte, bretcI didn't try to paint it. My pictures speak. I kuhshe could not explainetcren.
Gotthard Graubner
The space between the words is more important than the words.
The more space between the words, the better.
But this only works if you are aware of this space. Because otherwise it's just an unwelcome interruption and you wait impatiently for the next word or sentence.
Eckhart Tolle
Nature is enough for itself and should also be enough for man. What we still find around us from nature kuhnnen (I deliberately do not say 'have') has no human attributionunuhright. she is herself – and fua revelation to us...
Herman de Fries
I've never seen a fanatic with a sense of humor in my life.
Amos Oz
Be patient if your conversation partner doesn't seem to be listening. Maybe he just has some fur in his ear.
pooh bear
Life doesn't have to be easy if only it's rich in content.
Read Meitner
The more I see of people, the more I appreciate dogs.
Frederick the Great
Present: that part of eternity that separates the domain of disappointment from the realm of hope.
Ambrose Bierce
The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
unknown thinker
The space between the words is more important than the words themselves.
Eckhart Tolle
The difference between what is and what we perceive is the source of all suffering.
Dalai Lama
Because all pornography is an image, that uPoints beyond herself, she is therefore dissatisfied, she always wants more, wants to be more immediate, step out of the picture, get under the reader's skin than wetcre you a stuck from himself. And because the more you stare at the pornographic images, the more intangible they become, they become more and more colourful, wild and coarser.
Thomas Steinfeld about Jonathan Littel “The well-meaning ones” in the Süddeutsche 05/17/2013
If the man does not admit his feminine traits, i.e. his feelings, the creative and soft in himself, he projects it onto women, who then fascinate him. Projection always causes fascination.
The man should admit and affirm that he carries within himself everything that attracts him so much about the woman.
Anselm Green
Try all your life to push the door open, sink down exhausted and find the door opens inwards.
God empties us through disappointments, reveals our hollowness through our failures, works on us through the sufferings he imposes on us.
Anselm Green
"Easy is right.
Start right and it's easy.
Proceed lightly and it is right.
The right way to find the easy is,
forgetting the right way and forgetting,
that he is light."
-Dschuang Tsu- (also: Yang Dschu)
A life without morals reduces man to the level of animals.
Dalai Lama
"Health is less a condition than an attitude, and it thrives on enjoying life.”
Thomas Aquinas (1224 - 1274)
That is why the true K despisesuartist nothing, he is obliged to understand instead of judging.
Albert Camus Nobel Prize Speech
That which is composed of parts so as to form a unified whole, not like a heap, but like a syllable,this is obviously more than just the sum of its parts. |
Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) |
Ultimately, if we make consistent effort over a long period of time, success is inevitable.
Dalai Lama
One should not want to foresee the future, but muhmake equal.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
If life doesn't have a vision to strive for, long for, realize muhecht, then there is also no motive to make an effort.
Erich Fromm
The world owes none of us a living, but we all owe each other a living.
Henry Ford
Inner gratification does not depend on material or sensual gratification.
The open man finds fur every problem an Luhsung, the closed one ffor each loa problem.
Albert Einstein
each veretcchange begins within us.
Dalai Lama
Belief in life after death helps us to accept things as they are.
Dalai Lama
It is better not to insist on your personal views, but to enter into a dialogue with the other person.
Dalai Lama
And suddenly you know: It's time to start something new and to trust the magic of the beginning.
Master Eckhardt
In the end the question arises, what have you done with your life? Then what you wish you had done, do now.
Erasmus of Rotterdam
Don't let anyone pressure you into a decision you may later regret.
Bernhard Moestl
Life is the sum of your decisions.
Albert Camus
Every person pursues a dream in their life. Either someone else's or his own. Make sure you are chasing your own dream.
Christopher La Brec
We cannot calculate in advance what is important. The greatest joy is always found where you least expect it.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
One must not consider oneself so divine that one cannot occasionally improve one's own works.
Ludwig van Beethoven
"Great!” exclaimed the Emperor. “This is the most beautiful garden in all of Japan. And that one over there is the most beautiful stone in the whole garden.” The gardener immediately removed the stone that the emperor had liked so much. "Only now is the garden complete," he said. "Only now, when nothing stands out anymore, does its sight convey true harmony. A garden is like life. It has to be seen in its entirety. If we get caught up in the beauty of one detail, the rest will seem ugly to us.”
We are asked to gain a value-free awareness of our own self.
Bernhard Moestl
Humility means accepting what doesn't suit us if we can't change it.
Bernhard Moestl
Humility means not comparing yourself.
Dag Hammerskjold
When it becomes apparent that there is no prospect of success, running away in good time is the best method.
from China
Anyone who finds that you shy away from confrontation will look for it.
Bernhard Moestl
The decision to consciously accept something deficient in order to avoid a confrontation is ultimately made by you alone.
Bernhard Moestl
Confrontation means steadfastness, not argument.
Bernhard Moestl
Learn that fear of confrontation weakens you and makes your opponent strong.
Bernhard Moestl
Imagine it's war and no one goes - then the war will come to you.
Bertolt Brecht
The big ones stop ruling when the little ones stop crawling.
Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller
Surround yourself with only the best employees you can get. That's the only way you'll stay king in the long run.
Bernhard Moestl
Meeting at eye level does not just mean not looking up to anyone. Rather, it also means the opposite: not to look down on anyone.
Bernhard Moestl
Being equal means understanding that you are just as valuable as everyone else.
Bernhard Moestl
A sage scattered seeds around his house every evening. One day one of his disciples, watching him, asked: "Master, why are you spreading seeds around the house?" "To keep the tigers away," answered the sage. "But master," replied the disciple, "there are no tigers around!" "Then," said the sage, "so my method is effective."
Comparing yourself to others only costs energy and makes you weak.
Bernhard Moestl
Wherever you go, be your own master, and where you stand, stand tall.
One should not seek peace outside, only within oneself. Those who have found inner stillness do not grasp at anything, nor do they reject anything.
In the end, good concepts are only discarded because someone else didn't react enthusiastically enough.
Bernhard Moestl
In my opinion, it is not those who automatically think of themselves as the best who make it to the top, but those who have learned to deal with their doubts and fears.
Bernhard Moestl
Value good company. Even if you are alone.
It is impossible to please everyone.
from Germany
Like true power, true wealth comes only from within. What counts in the end is not what we have, but what we are.
Bernhard Moestl
Wanting something but not being able to have it makes us suffer.
Bernhard Moestl
Let go, what you love. If it comes back, it's yours forever.
Everything that is, no matter how great and good, has its time, serves its purpose, and passes.
Francis of Assisi
Attachment to the object always brings about the demise of the owner.
Marcel Proust
If you don't love yourself the right way, you can't love others either. Because the right love for oneself is also the natural goodness towards others. So self-love is not egoism, but goodness.
Robert Musil
Free yourself from your own power.
Wing Tsun
Everything is within ourselves when we go within and are truthful.
The path that we have always walked is the easiest for us.
Bernhard Moestl
Experience is like a lantern in the back. It always only illuminates the part of the way that we have already walked.
People only see what they expect to see.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The greatest and best thing you can do for someone is not to share your wealth with them, but rather to reveal to them the wealth that lies within them.
Benjamin Disraeli
Once you've found yourself, you can't lose anything in this world.
Stefan Zweig
He who rides a tiger cannot dismount.
One can probably say quite generally that in
the history of human thought often the fruitful
most recent developments where two different
different ways of thinking have met. These
different ways of thinking may have their roots in
have different areas of human culture or
in different times, in different cultural
environments or different religious traditions. When
they only really meet, ie if they're at least that far
relate to each other that a real
interaction takes place, then one can hope
that new and interesting developments follow. Werner Heisenberg
If I could put it into words, I wouldn't need to paint it. My pictures speak. I couldn't explain them either.
Gotthard Graubner
10/13/2013 – 2/23/2014
What is the high glory / and youth / honor and art?
When this hour ends: everything will be smoke and haze.
Andreas Gryphius, To himself
You see / wherever you look only vanity on earth.
What this one builds today / that one brings in tomorrow:
Where there are towns and cities / there will be a wisdom /
A shepherd's child will play with the herds.
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
What is blooming now and magnificently / will soon be closed
What now throbs and defies tomorrow is ashes and legs /
Nothing is / that is eternal / not ore / not marble stone.
Luck smiles at us now / soon complaints will thunder.
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
The glory of great deeds must pass away like a dream.
Should the game of time / the easy man endure?
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
Oh! what is all this / what we consider delicious
As bad vanity / as shadows / dust and wind;
As a Wisen-Blum / which one cannot find again.
Nor does a single person want to look at what is eternal!
Andreas Gryphius, It's all vanity
Man plays the game of time / plays because he lives everywhere.
In the scene of this world; he sits / and yet not firmly.
He rises and that falls / he sought the palaces /
And he who has a bad roof / who reigns and he weaves.
What was yesterday is gone / what happiness now raises;
Will go down tomorrow / the previously green branches
Are now dry and dead / we poor are only guests
Whether a sharp sword floats on delicate silk.
And learns that when one departs from the pancket of life:
Crown / wisdom / strength and good / remain a borrowed splendor.
Andreas Gryphius, image of our life
the years are not mine
who took my time;
the years are not mine
Some would like to come;
the moment is mine
And I'll take care of him
That's mine
Made of year and eternity.
Andreas Gryphius, Consideration of Time
Up friends! let's go to the table/
In which the sun holds in the midst of heaven
And the world weary with heat and work
Seeks her way / and to share our day.
The zircon of flowers is blown by the flaming arrows
Hurt too hard / the parched field
Desires for the rope/ the reaper for the tent;
No bird laments from its libes ropes.
Now the light reigns. The black shadow flees
Into a cave / into which one hides /
Forces shame and fear to hide.
One can escape the glamor of the day!
But not the light / that / where we always stand
Vhn sees and judges / and penetrates Hell and Grufft.
Andreas Gryphius, noon
You live in time / and yet know no time /
So you humans do not know of / and in what you are.
You know this / that you were born in one time.
And that you too will be lost in time.
But what was the time / that brought you into itself?
And what will this be / that will make you nothing more?
Paul Fleming, Thoughts / About Time
Man is in time; she is in him at once.
But the human being / if it still stays / has to give way.
Time is / what you are / and you are / what time /
Except that you are still less / than what the time is / are.
Paul Fleming, Thoughts / About Time
That what you call beauty / Are things like flowers / That are unstable / And
flee like the wind.
It will be on your cheeks / Not constant spring. / The starlight gives way /
As how the flowers are resplendent.
No river rushes away so soon / Than beauty and form.
Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau
my whole life
At any time /
Remain firm /
in joy and sorrow /
of eternity.
Christian Hofmann von Hofmannswaldau, Transience
"What it is and blooms magnificently /
should be kicked in soon
What now so throbs and defies
is tomorrow ashes and bones /
Nothing is / that is eternal /
no ore / no marble stone.”
Andreas Gryphius: It's all vain
To whom time is like eternity,
And eternity like time;
He's free
From all strife.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Darkness is the greatest enmity of light and yet it is the cause for light to be revealed.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
God gave me knowledge. Not I, who am the "I", know it, but God knows it in me.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
The mocker will say I despise the stone church as the congregation comes together. I say no to that. But I point to the hypocritical Babylonian whore, who only fornicates with the stone church, calls herself a Christian, but is only a whore's brat.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
But the saint has his church with him and in himself everywhere.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
The right heaven is everywhere also in the place
where you stand and go
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Just open your eyes and you will see:
The world is filled with God.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
There is no more beautiful music, because that's how people feel together from the inside.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
No work pleases God except by faith in God.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
The sun has often gone out for me, but has risen again, and the more often it has gone out, the brighter and more beautiful it has risen again.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
You will not find a book where you can become more aware of the divine wisdom than when you walk in a green and blooming meadow. There you will see, smell and taste the wonderful power of God.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
We stand here in one and the same field in which we grow, God sowed us into it and we all grow from the same seed.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
What you build and leave here in your spirit, be it with words, works and thoughts, that will be your eternal house.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Where the way is hardest, go there
and what the world throws away, accept it!
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Why do you speak of God more than you know or is revealed to you?
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Every human being is free and is like his own god, he can turn into anger or into light in this life; what kind of dress someone wears explains him.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
You must not say that you are not in God and that you are not in God, or that God is something alien to which you cannot come, but where you are, there is the gate of God.
Jacob Boehme (1575 - 1624)
Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.
mae west
What do we mean by liberation?
Victory over our emotions.
Dalai Lama
In ancient times, True People breathed yin and yang. All beings looked up to their virtue and thus found themselves in peaceful harmony. In these times the leaders worked in secret and spontaneously created pure simplicity. Pure simplicity had not yet been lost, and so the ten thousand beings were free and at ease.
Gradually the society declined. At the time of Fu Xi, conscious effort awoke: people slowly lost their innocence and began to grasp the universe through conscious understanding. Human virtues were complex and no longer formed a unity.
In the days when Shen Nong and Huang Di ruled the land and created the calendar to attain alignment with yin and yang, people stood up and thoughtfully bore the burden of seeing and hearing. Thus order prevailed, but harmony had been lost.
The way of evolved people is to nurture the body through rest and nourish life through frugality... If you want to direct the body and nourish the true nature, sleep and rest in moderation, eat and drink in moderation, bring Harmony in your feelings and simplify your actions. If you are mindful of yourself inside, you will realize this and be impervious to corrupt energies.
He who adorns his outside harms his inside.
If you give your feelings space, you damage your spirit.
He who flaunts his adornments hides his reality.
Those who cannot leave their intellect aside even for a moment inevitably burden their innermost nature.
If you don't forget to keep up appearances even if you walk 100 paces, you will inevitably strain your physical body.
Therefore, the beauty of the feathers harms the bones, dense foliage on the branches injures the roots. No one can excel at both.
What applies to the lower levels of society must not be disregarded at the higher levels: what is forbidden to the people must not be allowed to privileged people. So when people who lead others make laws, they should first apply them to themselves to test them. Only when a provision is suitable for the rulers can it be imposed on the people.
If there is more than enough, the people yield; if there is less than enough, then there is competition. When people yield, courtesy and justice develop; when there is competition, violence and confusion ensue. If the wishes are numerous, the worries do not become less. For those seeking enrichment, competition never ends. Thus, when a society is orderly, the people maintain their sincerity and are not seduced by gain or advantage. When society is disordered, the ruling class acts criminally, and the laws cannot stop it.
Explore your destiny, control your thinking, organize your preferences and live in harmony with your true nature; then you have grasped the path of leadership. Find out your destiny and neither luck nor misfortune can throw you into confusion. Control your thinking and you will not be at the mercy of feelings of joy or anger. Order your likes and you will not crave what is useless. Live in harmony with true nature and your desires will not be excessive.
When neither fortune nor misfortune can confuse you, then whether you act or rest, you follow reason. If you don't leave it to chance whether you feel joy or anger, then you don't flatter people in the hope of reward or fear of punishment. If you do not desire what is useless, then do not hurt your nature with greed. If your desires are not excessive, then you nourish life and experience contentment. You cannot find these four things on the outside, they do not depend on other people. You can reach them by returning to yourself.
Great people are peaceful and free from longing. You are calm and free from worries. They make the sky their canopy and the earth their vehicle. They make the four seasons their horses and the dark and the light their drivers. They travel into the pathless, roam the inexhaustible, set out through the gateless.
Hence the affairs of the world cannot be forced, but only promoted in accordance with their own nature. Nothing can sustain the ten thousand things in their transformation unless one grasps the essence and returns to it. Therefore, the wise cultivate their inner basis and do not adorn their outer appearance with superficial things. They activate their life spirit and bury their preconceived notions. This makes them open and free of any intention, and yet there is nothing they don't do; they do not order, and yet there is nothing that is not ordered.
To be empty means to be free from burdens within. Being balanced means that the mind is free from bondage. When habitual desires don't bother you - this is the peak of emptiness. When you know neither likes nor dislikes - this is the pinnacle of balance. When you are in unity and not changing - this is the pinnacle of stillness. When you are not involved - this is the pinnacle of purity. When you feel neither sadness nor delight - this is the pinnacle of virtue.
The great way is gentle and not far from yourself.
Those who seek afar go and come back.
Happiness has nothing to do with wealth or reputation, but is a matter of harmony. Those who know enough to consider the self important and the world insignificant are near the way.
The so-called true people are connected in their nature with the way. Therefore they have gifts, although they seem to have none; they are fulfilled. although they seem empty. They direct the inside, not the outside. In their purity and utter simplicity, they do not strive for the artificial but return to simplicity.
Wen-tzu 42
Take the world lightly and the mind will be free from every burden. Do not attach importance to ten thousand things and your heart will not be confused. Let life and death be of equal importance to you, and your mind will be without fear. Take the same attitude toward change and constancy, and nothing will cloud your clarity.
Accomplished men lean on a pillar that will never be shaken, they travel on roads that never break, they draw from a well that never fails, and they learn from a teacher who is immortal. Everything they undertake is crowned with success, and wherever they go, they get there. No matter what they do, they resign themselves to their fate and make their way free of any confusion. Unhappiness and luck, profit and damage cannot harm their spirit.
Wen-Tzu 32
When people lose their innermost nature by giving in to their desires, their actions are never correct. Running a nation in this way can only result in chaos; leading yourself in this way defiles your insides.
The Way gives form to ten thousand things, yet is itself forever formless. It is still and immobile, yet in its entirety it embraces the undifferentiated unknown. Nothing is so vast that it would go beyond him, nothing so tiny that it could penetrate inside him. It has no dwelling and arises between being and non-being.
True people embody this through open emptiness, balanced informality, clear stillness, pliable yielding, unadulterated purity and plain simplicity, and don't get caught up in things. Her perfect virtue is the way of heaven and earth. That is why they are called real people.
Look straight ahead like a newborn calf without asking why; let your body be like a withered tree and your spirit like dead ashes. Realize the true knowledge and do not follow tortuous trains of thought. Keep your openness and lack of intention, because then you can achieve clarity and mastery. How could there be talk of ignorance?
Wen-tzu 5
Kindness, compassion, humanity and the performance of duty form a short and narrow path: he who first treads this narrow path and then treads a broader path, strays; he who first walks a short path and then travels a long distance becomes confused. In the way of the wise one enters the vastness without getting lost and travels far without becoming confused. The climax is reached when one is constantly dwelling in emptiness and with oneself.
Wen-tzu 118
Kurt von Hammerstein-Equord, a German army officer in World War I who was personally sidelined by Hitler in World War II because of his skeptical attitude, mentally divided his officers into four camps: The stupid and lazy, who made up ninety percent of any army, were suitable for routine tasks. The smart and industrious should join the general staff. But the clever and lazy are predestined for the highest managerial positions, because only they bring "the mental clarity and nerves of steel for difficult decisions." On the other hand, one must beware of the stupid and hardworking. You shouldn't transfer any responsibility to them, because they would "only ever do mischief". Actually, this grid would still offer a good orientation when recruiting elites.
When you create art, you live in a world full of dreams that have come true.
Ignacio Lopez Porras
Happiness comes from taming the mind.
Dalai Lama
The secret of happiness is not in possession, but in giving. Who makes others happy, is happy.
Andre Gide
It is best not to constantly worry about our personal gain or loss.
Dalai Lama
We only suffer because we think too much.
Dalai Lama
The best human qualities are love and compassion.
Dalai Lama
Talking a lot without need is like letting weeds overgrow our garden.
Dalai Lama
The only way to develop the mind of enlightenment is: meditate, meditate, meditate.
Dalai Lama
Without hope there is no progress.
Dalai Lama
It is an illusion to believe that the outside world can grant our desires.
Dalai Lama
The more collected a person
lives inside him
the stronger is his charisma,
that emanates from him
and captivates others.
But it also carries all the more
all free mental behavior
the stamp of personal uniqueness,
which is at home in the heart of the soul.
Furthermore, the body is all the stronger
shaped by it and thereby “spiritualized”.
Here is the true center of the
physical, mental and spiritual being.
Edith Stein
Art should do something other than sit on your butt in a museum.
(Claes Oldenburg)
Works of art only stick when they fall out of the frame.
(Wolfram Weidner)
"The head is round so that thinking can change direction."
(Francis Picabia)
I was already an adult through and through -
and now this throwback.
Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of life's longing for itself. They come through you, but not from you. And although they are with you, they are not yours. You may give them your love, but not your thoughts. Because they have their own thoughts. You may give their bodies a home, but not their souls. For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them; but do not try to make them like you. For life does not go backwards, nor dwells on yesterday. You are the bows from which your children are sent forth as Living Arrows. Archer sees the target in the path of infinity, and He stretches you with His power so that His arrows may fly far and wide. From the archer's hand let your bow be aimed for joy. For as He loves the arrow that flies, so He loves the bow that is firm.
Khalil Gibran: The Prophet
You can tell the culture of a people by how they treat their dead.
Receive what you are: the body of Christ!
Become what you receive: body of Christ!
Aurelius Augustine (354-430), bishop of Hippo in North Africa, philosopher, church father, saint
Search what you are looking for, but not where you are looking.
If you're looking for the truth, you're already separated from it.
"The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule, but to set dates for your priorities."
Stephen R Covey
I'm only responsible for
what I say,
Not for that, what you understand.
My boss doesn't eat honey, he chews bees!
Money alone does not make you happy,
it has to be yours too.
Existence is delicious, you just have to have the courage
to lead his own life. Giacomo Casanova
Extension question:
Would you continue to live the time you have lived with me in the future if everything goes the way it did last month?
Would you rather come home or go?
First the marriage, then the tricycle, then a house, then it's over.
Only when you are well can you give the world your best.
The smallest bee collects more honey every day
than the elephant in a year.
Zhuang Zi:
"Once Dschuang Chou dreamed that he was a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly, who felt well and happy and knew nothing about Dschuang Chou. Suddenly he woke up: there he was again really and truly Dschuang Chou. Now I don't know if Chouang Chou dreamed that he was a butterfly, or whether the butterfly dreamed that he was Chouang Chou, although there is certainly a difference between Chouang Chou and the butterfly. That's how things change."
In Genesis, my camera allowed nature to speak to me. And it was my privilege to listen.
(Sebastiao Salgado)
Gratitude is the most important key to wealth.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
"In the beginning love, in the end love!
All experiences in between are meaningless;
that's all you have to learn."
Mhaádeii AmaMia
The five theses of creation
The first thesis of creation reads:
You are everything. You are the beginning and the end of your world as the ONE Creator.
The second creation thesis reads:
If there is only you as the ONE Creator, the other must be a mirror of you and is not separate from you.
The third creation thesis reads:
If you and the other are not separated from each other, you yourself are the cause of "good and evil" and thus both the perpetrator and the victim.
The fourth thesis of creation reads:
If you, as creator, are both victim and perpetrator, then there is no fault of the other. If there is no guilt of the other, then there is no reason to look for the cause in the other or to demand the punishment of the guilt in the outside.
The fifth thesis of creation reads:
No being is "evil" or "good" by nature, but always "holy" at its core. However, every being has the right to experience “good” and “evil” through its free will in order to be able to experience duality.
The seven theses of life
The first thesis of life is:
All people are essentially the same and should not be judged differently based on their external expression. For this reason, respect for every life form is the basis for harmony within any collective world.
The second life theses are:
Every human being has the right to dispose of the wealth of his world through his creative power without restrictions, as long as he accepts the consequences of it.
The third thesis of life is:
Every human being bears direct responsibility for all consequences of his creations, whether he is aware of this or not.
The fourth theses of life:
Every human being has an obligation, if he has violated one of the theses of life, to reach natural forgiveness through his ability to self-knowledge of cause and effect. Out of this forgiveness man receives unconditional salvation.
The fifth theses of life:
Anything a person sends out through the power of their free creative spirit will inevitably come back to them in due course. If he does not accept this, he loses his access to the creative power.
The sixth theses of life:
The free will of every human being is inviolable. If a person uses his free creative spirit to manipulate or deliberately harm another person, he loses his own free will and thus his creative power.
The seventh theses of life:
Every human being is obliged to maintain his highest consciousness in order to discern the "good" or "evil" of his creations. If man loses this discernment, he remains powerless until he finds it again.
The other person's eyes are yours
Reflecting mirrors, you can tell from them
where you stand You can only then in the eyes
meet other people's love,
when you look deeper than the ego allows you.
Face the ego without fear, then it kicks
willingly to the side and you will be behind the
recognize the radiant purity of your own love,
and blissful joy will settle in your heart
spread if you may experience
that you are love
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2013
Who lives no respect and no respect,
who has not realized gratitude,
there is no way he can lead a humble life.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2013
Follow the flow moment by moment
of life and accept everything
what wants to come to you
and hold nothing back
what wants to leave you again,
then you are in the flow with yourself
and fear will take you without your own
have to leave effort.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2013
Only the overcoming of the darkness by the
Acceptance of fear and powerlessness can light up
illuminate within yourself.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Find the tiny seed from the source within you and
open in yourself the door to the light of love and
meet your own divine being.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
The light of grace transforms ours
self-destructive thoughts,
Emotions and actions in constructive and
healing thoughts, emotions and actions.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Isn't it great to see
that the disappointment is a blessing for you.
Because that's the only way you could have an experience with
Make yourself and you yours and yours
Weaknesses in lovingly forgiving greatness
and apply strength.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
If you can immediately see that all
obstacles are only a passing test,
that have no real consequences,
you soon made it to freedom.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Recognizing your own weaknesses is the
clear indication of the beginning
of enlightenment.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Do you criticize your body, your thoughts,
your feelings or actions negative,
so you criticize yourself in the core of your power,
at the core of your power negative.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
With every change of perspective
are you changing
Your living conditions, the other people,
Your future and your past.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
The addiction to emotions keeps you
staying in the moment and preventing
that you have the necessary ability
can develop of patience.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Everything always begins with the desire
as an individual being its own special
to have meaning
to stand out from the crowd
to be able to perceive yourself in the mirror through being different.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Forget your wishes for fulfillment
give up your search for perfection and
focus on peace within yourself
then you can feel them very softly,
the budding blissful love.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Do not search for enlightenment, peace or perfection,
as long as you have not realized the trust in yourself.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
Start living in the moment today.
Draw a line below your expectations
and allow fate
To bring you surprise and adventure.
Mhaádeii AmaMia 2012
You find the source of love in your own heart.
Mhaadeii 2011
does not mean,
to do what you want
to want what you do.
Mhaadeii 2010
I respect your individual nature and see beauty in it, I respect your special features and see beauty in it, I respect your talents and see beauty in it. I notice and respect your limitations, I notice and respect your individual dislikes, I notice and respect your weaknesses, I notice and respect your individual hurts. I respect you the way you are with your many individual ways of expressing yourself as a human being. I neither judge your merits nor judge your shortcomings. Since I don't judge you, I don't see any flaws in you. Because I don't idealize you, I don't feel any envy or rejection, there's no competition and no dissatisfaction.
Mhaádeii AmaMia
"It's not because it's hard we don't dare
but because we dare not, it is difficult.”
Lucius Annaeus Seneca
The relative truth is that
what we perceive with our senses.
But the absolute truth is indescribable.
Dalai Lama
The people of the past knew neither the joy of being born nor the horror of dying. Their entrance (into the world of corporeality) was not joyful for them, their entrance (into the hereafter) was without reluctance. They went calmly, they came calmly. They did not forget their origin; they were not dying; they accepted their fate and rejoiced in it, and (forgetting death) they returned (to the hereafter).
Zhuang Zi
Living in the present moment is everything what matters.
Dalai Lama
Your life is not decided by what you open your mouth to the outside world, what you whisper to yourself has the most power.
Robert T Kiyosaki
Good ideas have the greatest energy as soon as they are opened.
Nicole Spitzberg
The space you give
is the proportion
who determines your share.
Nicole Spitzberg
If you want to wait for it to move forward by itself,
let it roll downhill
Nicole Spitzberg
The shoes you put on
decide how you progress and arrive.
Nicole Spitzberg
headwind disturbs
who does not feel enough warmth for his goal.
Nicole Spitzberg
Who ducks his head
can only look in one direction.
Nicole Spitzberg
The greatest development opportunities are often buried there
where you lose your temper
Nicole Spitzberg
Some people go pretty far
so as not to have to leave your own point of view.
Nicole Spitzberg
New ways grow again,
if you admire them long enough
but don't hike.
Nicole Spitzberg
Above every longing door is written:
let yourself in
Nicole Spitzberg
The lasting enjoyment of beautiful memories
is a first class contraceptive against fertilization by novelty.
Nicole Spitzberg
I'm here and there's nothing to say. What we need is silence.
John Cage
We should all worry about our future
because we're going to spend the rest of our lives in it.
Charles F. Kettering (1876-1958), American. industrialist
The moral is not a divine but a purely human matter.
Albert Einstein
Nothing in human history legitimizes endless suffering and misery like good intentions.
Richard David Precht p. 48 "The art of not being an egoist"
In the world we encounter in ordinary experience we are faced with choices between equally ultimate goals and equally absolute claims, some of which can only be realized at the sacrifice of others.
Sir Isaiah Berlin 1909-1997
Do not rely on expedient but on ultimate meaning.
Do not rely on the conditional, but on the unconditional.
Do not rely on words, but on the meaning.
Shakyamuni Buddha
My Father is the wisdom of immediate awareness
my mother is supreme joy and emptiness.
My land is the uncreated space of Dharma,
I don't belong to any particular caste.
Clarity and confusion serve me as nourishment,
and I am here to destroy the spirit poisons.
Yeshe Tsogyal, wife of King Trisong Detsen, disciple of Padmasambhava
I think of myself differently than everyone else. I don't know anyone, not one, who thinks of me as I think of myself.
Solve the problem - not the question of guilt.
Identify the damage and repair it.
Nobody is blamed.
The real composer is in the brain of the audience.
Brian Eno extracted from Clifford Ross
The most beautiful monument that a person can get is in the hearts of those around him.
Albert Schweitzer
You are today what you thought you were yesterday.
You will be tomorrow what you think you are today.
Boris Grundl
The difference between what is
and what we perceive is the source of all suffering.
Dalai Lama
Every state, every moment is of infinite value,
for he is the representative of a whole eternity.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)
When I think how lucky and comfortable I am
I am deeply ashamed:
because my poor, good people only have plague, toil and distress!
Emperor Fushimi (reigned 1288-1298)
Simplicity is not a goal
but you get to it without wanting it,
by getting closer to the essence.
Constantine Brancusi
The eye sees what it is looking for. . .
Max Slevogt
I'm ready to meet my Maker.
Wether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
Sir Winston Churchill
Science abolishes all belief and turns it into vision.
Johann Gottlieb Fichte
"Everything will be fine in the end, and if it's not fine, it can't be the end yet!"
Dev Patel in the movie Best Exotic Marigold Hotel
When you were born it was a rainy day.
But it wasn't really rain, the sky was crying because it had lost a star. We are happy about the birth of...
I'm too old to just play
too young to be without desire.
JW Goethe Faust
It is part of the nature of violence that it cannot be calculated. Therefore, you cannot control their application.
Dalai Lama
Pleasure or pain, gain or loss, praise or blame, fame or shame: these eight worldly concerns shape our lives.
Dalai Lama
Today I'm not making supper, today I'm thinking.
Wolfgang Neuss
A sky high difference:
We can have thoughts, but not feelings.
Ernst Ferstl, heckling
There are no borders.
Not for the thought, not for the feelings. Fear sets the limits.
Ingmar Bergman
Poverty has its freedoms, wealth its constraints.
Denis Diderot
In the beginning all thoughts belong to love.
Later, all love belongs to thoughts.
Albert Einstein
Thoughts make you big, feelings make you rich.
Marcus Fabius Quintilian
The richest are the people who can do without the most.
Rabindranath Tagore
A work of art must arise from an inner necessity, appeal not only to the eye but also to the soul and mind and enrich humanity with its vision.
Arturo Schwarz, gallery owner, Milan
If it is that we can only live a small part of what is inside us, then what happens to the rest?
Pascal Mercier, night train to Lisbon.
If you don't see anything, you look longer.
Gerhard Hoehme
I'm not interested in the relationships between color and form. I'm only interested in expressing the basic human emotions - tragedy, ecstasy, doom, etc.
Marc Rothko
"We dream of travel
through the universe –
isn't the universe within us?
We do not know the depths of our spirit –
goes inside
the mysterious way.
In us or nowhere
is eternity with its worlds –
the past and future.”
Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772–1801) Novalis
The actual voyages of discovery consist not in getting to know new regions, but in seeing something with new eyes.
Marcel Proust
By giving the common a high meaning, the ordinary a mysterious aspect, the known the dignity of the unknown, the finite an infinite semblance, I romanticize it.
Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772–1801) Novalis
What's the hardest thing of all? What you think is the easiest thing to see with your eyes, what lies before your eyes.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The moment is timeless.
Leonardo da Vinci
You often see something a hundred times, a thousand times, before you really see it for the very first time.
Christian Morgenstern
"The more methodically people proceed,
the more effectively chance can hit them."
Friedrich Durrenmatt
The most important thing is that we have happiness for others to be there, to be able to enjoy.
Dalai Lama
If you don't think about it, then there's nothing else.
Everything comes only from the fact that man thinks.
Leo Tolstoy
Not the things themselves, but only our ideas about things make us happy or unhappy.
Don't complain that God created the tiger, but thank him for not giving him wings.
amharic wisdom
If there is one faith that can move mountains, it is the belief in one's own strength.
Marie Ebner-Eschenbach
Happiness is a matter of will. I am the result of what I have imagined and imagined, what I have wanted and what I have decided to be.
Karl Lagerfeld
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius
Only that which one gives up is lost.
Gotthold Ephraim Lessing
It is useless to complain about spilled milk.
Most people make luck a condition. But happiness only comes when there are no strings attached.
Arthur Rubinstein
One must buy one's superiority with constant vigilance.
Mark Twain
The best way to be fooled is to think you are smarter than others.
La Rochefoucauld
Before one ardently desires something, one should examine the luck of the one who already possesses it.
La Rochefoucauld
Avant que de désirer fortement une chose, il faut examiner quel est le bonheur de celui qui la possède.
La Rochefoucauld
Happiness is in us, not in things.
La Rochefoucauld
Egoism speaks all languages and plays all roles, even those of unselfishness.
La Rochefoucauld
Problems can never be solved with the same mindset that created them.
Albert Einstein
Happiness and misfortune do not come by themselves, they are called upon.
The thoughts of others are snares. Those who follow the Tao do not allow themselves to be defined, disturbed or admired by others.
Deng Ming
Realize that others never do anything to you, you always let it happen yourself.
Bernhard Moestl
The peace
you can neither at work
still in pleasure
neither in the world nor in a monastery,
but only find it in your own soul.
William Somerset
"Photography deals exquisitely with appearances, but nothing is what it appears to be.”
Duane Michels
It is better to fail with originality than to impress with an imitation.
Herman Melville
Those who lack courage will always find a philosophy that justifies it.
Albert Camus
Success means going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill
We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are.
Anaïs Nin
Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to the shop makes you an auto mechanic.
Laurence J. Peter
Contentment is the bizarre lure of mediocrity.
Michael Montaigne
Whatever the mind can imagine, it can create.
Clement Stone
The noble only suffers from their lack of ability.
One day everything will be fine, that is our hope.
Today everything is fine, that is our illusion.
For we are all mortal as long as we fear death, but immortal unless we identify with the limitations of our present personality and surrender to the eternal rhythm of the universe in which we live.
Lama Anagarika Govinda
Don't waste too much time looking for obstacles. Maybe there aren't any.
Franz Kafka
I don't understand why people are afraid of new ideas.
I'm afraid of the old ones.
John Cage
Man's freedom does not lie in his being able to do what he wants, but in not having to do what he does not want.
Jean-Jacques Rosseau
"Where you travel doesn't depend on which way the wind blows - it depends on how you set the sails..."
Is there anything more gratifying than knowing someone to talk to as you would to yourself?
(Marcus Tullius Cicero)
There is perfection deep within all imperfection.
There is a stillness deep within all perplexity.
There is a goal deep in the midst of all worldly cares and needs.
Be yourself.
Everyone else is already taken.
Oscar Wilde
Πάντα χωρεῖ καὶ oὐδὲνμένει
"Pánta chorei kaì oudèn menei"
"Everything moves and nothing stays.”
Once the light of the colors red, green and blue
mixed in the same way, it appears to us as white.
Herman von Helmholtz
There are always two people involved in a picture: the photographer and the viewer.
In unfavorable lighting conditions or unphotogenic motifs, it is an art NOT to press the shutter release!
Andrew Feininger
The eye makes the picture, not the camera.
Gisele Freund
The photographer's one eye looks wide open through the viewfinder,
the other, the closed one, looks into one's own soul.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Everyone sees the material in front of them, only those who have something to do with it find the content
and the shape is a mystery to most.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Using a camera is similar to using a knife:
You can use it to peel potatoes, but you can also carve a flute.
Erich Kahlmeyer
Development does not only take place in the darkroom.
Almut Adler, 1951
The first 10,000 shots are the worst.
Helmut Newton, 1920
Photography is the mortal enemy of painting, it is the refuge of all failed painters, the untalented and lazy.
Charles Baudelaire
Photography is a craft.
Many want to make an art out of it, but we are simply craftsmen who have to do their job well.
Henri Cartier Bresson
The camera was destined for me and I used it
like a musician the piano, or a painter the canvas.
I felt like a master of the elements and believed in miracles
to be able to effect.
Alfred Stieglitz, 1864 – 1946
Nature seems to me more imaginative than the most gifted mind.
My achievement is to see what is suitable for my picture from the abundance of what is available and much,
to discard much that is superfluous. I try to think with my eyes.
Hans Martin Erhardt
The fact that people are born with two eyes but only one mouth
suggests that they should see twice as much as talk.
Marie Marquise de Svign
The fact that a (in the conventional sense) technically flawed photograph can be more emotionally effective
as a technically flawless image, will come as a shock to those naïve enough to believe
that technical perfection constitutes the real value of a photo.
Andrew Feininger
A photograph never shows the truth.
Richard Avedon, 1923
A photo no longer tells the truth. It only suggests one possibility.
photokina 2000
A photo is mostly just looked at - you rarely look into it.
Ansel Adams
A picture should be looked at - not talked about.
Elliot Erwitt, 1928
A good photo is one you look at for more than a second.
Henri Cartier Bresson, 1908
It is no more accidental that the photographer becomes a photographer than it is accidental
that a lion tamer becomes a lion tamer.
Dorothea Lange, 1895 - 1965
Photography is the sadness of passing time and the need to capture a few moments -
there are formal emotions, evoked by light or form, sentimental or sensual,
triggered by humans, and purely intellectual ones.
Photography can unite them and create new ones...
Photography is inextricably linked to the time it captures, to the time that passes between your fingers,
between the moments, with the time of things and people,
of light and feelings.
Time will never be what it was.
Jeanloup Sieff
Photographing means bringing the head, eye and heart into the same line of sight.
It is one way to live.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Photographing is like holding your breath when all our skills come together in the moment of ephemeral effect.
Head, eye and heart must be aligned. Taking pictures, that's a way of screaming
but not to prove its originality. It is one way to live.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Photography is like archery:
aim correctly, shoot fast, run away.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Photographing is like writing with light, like making music with color tones,
like painting with time and seeing with love.
Almut Adler, 1951, Munich photo course leader
Photographing means recognizing simultaneously and within fractions of a second -
a state of affairs itself and the strict arrangement of the visually perceptible forms,
that give it its meaning.
It aligns mind, eye and heart.
Henri Cartier Bresson
For me a photograph and a drawing are one and the same
none takes precedence over the other...
I don't separate one from the other
except for the tools.
Henri Cartier Bresson
I've never asked myself what I'm doing, it tells me what to do.
The photos took themselves with my help.
Ruth Bernhard 1905-2006, American photographer
i love symbols You photograph something banal and reproduce it differently.
People understand immediately and say:
Oh, I've never seen the Eiffel Tower, the Statue of Liberty like this!
In that moment you know that you have created something.
Peter Turner
I found that digital photography allows for a more organic and natural way of seeing.
It is more like the way the human eye sees. You take a camera, take a picture
and can react and deal with it immediately. You can't do that in film.
And the latest technology that has now come to market is proving to be clearly better than the film.
Jim Brandenburg 2003
Anyone can snap. Also a vending machine. But not everyone can watch.
Photographing is only art insofar as it is used by the art of observation.
Observing is an elementary poetic process.
Reality also has to be shaped if you want to make it speak.
Friedrich Durrenmatt
You can photograph people without photographing them
© Almut Adler
You have to hurry if you want to see something
everything disappears.
Paul Cézanne, 1839-1906
Inferior painting arises from the claim to want to reproduce everything.
The whole thing gets bogged down in details and boredom is the result.
But the impression that comes from the simple distribution of colors, highlights and shadows
this is the music of the picture.
Paul Gauguin
In my view, you can't claim anything
to have seen before photographing it.
Emile Zola, 1840 - 1902
Taking pictures is a way of screaming, of breaking free...
It is one way to live.
Henri Cartier Bresson, 1908
Taking pictures is more than just pressing the shutter button.
Bettina Rheims, 1952
Learning to see develops awareness.
Robert Hausser, 1924
Seeing changes our knowledge. Knowledge changes our vision.
Jean Piaget, 1896 - 1980
Talent is more important than technique.
Andreas Feininger, 1906 - 1999
If I could tell the story in words, I wouldn't need them
lugging the camera around.
Lewis W. Hine, 1874 - 1940
Beginners who ignore the design rules of photography have no brains.
But anyone who clings to it for the rest of their life has no imagination.
Detlev Motz in "Devilish Views"
If you can see, you can also take photos.
However, learning to see can take a long time.
Leica ad
We must learn to understand that artistic creation must not be limited to professionalism.
Art is not a craft, although the craft is an art.
Art exists in all actions of happy people.
Art is joie de vivre, it is the automatic reflex of our attitude towards life.
Asgar Jorn
To all the things we can't see there are the things we don't want to see
because we chose to ignore them. For example, at the moment I have decided
the sound of my breath, the feel of the ring on my finger, the sight of the glasses right on my nose,
even ignoring that of the nose itself.
A camera's aperture and pupil are not designed to let information in,
but to hide some.
Anyone who has ever held a camera in their hands knows that too much information can blind you just as much as too little.
If you wanted to listen to all nine of Beethoven's symphonies at the same time, you would only hear the noise.
KC Cole, American science journalist and writer
Twelve good photos in a year is a good yield.
I'm glad I haven't found my style yet, I would be bored to death.
Edgar Degas
»An artist must approach his work in the same state in which the criminal commits his crime.«
Thomas Mann
When I photograph, I'm really looking for answers about things.
Wynn Bullock
NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS. Least of all reality.
not from giving
but from keeping we get sick.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
"I slept and dreamed that life was joy.
I woke up and saw that life is a duty.
I did my duty and lo and behold, life became joy. "
Rabindranath Tagore
"Marry an archaeologist! The older you get, the more interesting he finds you!”
Agatha Christie
Yes, I know where I come fromunsaturated equal to the flameI glow and consume myself.Light becomes everything I graspcharcoal everything I leaveI am certainly a flame. |
Loup Igaly
"I don't want to say anything with any of my pictures.
The only thing that interests me about photography is seeing how something looks photographed."
Gary Winogrand
The beauty of nature is a revelation of God's love.
Irmgard Erath
The object is not seen but the rays of light reflected from it.
Michael Henry
"To be right" means that you hold on to your old ways of thinking and living.
T Harv Eker
Order for rich people: BE, DO, HAVE
Order for poor people: HAVE, DO, BE.
T Harv Eker
"In death the world of appearances dissolves."
Dalai Lama
If, staying in love, one falls to the point where one cannot hold back the cry, "My God, why have you left me?" and then remains at that point without ceasing to love, one touches in the end something that is no longer unhappiness, which is also not joy, but the pure, supernatural, joy and sorrow common, innermost, essential being and which is the love of God himself. Simone Weil
Love is not there to make us happy, but to show us how much pain we can take. from "White as milk, red as blood" Alessandro D'Avenia
The expected happens to those who expect, but the unexpected happens to those who hope. Heraclitus
If you are not happy with what you have,
how do you want to be happier with more? Friedhelm Wax
"Anyone who trusts others too little has fear everywhere; whoever relies too much on others wakes up in terror. Only a light fence separates them, the two founders of concern: too little and too much trust are neighbors' children."
Wilhelm Busch
Unsatisfactory experiences are our problem,
but our reaction to it.
Dalai Lama
Walking means missing the place.
Michele de Certeau
The head is round so that thinking can change direction. Francis Picabia
The most beautiful harmony is created by bringing opposites together. Heraclitus
You too are looking for God, and yet he is everywhere. Everything proclaims it to you. Everything gives it to you. It went to your side, it surrounded you, it penetrated you and stayed in you. . . and you were looking for him! You strive for an idea of God and essentially possess him. You pursue perfection as it lies in everything that comes your way unsought. God himself confronts you in the form of your suffering, your actions, the impulses that you receive. Because you're struggling in vain for sublime ideas with which he doesn't want to clothe himself.
Jean P. Caussade "Devotion to God's Providence"
Willigis Jäger Return of mysticism p.84
Or someone who loves something so passionately that nothing else pleases him and moves his heart, and he only longs for this and nothing else: certainly, wherever such a person may be or with whom , or whatever he begins, or whatever he does, what he loves so much never dies out in him, and in all things he finds an image of this thing, and this is all the more present to him the more the love becomes stronger and stronger will. Such a person does not seek rest, because no restlessness hinders him. Master Eckhart
Willigis Jäger Return of Mysticism p.88
When we do our best, when we succeed, we are happy. But if we don't have one, we don't need to reproach ourselves.
Dalai Lama
Even if I'm ground to powder
my ashes will embrace you.
Liu Xiaobo Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2010 to his wife 2008
Form is emptiness and emptiness is form. Emptiness is no different from form, and form is no different from emptiness. What is form is emptiness, what is emptiness is form. Buddhist Sutra Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.213
The Great Void can only consist of Ch'i; this Ch'i must condense to form all things; and these things have to dissolve again to form the great void again. Chang Tsai
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.212
As ephemeral manifestations of emptiness, things in this world have no fundamental identity. Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.211
In this spiritual world there are no divisions of time such as past, present and future, for these have contracted into a single present moment where life in its true sense vibrates. . . Past and future are unrolled in this present moment of enlightenment, and this present moment does not stand still with all that it contains, but moves on unceasingly. DTSuzuki
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.180
The present moment is absolute stillness.
Although she exists in this moment, it has no limits and therein lies eternal delight. Hui Neng
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.180
Time, space and causation are like the glass through which one sees the Absolute. . . In the absolute there is neither time nor space nor causation. Swami Vivekananda
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.189
Most believe that time flies. In reality, she stays where she is. The idea of passing can be called time, but it is the wrong idea, because since you only see time passing, you don't realize that it stops where it is. Master Doge
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.188
In Einstein's theory, matter cannot be separated from its gravitational field, and the gravitational field cannot be separated from curved space. Matter and space are thus seen as inseparable and interrelated parts of a single whole.
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.206
The theory of relativity showed that the activity of matter
the very essence of their being. The particles of the subatomic world are not only active in the sense of fast movement, they are processes themselves! The existence of matter and its activity cannot be separated. They are just different aspects of the same space-time reality.
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.202
European philosophy sought reality in the substance
the Chinese philosophy in relation. Joseph Needham
Today, as I recommit myself to the moment, I hop about happily. Tenkai-san
Good role model
Follow the example of an old cow:
She is content to sleep in the barn.
You have to eat, sleep and shit-
this is inevitable-
other than that, you don't have to worry about anything.
do what you have to do
and stay for you
Patrul Rinpoche
Jealousy is the most radical, primal, and blatant form of admiration, admiration in wartime, so to speak.
painting. Robert Louis Stevenson
Love is that you are the knife I dig into myself with.
Franz Kafka to Milena Jesenka
The observer cannot be separated from the observed.
Man creates his world.
What we perceive is something other than reality.
Nothing is what it seems. Willigis Jäger
Nothing is what it seems, least of all reality. Karen Kneffel
Were man perfect and "whole" he would probably not long for union with another man. Pamela Ball "10,000 Dreams"
Emptiness is not nothing.
She is the fullness of non-material consciousness.
Willigis Jäger
We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Willigis Jäger
Trying to grab or hold something is painful,
because there is nothing to grasp or hold on to.
Everything comes from the void and returns to it.
Student of Willigis Jäger
Anything we can allow tends to spill over into comfort.
But what you fight against, grabs you. Willigis Jäger
You cannot lengthen your life, nor can you increase it. But you can deepen it! Gorch Fock
Thoughts grow like ivy that grips the tree so tightly.
Incompatibility as a Great Wall of China between lovers?
At the intersection of sea and sky, the sun blazes towards the day.
There is no "self-salvation", salvation can only be found. She is always there. The source of strength flows within each of us, and our effort can only be to remove the obstacles that separate us from it.
Willigis Jäger
The story of awakening is the "love story" between the divine and the human, with the initiative always coming from God. We only think we are the seekers, in reality we are the sought.
Willigis Jäger
Mystical consciousness could be described as a dimension of experience where everything is as it is and perfect as it is. There one is neither happy nor unhappy, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, neither happy nor sad. Being happy would already be less, just like being sad. Acceptance and love already belong to a subordinate region. There is no bliss, no happiness in the sense of feeling. All other levels of consciousness appear relative next to it, while that state is self-contained and complete and utterly fulfilled.
Willigis Jäger
The connection between body and mind is made through the feelings. Willigis Jäger
In the mystical consciousness form and formlessness are one. It is the fulfillment of all our longings. There is no subject and object there, just being.
Willigis Jäger
Love that remains unfulfilled lasts the longest.
W. Sumerset Maugham
"Mystical knowledge can never be attained through observation alone, but only through full participation with the whole being."
Fritjof Capra "The Tao of Physics" p.142
"The most fruitful developments have come about wherever two different ways of thinking have met."
Werner Heisenberg
is infinitely more important
THAN WHAT I CAN SEE." Duane Michels
The ultimate key to happiness is being content with what you are and have in the moment. HH Dalai Lama
I welcome whatever happens next. John Cage
Those who recognize the futility of all conceptual thinking will experience reality as pure being. Nagarjuna
"A conflict is a tragic expression
an unmet need"
Marshall B Rosenberg
"We don't see the world as it is,
we see the world as we are"
from the Talmud
"Be determined
and the thing is done"
"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift,
the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We created a society
which distinguishes the servant
and forgot the talent."
Albert Einstein
"One should offer something good to the body so that the soul will want to live in it.” Winston Churchill
To get someone to desire something
you just have to make it seem elusive. Mark Twain.
Impatience is the fear that it might not work out.
A lack of confidence in yourself, in others, or in the world.
Not knowing how to develop yourself and other people in a targeted manner creates exactly this insecurity. Boris Grundl
Nothing in this world is permanent
nothing exists by itself.
HH Dalai Lama
"You were my companion.
Now you're gone, mate."
Let language be to you what the body is to lovers.
It is he alone who separates beings and unites them.
Friedrich Schiller
If you tell yourself that you can achieve your goals, you will inevitably succeed. Dalai Lama
what is the human? Where is he from? And why didn't he stay there? Matthew Beltz
The most dangerous worldview is that of people who have not looked at the world.
Alexander von Humboldt
If we succeed in simply accepting what is happening to us at present, without evaluating and judging, and then also allow this, our life will gradually become a paradise.
Jan van Helsing Hands off p. 163
I open myself to everything
what belongs to me and finds my way, whereby I prefer to do that,
what i do best
what brings me the most joy.
There is always enough money
and with me is the partner with whom I am happy and who suits me best.
Jan van Helsing "Hands off" p. 384
I live in the here and now, in the present. My life is determined by my positive thoughts and actions. I shape my life according to my ideas and plans. I enjoy being successful. My successes stem from my perseverance and perseverance to think positively, plan creatively and act decisively. I have a creative money consciousness. I have a fantastic instinct for money and good earning potential. I take responsibility for everything in my wonderful life - for my thoughts, for my words, for my actions. I'm constantly improving my professional skills and I enjoy being well prepared. I am open to all people, regardless of their position or rank. I know that everything in my life depends only on my attitude towards it. I'm looking forward and determined to make the best of my life. I often smile and beam at people and I know that whatever I put out comes back. I'm in the best shape of my life now.
Jan van Helsing "Hands off" p. 390
"Dwell with a calm mind where you find satisfaction!
Thus will the essence of bliss be revealed to you!"
Vijnana Bhairava Tantra Daniel Odier
Consciousness awakens through you
his dream of identifying with the forms and withdraws from them.
Eckhart Tolle
Plan your work.
Work your plan.
Gil Reyes Coach by Andre Agassi
"In the early '70s, documentary photography was celebrated for its ability to be objective. But I've always believed that photography needs to be personal and subjective in order to be effective." Nobuyoshi Araki
Happy people seem to live less hectic lives.
You have more time and can enjoy the moment.
This happiness is within reach of all of us.
If you don't enjoy, you become inedible.
Oscar Wilde
You shouldn't want to foresee the future, you should make it possible.
Atoine de Saint-Exupery
The past is a source of knowledge, the future one of confidence!
Coming together is a beginning
Staying together is progress
Working together leads to success
Henry Ford
All that really matters is how pictures move the viewer, not the level of difficulty in obtaining them.
Owen Edwards
Things are as they are and not as we would like them to be. Understanding and accepting this is the key to happiness. HH Dalai Lama
Want to eliminate emotions completely
we must meet you with wisdom. Dalai Lama
We only regret what we didn't do.
Marcel Proust
The photographer's one eye looks wide open through the viewfinder,
the other, the closed one, looks into one's own soul.
Henri Cartier Bresson
Photographing is like writing with light, making music with color tones, painting with time and seeing with love.
Almut Adler, 1951, Munich photo course leader
Seeing changes our knowledge. Knowledge changes our vision.
Jean Piaget
From the moment man no longer knows the limit of his power, he tends to self-destruction. C. Levi-Strauss
Getting old is a wonderful thing
if you haven't forgotten
what to start means. Martin Buber
"Truth is a category that changes as we acquire new knowledge," writes Mexican writer Juan Villoro.
In all of us there is a need for attachment and security and at the same time
the need for variety and freedom. Michael Collen
He looked at her as a man looks at a withered flower which he has plucked and in which he can only with difficulty see the beauty for which he plucked it up and destroyed it.
Vronsky on Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
I don't think we're entitled to happiness. When happiness comes, one should be thankful.
Marlene Dietrich
The peculiar thing about love is that it must grow continuously,
if you don't want her to lose weight. Andre Gide
The moment two partners feel secure in each other,
they have mostly already lost each other. Max Frisch (Stiller)
Sometimes in marriage you have to fight
because then you learn something about each other. Goethe
Love me when I least deserve it
Because that's when I need it the most. Eugene Drewermann
Not those who fight are to be feared,
but those who evade. Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
Crisis is a productive state.
You just have to take the aftertaste of disaster. Max Frisch
Many who are believed to have died
are just married. Francoise Sagan
admiration is happy self-loss,
Envy unhappy self-assertion. Soren Kirkegaard
Behind contempt is desire. Sigmund Freud
He married her because he loved her.
She loved him because he married her. Jean-Paul Richter
How else should love be described as a movement of the soul that makes everything external in the appearance of the other transparent for us towards his soul and at the same time awakens the urge in us to learn more and more about the other, to recognize him and him in everything to understand more deeply.
Eugene Drewermann
Without effort and without the willingness to go through pain and fear,
no one can grow Erich Fromm To have or to be
In marriage one must wage a ceaseless battle against a monster that devours everything, habit. Honore de Balzac
Partnership does not mean that only the partner creates. Swabian
Our life is a river that flows into the sea, which is called dying. García Lorca
The secret of a partnership is often based on one's own deficit:
Because you're such a daredevil sexually, you're doing me, the uptight wallflower, good.
We all use each other and call it love
and when we can't use each other, we call it hate.
Tennesse Williams Suddenly last summer
Loving a person means seeing them as God intended them to be.
Fyodor Dostoyevsky
No fire, no coal
Can burn so hot
as a secret love
that nobody knows about. vernacular
James Reason's Swiss Cheese Model 1990
There are different types of errors:
- True error – arises from performing an incorrect action
- Dropouts - caused by forgetting an activity within a process
- Slipping occurs due to the incorrect implementation of a correct action
There are different levels:
- Practical and manual level skill-based level
- Level of rules and response processes rule-based level
- level of abstract thinking knowledge-based level
There are several factors:
- People involved Boss, team, colleagues, friends
- Technical conditions equipment, workplace
- Organizational elements Task, time management
- External influencing factors Time, economic situation, mood, weather
Happiness (flow) occurs when we a) concentrate on an activity that we b) determine ourselves, which c) neither underchallenges us (boreout) nor overwhelms us (bunrnout), which d) has a clear goal and on which e) there is immediate feedback. Mihaly Csikzentmiahly 1961
We don't fail because of the defeats we suffer, but because of the arguments we don't fight. Graffiti in Bern
Starting today, I release my partner, my family, my friends from the tyranny of longing for love.
From today I love myself. Safe in this love I am free to give love to others.
Essenes (0-40 nC)
Moral indignation consists in most cases of 2 percent morality, 48 percent inhibitions and 50 percent envy. La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680)
In the fog
Strange to wander in the fog!
life is lonely
Nobody knows the other
everyone is alone
Hermann Hesse
From death
For Use
The leaves are falling, falling as if from far
as if the gardens in the distant heavens withered;
they fall with a negative gesture.
And in the nights the heavy earth falls
from all the stars into solitude.
we all fall That hand is falling.
And look at others: it's in everyone.
And yet one who is this falling
infinitely gently held in his hands.
Rilke, Rainer Maria 1875-1926
Joseph von Eichendorff: On my child's death |
The little child is playing outside in the spring sunshine,And was happy and had so much to seeAs the fields shimmer and the streams go -Then the evening looked in through the trees,Who confuses all the beautiful pictures.And how quiet it is all aroundA secret singing begins from the valleys,As if it wanted to embrace the world with melancholy,The colors fade and the earth grows pale.Full of amazement, the little child asks: "Oh, what is that?"And lies down dreaming in the whispering grass;Then the flowers touch his heart with coolnessAnd smiling it feels so sweet painAnd the earth, the mother, so fair and pale,Kiss the baby and won't let goPulls it heartily into her lapAnd bed it warm and soft down below,Still among flowers and moss. -"And why do you weep, father and mother, for me?In a much nicer garden am I,It is so big and wide and wonderfulMany flowers stand there clear of gold,And swing beautiful little children with wingsGet up and down on it and sing. -I know them well from the spring time,How far they traveled over mountains and valleysAnd some called me out of the blue sky,When I slept down in the garden. -And in the middle of the flowers and billsStands the fairest of all women,A shining babe at her breast. -I can neither speak nor cryJust sing over and then watch againQuiet with great, blissful lust." |
A monk visited a friend who was dying. "Would you like me to walk you over?" he asked. "I came alone and I go alone," was the reply. "If you really believe you come and go, that's an illusion. Let me show you the path of no coming and going.” The monk smiled and died. ZEN
The Absolute Mind is the true nature of all living beings. He is here now, eternal, unchanging. When we experience this, we experience our true face, our uranium twinkle, as it is called in ZEN. To recognize our true face, the One, is the goal of all spiritual paths. So tell me what's your real face? What is your original face? What is your face, which is always and forever and unchanging your own face? That face that no one can take away from you? That beautiful face of yours that is yourself?
It shows itself in many ways, it changes like the waves change on the sea, but it always remains unmistakably your face that cannot hide. It is very familiar to you, and when you discover it, you will recognize it again. Then you will know that it is and always was the same - before you were born, before your parents were born, endless ages ago and at the end of the world. Then you will find out that the world can end, but your uranium will never perish. Anyone who breaks through to it will immediately recognize it as their true essence. You can then die, because what you are is imperishable.
Mysticism and ZEN often use the negative description for the unspeakable reality and say what it is not. Zen master Bassui described it similarly to Dionysios: “It does not arise at birth, and it does not disappear at death. He is neither male nor female. He is neither good nor evil. Nothing compares to him. That is why he is called Buddha-nature.”
It is featureless and surpasses anything we know or can imagine. And yet this One is our true identity. We are not created at birth. The One confines itself in this form. We don't perish in death, it just loses form.
It is always only the Absolute Spirit that has the many experiences, although it is not born and does not die itself. The One experiences itself as being born and dying.
In a deep spiritual experience man learns that it is only the outer form that arises and perishes. Then finally he recognizes himself again as the infinite and absolute being. He discovers that he's always known each other and just forgot, and now he's found himself again. Then he could speak as it is written in an Indian text: "I am the infinite ocean of the world - I am eternal and immortal - I am spirit."
From "West-Eastern Wisdom" by Willigis Jäger p.113-114
Into Your hands, O Lord, I trustingly place my spirit.
Pain that does not speak chokes the full heart and makes it break.
William Shakespeare
Why should one be afraid of death?
Because as long as we are, death is not there,
and as soon as he is there, we are no more.
(Seen in this way, it actually has no human
ever tormented to be dead)
None of us knows what death is;
maybe he is the highest good on earth?
Fear of death?
I will - maybe - be 80 or 90 years old one day,
and have done nothing more in my whole life
than fear of dying prematurely.
(Kristiane Allert-Wybranietz)
I have given to so many people;
you probably don't need another immortality.
(Hans-Georg Gadamer shortly before his "death")
For fear that death should snatch the child from us,
let's withdraw it from life;
to prevent his death
let's not live it right
(Janusz Korczak)
So many fall for the regime
some of them have to fall against it once in a while.
(Sophie Scholl)
Dying does not take a smart person by surprise.
(Jean de la Fontaine)
Truth sits on the lips of dying people.
(Matthew Arnold)
Like every blossom fades and every youth
Age gives way, every stage of life flourishes,
Every wisdom blooms too, and every virtue
In its time and must not last forever.
It must be the heart with every calling of life
Be ready for goodbyes and new beginnings,
To stand up in bravery and without grief
In others, to give new bonds.
And there is magic in every beginning
Who protects us and who helps us to live.
We should happily walk through room after room,
Clinging to none like a home
The world spirit does not want to tie us up and restrict us,
He wants to raise us step by step, expand.
Hardly are we at home in a circle of life,
And snugly settled in, then slackening threatens,
Only those who are ready to set off and travel,
May break free from paralyzing habit.
It may also be the hour of death
Send us young to new spaces,
Life's call to us will never end...
Well then, heart, say goodbye and be well!
(Hermann Hesse)
No one who walks over corpses can walk the path of Jesus
Violence should force the end of all violence. Blood will only flow so that blood will never be shed again. But who guarantees the certainty? They are beautiful flags, shining in the wind, the ideas, but dreadful as soon as storming regiments carry them ahead. No idea is a whole truth, but every single person is a whole truth. This, only this, seems important to me to hammer into the consciousness of confused mankind, to promote this one revaluation in the feelings of mankind: the devaluation of ideas, the higher evaluation of the individual human being.
(Stefan Zweig)
Only when we finally give up our readiness for any war, for whatever purpose and for whatever reason, will we leave the insane asylum of human history. Wars are what they are: the willful killing of people on command and the denial of all guilt for the end of humanity. But we are not yet living in George Orwell's 1984. War is not yet a peace measure. Killing people is not yet saving people. The lie is not yet a prerequisite for the truth.
It was May 26, 1999, when Patriarch Bartholomew I, the honorary head of the Orthodox Church, declared in Athens: "War is not the work of rational, responsible people, but the work of the mentally disturbed."
Yet this "mental disorder" still justifies itself as "duty," "responsibility," "courage," "loyalty," and "obedience."
(Eugene Drewermann)
We humans don't give each other a chance
When we detonate this thing, we need to invite the Japanese generals over so they can see what's in store for them.
(Albert Einstein, 1942 building the atomic bomb)
... Man didn't do it
In these circumstances, it is most important to learn once again, now and forever, an ancient truth: violence does not serve justice, war does not serve peace, and killing people does not serve life. The pacifism of the Gandhi type is not dead, but the steel helmet pacifism of German politicians in the service of NATO is deadly.
Psychologically, the path to war is always the same: in a complicated historical situation, you simplify reality into the simple scheme of good and evil, then you assign blame unilaterally to one side, and then you personify evil in a single person. You have to fight them like Saint Michael fights the devil.
(Eugene Drewermann)
The following stories are from Anthony de Mello's books
"One Minute of Nonsense", "One Minute of Wisdom", "Why the Shepherd Loves Any Weather", "Who Makes the Horse Fly?" and "times of happiness"
made easier
A student had to rush home when news reached him that his house had burned down.
He was an old man and everyone felt sorry for him.
All the Master told him was, "It will make dying easier."
At most
Some people say there is no life after death," said one student.
"Do that?" asked the master noncommittally.
"Wouldn't it be awful to die without ever seeing, hearing, loving, or moving again?"
"Do you think that's terrible?" replied the master. "That's how it is with most people, even before they die."
Like a child
A student decided to ask the Master more personal and direct questions.
"Do you actually believe in life after death?" she wanted to know from him.
"Strange that you cling to this subject so much," said Master.
"Why should that be strange?"
"Here you have this bright May day in front of you", replied the master and pointed out the window. --- "Like a child who refuses to eat today because he knows what tomorrow will bring. You are hungry. Eat your daily bread!"
dad i'm back
A soldier was hastily recalled from the front because his father was dying. He received a special permit because his father had no family members apart from him.
When he entered the intensive care unit, he immediately realized that this semi-conscious man with tubes in his mouth and nose was not his father. Someone had made a mistake and taken the wrong soldier from the front.
"How long will he live?" he asked the doctor.
"Just a few more hours. You just made it."
The soldier thought of the dying man's son who was thousands of miles away at the front God knows where. He thought of the old man who had only survived in the hope of seeing his son one more time before he died. That determined his decision. He leaned forward, took the old man's hand and said softly:
"Father, I'm here. I'm back."
The dying man clasped the outstretched hand; his empty eyes opened and looked around; a satisfied smile crossed his face and stayed there until he died about an hour later.
"I was convinced you would come"
"My friend has not returned from the battlefield, sir. Request permission to find and bring him in."
"Denied," said the officer, "I don't want you to risk your life for a man who is probably dead."
The soldier went in search anyway and returned an hour later mortally wounded, his dead friend in his arms.
The officer raged. "I told you he was dead. Now I've lost you both. Now what was the use of going out to bring back a body?"
The dying man replied, "It was worth it, sir. He was alive when I found him. And he said to me, 'I knew you were coming, Jack.'"
The master enjoyed playing cards and once spent the whole night playing poker with some of his students during an air raid. As they paused for a drink, the subject of death came up.
"If I dropped dead in the middle of this game, what would you do?" asked the master.
"What do you want us to do?"
"Two things. First get rid of the body."
"And then?"
"Redeal the cards," said the master.
Something else is necessary to be alive: to be now. What does that mean? It means, first and foremost, understanding something that very few understand, namely that the past is not reality, nor is the future, and that to live in the past and in the future is to be dead. I am well aware that there are many wonderful things in the past that we can also learn from, and that the past influences and shapes us. Good! But she is not the reality.
According to a legend, God sent an angel to the Master with the following message: "Ask for a million years of life and they will be given to you, even millions and millions of years. How long do you want to live?"
"Eighty years," replied the master, without the slightest hesitation.
The students were dismayed. "But master, if you could live a million years, think how many generations could benefit from your wisdom."
"If I lived a million years, people would be more intent on prolonging their lives than developing wisdom."
When the disciples asked to be given a model of spirituality to emulate, Master just said, "Hush, listen!"
And as they listened to the sounds of the night outside, Master began softly to recite the famous haiku:
"Of an early death,
the cicada appears unimpressed.
She sings."
Although the master seemed to enjoy life and live it to the full, it was known that he was not afraid of taking great risks. So when he condemned the tyranny of the government, thereby threatening arrest and death. Or when he and a group of his students helped out in a plague-infested village.
"The wise know no fear of death," he used to say.
"Why would a man risk his life so carelessly?" he was once asked.
"Why does it affect a person so little when a candle goes out after daybreak?"
When the master grew old and sick, the disciples begged him not to die. Said the master, "If I didn't go, how would you ever learn to see?"
"What don't we see when you're with us?" they asked.
But Master didn't want to say it.
When the moment of his death drew near they said, "What shall we see when you are gone?"
With a smile in his eyes, Master said, "I did nothing but sit on the bank of the river and pass out water. When I'm gone, I hope you'll see the river."
Socrates was in prison awaiting the execution of his sentence. One day he overheard a fellow prisoner singing a difficult lyrical song by the poet Stesichorus.
Socrates asked the man to teach him this poem.
"Why?" asked the singer.
"That I can die knowing I've learned something new," was the tall man's reply.
Disciple: "Why learn something new a week before you die?"
Master: "For the same reason you would learn something new fifty years before you die."
The hero
"My friend,” the master said to the freedom fighter in his prison cell, “you will face your execution bravely tomorrow. Only one thing keeps you from embracing death with joy.”
"What's this?"
"The desire for your heroic deeds to be remembered. A desire for future generations to recognize your heroic struggle.”
"Is there anything wrong with that?” asked the condemned man.
"Has it ever occurred to you that posterity does not associate your deeds with you, but with your name?”
"Aren't both the same?"
"Oh no, my friend! Your name is the sound you respond to. Your figurehead, your license plate. Who are you?"
That was all the man needed to "die" in the dark of that night - even before the execution squad was at his door at dawn.
Those who embark on the spiritual path without being able to control their emotions will create more suffering than before - for others and for themselves. Dalai Lama
Death is as natural as breathing. Dalai Lama
What would have become of us if our parents had not loved us? Dalai Lama
You want to know what nirvana is? A quality of mind. Dalai Lama
My religion is kindness. Dalai Lama
Compassion automatically leads to non-violence. Dalai Lama
Because we cannot control our minds, we are unable to see true nature. Dalai Lama
We should learn to appreciate ourselves first, and then extend that appreciation to others. Dalai Lama
No one has ever accomplished anything without self-confidence. Dalai Lama
Everyone can love without making their whole happiness dependent on this love. Dalai Lama
You can't teach a person anything, you can only help
to discover it in yourself. Galileo Galilei
The organs of the old
The old man of the village was asked by a young man if he could sell the village products in a market further away. The old man looked at him for a long time and said: "All right, try your luck, but please take an orange with you." After a week, the young man came back very upset, angry and disappointed. He hadn't been able to sell anything, they were all "stupid" customers who didn't want anything from him. The old man listened to his rant about the impossible customers for a moment, then interrupted him with the question, "Didn't I tell you to take an orange with you?" Now the young man was very confused, "What should I do with the orange?" The old man smiled and said people buy from you when they feel you have love inside you”. "But what does that have to do with the orange?" the young man wanted to know. "What do you get if you cut them open and squeeze the halves?" "Orange juice." "What do you get when you hit the orange with a hammer?" "Orange juice." "What do you get when you trample on it?" "Orange juice." The old man went on talking; “You see, whenever the orange is under pressure, orange juice comes out. When you're under pressure, what's inside you comes out. So try to awaken so much love in you that you feel like the orange. Whenever you're under pressure, love comes out. I promise you that you will then be a very successful trader in the market.” The old man got up and went about his work again, but the young man sat for a long time and held an orange in his hands. Lena Lieblich
Whoever I love should be free.
From me too.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh
"One must weep for people when they are born, not when they die." - Charles de Montesquieu
"Do you want peace, or do you want to be left in peace? It's not the same: not the same policy, not the same strategy - and above all, not the same consequences. I want you to think about it."
(French President Nicolas Sarkozy 2009
to the address of the Munich Security Conference)
means to be free
freedom to something
not necessarily
freedom from something.
With this in mind, I wish you well in your new apartment
freedom to meditate
freedom to think
Freedom to be creative
freedom to yourself.
Only when you have found yourself will you find the right connection to your neighbor, to you, to other people.
Helmut Bollen Cologne August 25, 1984
My heart flows with longing.
Here it is.
MBo 1982
Some aphorisms from Teresa's works:
"Our nature is so deadened that we like to pursue only what we see presently before us (Vv. 10:6)."
"If someone takes care of things that he doesn't have to take care of at all, he will of course only be able to carry out his actual tasks imperfectly (C 34.5)."
"What do we buy with the money we ask for? Is it something valuable, something permanent? Or what do we want it for? Ah, it is a pathetic calm that costs us so dearly! Often one trades through money enters hell and buys with it an unquenchable fire and endless torment. Oh, that everyone would think of money as useless dust of the earth! What peaceful order would then prevail in the world, and how many troubles would be banished from it! How friendly people would become communicate with one another if they were free from lust for honor and money! I believe that everything would be remedied with that (V 20:27)."
"How different our human will can be from the will of God; God wants us to reach out to the eternal - we bow down to the things that are transitory! He wants us to strive for great and high values - but we hang us to the low and purely earthly! He wants us to look for what alone gives security - but we love the flimsy (C XLII, 4)."
"The safest thing is to want nothing but what God wills, for he knows us better than we do and loves us. Let us put ourselves in his hands so that his will may be done in us; and we will not err if we always stick to this with a determined will (C VI 9-V)."
"He who does not grow shrinks. I find it impossible that love should be content with constantly treading water (C VII 4-V)."
"Suddenly I wondered why our Lord loved the virtue of humility so much, and then - as it seemed to me not out of deliberation but quite suddenly - the insight came to me: because God has the highest truth, but humility nothing other than walking in the truth. For it is certainly true that we have nothing good from ourselves, but only poverty and futility. And whoever does not know this is walking in lies. The more one understands this, the more he corresponds to the highest truth, since he walks in it (C VI, 11-V)."
"There is something great about science; for it instructs us who know little; it enlightens us; and when through it we have come to know the truth of the Holy Scriptures, we also do what we owe. But before silly devotions God keep us (V 13, 16-A)!
Whoever seeks the truth seeks God, whether he realizes it or not.
Edith Stein
Many people's horizon is a circle of zero radius - and that's what they call their viewpoint.
Albert Einstein
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.
Mark Twain
To characterize the general condition of the people:
Emaciated children, degenerate tribes, people and animals in shared living quarters, uninterrupted, deadening work, subservience, despondency. And on the other side the ministers and governors: nothing but selfishness, ambition, ostentation, striving for influence and power.
Leo Tolstoy, The Young Tsar, 1894
When asked about the secret of his success, Woody Allen replied, "Just go."
The noblest development comes from reflection, the simplest from imitation, and the most painful from experience.
"Some people's horizon is a circle with radius 0. And that's what they call their point of view." –
A Einstein
If I walk ahead of you, I don't know if I'm putting you on the right path.
If you walk in front of me, then I don't know if you're putting me on the right path.
If I walk next to you, we will find the right path together.
South African proverb
Do you always want to wander further,
See the good is so close;
just learn to seize happiness
because happiness is always there.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The kingdom of God is like when a man casts seed on the ground 27 and sleeps and rises night and day; and the seed sprouts and grows - he doesn't know how. a 28For the earth bears fruit by itself, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. 29When it has brought forth the fruit, he immediately sends the sickle; because the harvest is here.
Mark 4:26-29
Our greatest fear is not that we are insufficient. Our deepest fear is being powerful beyond measure!
It is our light, not our darkness, that scares us the most. We often ask ourselves: Who am I to call myself brilliant, awesome, talented, amazing?
But who are you not to call yourself that? You are a child of God. Keeping yourself small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightening about shrinking so small that others around you feel insecure.
We are all destined to shine like children do. We were born to manifest the glory of God within us. It's not just in some of us - it's in everyone.
And as we allow our own light to shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. When we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Nelson Mandela
A true work of art
is the creation of love
love for the subject first
and for the medium second.
Eliot Porter
If you don't want to be caught lying, just don't lie!
Kent Kobersteen, National Geographic
The true wealth of a man is
what good he has done to others.
Mahatma Gandhi
The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.
L.-P. jacks
Every real compulsion for people does not ultimately come from things, but from thinking and is therefore not an external compulsion, but a self-compulsion. In truth, man can only be forced if he forces himself, and he can only do that when he has understood the necessity of what he should force himself to do. Which then again shows that any real progress in the world cannot be brought about by laws, regulations or even violent means, but only by instruction. From time immemorial the world has not needed so-called great men, but teachers, and from time immemorial the greatest deed for the thinker is not victory and conquest, not discovery and invention, not mastery of the world but mastery of himself. And the only one The real way to do this is to understand yourself.
Paul Dahlke (1865-1928)
Huang Po:
if you just awaken to the One Mind, there is nothing else to realize.
Hannya Hara Mita Shingyo:
Form is nothing but emptiness, emptiness is nothing but form.
"The first condition of immortality is dying." - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
Bassui Zenjii To a dying person:
The being of your spirit was not called into being and does not die. It's not being, it's not nothing. It's not empty space, it's not sensuality. Nor is it anything that feels pain and pleasure. No matter how hard you try to see what is sick and painful now, you cannot see it with your mind. Well then, what is the mind-substance of one who suffers sickness and pain? Think about it, and apart from this have nothing in mind, not even any other wish. Don't want to understand anything either, and don't rely on anything else. So when you end your days like the clouds in the sky vanish, your karma will end and you will soon be redeemed.
Anyone who begins to think "has" or "hasn't" and has lost touch with life.
If you only awaken to the One Spirit, there is nothing else to realize. This is the real Buddha. The Buddha and all living beings are the One Mind and nothing else.
Properly understood, the nature of the spirit cannot be grasped or conveyed through human words. Enlightenment cannot be attained, and he who finds it does not say he knows. If I were to explain this too, you wouldn't understand it.
As he entered the assembly hall, ZEN-Master Huang Po said:
"Possessing many kinds of knowledge is not like giving up the search for anything. That's the best of all things. There are no different kinds of minds, and there is no teaching that can be put into words. Since there is nothing further to say, the meeting is closed.”
The phenomena of life can be likened to illusions: a bubble of air, a shadow, reflections in the dew, a flash of lightning, and as such they must be seen.
Hindu proverb:
The mother is as good as ten fathers, but the teacher is as good as ten mothers.
In life there is a moment, after a lot of work, when the shapes and images come by themselves; You don't have to worry about it - everything comes by itself.
The art of the samurai already encapsulated something quite independent of strategy itself: the idea of fighting with the intention of ending it and upholding justice.
For Aikido, these higher purposes are mutual human understanding, striving for unity and peace.
This ability to act in accordance with external circumstances as well as internal standards requires the ability to grasp situations that have never been encountered before.
Very few practitioners, and perhaps not many teachers, still believe in the possibility of acquiring or upholding human qualities such as patience, perseverance, and a love of exertion through the practice of the Martial Arts, let alone in the possibility that human character could be shaped by the art of the sword.
Shinto culture instilled in the Japanese an attitude of striving for harmony between man, nature and deities, respect for all living things, ancestor worship, and a sense of serenity and permanence.
the insatiable desire that keeps people chasing after things that vanish into nothing once attained.
The Teaching urges students to suppress all egoism and body-consciousness, to accept nothing but the equality of all created things, and to regard no thing as permanent and permanent. This is done by suppressing every feeling and desire and hate and finally leads to the highest stage, Nirvana, a kind of perfect realization in which man completely detaches himself from his own life and from every life that touches him.
The attitude of non-attachment to ephemeral things probably helped the warrior to overcome the fear of death.
The center, the unmoving center around which everything is distributed, is called Hara. This is the center of gravity, the center of all stability and balance, from which all paths to perfection and inner harmony emanate. The more stable the center, the wider the sphere it creates around itself and the greater its radiance.
Knowing others is smart.
He who knows himself is wise.
Tao Te Ching 33
That the weak conquers the strong
and soft the hard,
everyone on earth knows, but no one can act on it.
Tao Teking 78
Man consists of body and mind, the mind is like a clear mirror.
But the body makes the spirit dull. Aikido dusts off the body.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 38
The competition robs budo of its substance and cuts it off from its tradition. He takes away from him the pursuit of wisdom that made it such a obligatory activity.
Training fighters is one thing; Perfecting people through the art of competition is something else. On top of that, it is uncertain whether winning the competition will bring good luck.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 46
If you sit, then sit, if you walk, then walk... but above all, avoid any inner turmoil! Yun Men
André Protin AIKIDO p. 51
If you wish to see, be content with opening your eyes; once you start thinking about something, you look past it. zen master
André Protin AIKIDO p. 51
At such a moment I no longer see the adversary threatening me, but I transform myself into the adversary; and it is as if every movement, every thought of the opponent were mine. Intuitively, or rather unconsciously, it is then clear to me how and when to act. I find all of this very natural. Tkano Shigeyoshi
André Protin AIKIDO p. 53
That the warrior despised his own well-being, even his own life, allowed him to devote this life to the service of a higher one.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 57
From Bujutsu to Budo
To the original destructive combat technique embedded in the ethics of the art of war is added another and more evolving element; integration into society and into the universe.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 66
Morihei Uyeshiba
Whenever he set about learning a martial art, he saw it through to the end, and often retained nothing but perfect mastery of a technique and a much strengthened spirit.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 75
The ideal in Master Uyeshiba's martial arts is to intuitively find the behavior appropriate to the needs of the situation.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 78
I understood that budo does not consist in throwing the opponent down by force, and that it is not a tool to lead the world towards annihilation through arms. True Budo means absorbing the spirit of the cosmos, keeping peace in the world and creating, protecting and respecting everything that lives in nature according to its model.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 79 very nice passage!
It differs from other forms of warfare in its consistently human and peacemaking character.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 79
To retain its full value and effectiveness, a martial art is bound to be unconventional.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 85
What allows the Aikidoka to master the attacker is not his technical ability, but something else, a thing unimaginable to many, which in Aikido is called "Wu-Wei". This is a way of fighting, leading without resistance, which makes the Aikidoka unassailable, but which in any case only develops after acquiring and mastering the basic techniques.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 91
In addition, Aikido presupposes a desire to maintain physical and psychological balance and one's own integrity, while also restoring the integrity of others when it is momentarily disturbed.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 93
When we distance ourselves from our own time and environment, we may renew and maintain inner balance and intellectual independence in a society that, sometimes without realizing it, is constantly alienating us from ourselves.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 94
However, what makes it special compared to other martial arts and martial arts is that Aikido has liberated itself from the narrow sphere of struggle and competition and has become a form of personality development with the intention of using the body and all human abilities in the spirit of perfect order and harmony to develop. The highest goal of Aikido is the control of human behavior, the assertion of the mind against the body.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 100
Series of movements and actions suitable to divert the attack from its target, directing it so that it exhausts itself.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 100
The top priority is never to counter the opponent's strength with your own strength, to avoid any direct measure of strength and to use the energy of the attack to neutralize the attack and tame the attacker.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 101
In a world where anything can become the cause of clashes, struggles and strife, resistance and showdowns inevitably lead to the annihilation of the weaker. Therefore, it is better to adopt an attitude that is one of "letting go" or being carried by the forces at work, but maintaining one's position and reacting only at the moment when these forces are fading or about to pass of their own accord to go out.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 101
If you push a judoka, he pulls, and if you pull him, he pushes.
The aikidoka, on the other hand, makes an evasive turn around its own axis when you push him and goes into the action of the opponent when you pull him.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 102
The basic attitude is called the attitude of non-resistance.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 102
Aikido never offers resistance and the effect of its technique can only be seen through the success of regulatory measures, namely the restoration of unison and harmony.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 103
Anyone who adopts an attitude of renunciation of resistance opens up unlimited freedom of action, with countless possibilities of how they can live and work depending on the circumstances and according to their own knowledge and ability.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 104
Excessiveness, whatever its motivation, inevitably separates man from himself and from the world.
André Protin AIKIDO P. 107
"Directing" is understood to mean the course of action that leads the opponent back to the path of peace, tranquility and harmony. The invincible weapon that Aikido uses to achieve this goal is sympathy.
André Protin AIKIDO P. 107
The ultimate goal of Aikido is to let the opposing force lose itself and become exhausted, or to direct it in such a way that it turns against the attacker - of course in a non-aggressive, non-violent way.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 113
There is no attack in Aikido. This art of war is inherently so defensive and to fight without any intention that it teaches no offensive strategy.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 116
The path of Aiki as a form of fighting leads to the practice of renouncing violence.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 117
When the practitioner, having traversed the long and arduous road to mastery, is free inwardly and outwardly, he sees the onslaught that disturbs the peace looming before it has taken concrete shape. It is then sufficient to stop the progress of the attack by a decisive and moderate means, perhaps even before it has actually taken place physically.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 119
Anyone who chooses the path of Aiki knows from the outset that he must first gain a thorough knowledge of himself and resolve his own contradictions before he can begin to resolve the contradictions which the circumstances of life set up before him; he also knows that it will take a great deal of sympathy for others and a great deal of self-confidence to “take to heart” those who attack him.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 120
The etiquette of respecting the ceremonial is, first of all, to express a desire to learn by going to school in an Eastern tradition. This requires mental openness, a lot of curiosity and at the same time a lot of modesty.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 130
It is about bringing about a reconciliation by first conquering oneself, one's own egoism, one's own harshness, the violence one is capable of when one feels attacked. Finally, it is important to act firmly on the other and to bring him back to the path of kindness.
The fight is no longer a fight against the other in the sense of annihilation, but rather a fight with him, something together in which one tries to win the other.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 133
... to educate your mind in such a way that if you just sit still, not even the rudest lout will dare to attack you. Inazo Nitobe
André Protin AIKIDO p. 134
But there is no right action without right perception and assessment of things as a whole and in detail.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 136
Rather, the aim of the search for oneself is to prepare oneself to receive all events and not just endure them; to accept them without giving them too much importance, lest the mind dwell on one and miss the other; "to go with life" wherever it goes when it ends. In this way one learns to keep one's mental composure under all circumstances.
André Protin AIKIDO p. 137
The wisdom of Master Uyeshiba lies in realizing that the supreme power or authority is what we are exercising at any given moment in relation to our thoughts, feelings and actions.
p. 138
Through controlled, regular and deep breathing, man maintains continuity and thus establishes the relationship between his being and himself and the cosmos.
p. 143
The yogi follows his specific path, abandons solidarity with his fellow human beings and isolates himself, while the aikidoka seeks the unity of his self in order to be able to better fit into the world of his fellow human beings so that his path can also benefit them.
p. 147
Mental effect is conveyed through symbols. We owe knowledge of things to sight, but consciousness of reality to the heart. Lin Hsieh
p. 149
It takes great humility, patience, and moderation to examine, internalize, and embrace the qualities of simplicity, modesty, wisdom, and practicality, such as possessed by the reed that bends under the gusts of wind, or the willow bough that brushes off the snow without ever having to bother.
p. 151
Man must go to the heart of things and settle down. To get there he must regain the state of primal simplicity, cleanse himself of his passions and thoughts, curb his ambition to accept reality as it is. He has to “dust off” the mirror, so to speak. He must remove the dust that clouds him, the rust that eats away at him.
p. 154
The opponent is not a rival, but a mirror with the help of which both can correct their mistakes, a stone to sharpen your technique and your behavior.
p. 155
The Legend of the Blacksmith Masamume
The care taken in the ornamentation of the sword indicates the importance the Japanese attached to this weapon. The splendor of the ornament was complemented by the quality of the blade, the manufacture of which was subject to a secret ritual and the finishing touches carried out with particular care.
One of the most famous armourers was Masamume, whose art was highly revered for forging blades of inimitable quality. His student Senzo Murasama competed with him, he also created incomparable swords. The belief prevailed that the armorer's personality was reflected in his works. It was said that Murasama's blades were "bloodthirsty" because the artist was a violent person, while the works of his teacher were considered "morally good". The only way to tell the master's blades from the equally fine ones of his student was to dip them in the water of the same river. The leaves came swimming with the current and were sliced by Murasama's blades, while dodging their master's blades of their own accord, whose edge "like a honed intelligence knew how to discern between appearances."
p. 155
The Master of the Sword Way said to his new disciple: "Every day from today you will go chopping wood in the forest and drawing water from the river."
The young man obeyed and did what the Master commanded him for three years. But then he asked him: "Master, I have come to learn fencing and I have not even crossed the threshold of the dojo."
"So come with me to the dojo today," was the Master's reply, "and walk around the whole room on the edge of the tatami without setting foot on the mats!" The student diligently undertook this exercise, but after a year he got angry and cried out, "Now I'm going. I didn't learn anything I wanted to learn."
Then the master asked the disciple to follow him and said, "Today I will show you the way." "Go over!" commanded the master. The student felt dizzy as he gazed at the abyss that yawned beneath him, and paralyzed with fear. A blind man came along, groping his way with a crutch, stepped onto the log without hesitation, and crossed the ravine with calm steps.
Then the secret of the way dawned on the disciple. Losing all fear of death, he entered the tree trunk and calmly walked over the chasm until he was on the other side. "Now you have learned the secret: Let go of the ego, do not fear death! The wood you cut down and the water you drew every day increased your physical strength; the careful striding on the edge of the tatami gave your movements delicacy and accuracy. and today you have learned the secret of the Way of the Sword. Come on you will become very strong!”
On the physical level, mastery of FORM (kata) is the key point in training. The teacher provides the model form, the student observes closely and repeats it countless times until the movement is fully internalized. Words are not spoken and no explanations are given; the burden of learning is on the student. In the ultimate mastery of form, the student is freed from attachment to form. This liberation occurs because of inner psychological changes that take effect from the very first practice. The perpetual, tedious, and monotonous practice routine tests the student's commitment and willpower, reduces stubbornness, curbs self-will, and eradicates bad habits of body and mind. In this process, her or his real strength, character, and potential begin to emerge. Spiritual mastery is inseparable from psychological mastery, but only begins after an intense and long period of practice.
The heart of spiritual mastery is this: the ego self becomes the egoless self.
In all martial and cultural arts, free expression of self is blocked by one's ego. In the path of swordsmanship, the student's mastery of posture and form must be so total that there is no gap (suki) for the opponent to penetrate. If there is a gap, it was created by your own ego. One becomes vulnerable when one stops thinking about winning, losing, taking advantage, impressing or ignoring the opponent. If the mind stops, even for a moment, the body freezes and free, fluid movement is lost.
Foreword by Taitetsu Unno in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 7
The art of the sword is
never to worry about victory or defeat, strength or weakness,
to move neither a step forward nor backward,
not being seen by the opponent and not seeing the opponent.
Penetrating to what is fundamental before the separation of heaven and earth, where even yin and yang do not reach, one immediately attains supreme proficiency in the art.
Zen monk Takuan (1573-1645) in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 8
The goal of martial arts training is to
to overcome six types of diseases:
the desire for victory,
the striving to be able to build on technical skills,
the desire to indicate
the attempt to psychologically overwhelm the opponent,
the desire to remain passive, to wait out a gap and
the desire to be free from all these diseases.
Samurai Yagyu Munenori (1571-1646) in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 8
Ultimate physiological, psychological and spiritual mastery are one and the same. The egoless self is open, flexible, supple, fluid, and dynamic in body, mind, and spirit. Egoless, the self identifies with all things and all people, seeing them not from the self-centered perspective but from their own perspective. In a circle of limitless circumference, each point becomes the center of the universe. The ability to see everything that exists from a non-self-centered point of view is central to Shinto's identity with nature, and is also what Buddhism calls wisdom, which in its highest expression is nothing other than compassion.
Foreword by Taitetsu Unno in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 9
Budo is not a means of killing an opponent with violence or deadly weapons. Nor does it intend to lead the world into destruction through arms and other illegitimate means. True budo seeks to bring the inner energy of the universe into order, to protect world peace, and to treat and preserve everything in nature in proper form. Training in Budo is synonymous with strengthening the love of kami, the goddess who creates, protects and nourishes everything in nature in my body and soul.
Quote from Ueshiba Morihei (1883-!969) in Kisshomaru Ueshiba THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO p. 9
Hannya Shingyo
The Bodhisattva named Kan Ji Zai, who was fully perfected in wisdom, understood that all things in the world, made up of five elements of existence, have no substance.
He (the Bodhisattva) took away all bitterness and suffering. He said: O Sariputra, all appearances of this world are not different from non-substance; there is no difference between non-substance and appearances. This implies that all appearances of the world are "non-substance". That is, non-substance includes all phenomena of the world. The same applies to the senses, ideas, will, knowledge.
O Sariputra! All things in the world have the appearance of non-substance. There is nothing that is born, nothing that perishes. There is neither impurity nor purity. There is no growth nor decrease in growth. So in non-substance there are no appearances of this world. There are no senses, no ideas, no will, no knowledge. There is no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no brain. No phenomena of this world: no voice, no smell, no taste, nothing tangible, no objects in the realm of sense perception. No field of vision, no realm of knowledge: nothing between the two.
There is no hindrance, no ebbing away of hindrances, no aging and no death. There is no suffering, no cause of suffering, no suppression of suffering, no way to suppress suffering, no possibility of knowing, no content of knowledge either. The bodhisattvas therefore pursue perfection in wisdom. For them there is no veil over their hearts. There is no veil and therefore there is no fear. Any hindrance that prevents them from seeing clearly lags far behind them. You are finally entering Nirvana. The Buddhas in the three worlds: past, present and future have attained the best, perfect satori, as they pursue perfection in wisdom.
We must therefore learn the perfection of wisdom. This is the great word of incantation. It is the mantra of incantation that completely takes away suffering. Verily, verily, the Word that reveals the perfection of wisdom is this: O all who go, O all who go, O people who go to Nirvana.
Mumon Kai Sotetsu Zuzen Zenzei
the Supreme Wisdom Sutra ("Heart Sutra")
The Bodhisattva Kanjizai (Kannon) is deeply practicing great wisdom when he suddenly realizes: all existence and all appearances are KU (emptiness, nothingness), and so he helps and saves all beings.
O Shariputra, appearances are not different from emptiness. Emptiness is not different from appearances. Form itself is emptiness, and emptiness is form, and so are perception, thought, action, and consciousness. Oh Shariputra, all existence is essentially emptiness, there is neither arising nor ceasing, neither purity nor defilement, neither increase nor decrease. Therefore in emptiness there is no form and no sensation, perception, thought, action and consciousness, no eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body or mind, no colors, sounds, smells, tastes, touches or concepts. There is neither the realm of perception nor its six objects. The world of the six types of consciousness (eye consciousness, ear consciousness, nose consciousness, mouth consciousness, body consciousness and will) does not exist either. There is no ignorance, nor the cessation of ignorance. There is no old age and death, and no cessation of old age and death, and accordingly (as are the twelve within). The Four Noble Truths (suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering and DO, the way to get there) do not exist either. There is no knowledge and no gain. So it's mushotoku (no aim, there's nothing to gain).
By this supreme wisdom the Bodhisattva (has) the (steadfast) mind without hindrance. Without obstacle there is no fear. By breaking away from all confusion and illusion, he finally attains nirvana. The Buddhas of the three worlds (past, present and future) attain supreme satori through Hannya Haramita. So it must be understood that Hannya Haramita is the great universal sutra, the great brilliant sutra, the supreme, supreme of all sutras, the incomparable sutra that cuts off all suffering. In real truth there is no error.
That is why the Supreme Wisdom Sutra says: 'Let us go beyond, beyond and beyond beyond, across to the banks of Satori.
The pure soul has peace everywhere because it always carries peace with it, so that for the sake of this peace all places and all things are right for it.
Margareta Porete French 14th century mystic
Those who voluntarily do the best-paid work in the world - working on themselves - no longer need the pressure exerted by suffering.
Erhard F. Friday
The cessation of organic life in an individual does not mean that the same force that has been active up to now has come to nothing; - just as little as the death of the spinner can be inferred from the stationary spinning wheel.
Every birth is a death sentence - there is no one who survives life. We only repress this judgment and live as if we had an infinite amount of time ahead of us.
Ayya Khema
Explore, my soul, your life in daily dialogue. Be careful how much you benefit and how much harm you take; what kind you are in your disposition, what you are in your affections.
Bernhard v. Clairvaux
Man suffers in this world only because he lacks dispassion. Usually man is attached to so many things: his wife, children, parents, friends and relatives, honor, fame and money. This attachment often causes him agony: and unless he strives for equanimity in the face of these worldly things, he cannot truly find peace and lasting happiness. All worldly things disappoint because they are ephemeral and constantly changing. Man enters this world entirely alone, and in death he goes out again entirely alone. What follows him like a shadow are the good and bad effects of his work.
Swami Nara Yanananda
All that really matters is
how pictures move the viewer not the level of difficulty in obtaining them.
Owen Edwards in Poollight by Howard Schatz
All knowledge is memory.
Death is self-conquest.
Photographs give people the imaginary possession of the past.
Learning to live and being able to die are the same.
Karl Jaspers
Life has stopped, but the movement continues, nothing else is eternity.
Joseph Beuys
A true work of art is the creation of love.
Love for the subject first
and for the medium second.
Eliot Porter
A clear mind and a loving heart are meant to work together.
Dalai Lama
Only those who do something are successful
while he waits.
Thomas Edison
As he entered the assembly hall, Master Huang-Po said:
"Possessing many kinds of knowledge is not like giving up the search for anything. That's the best of all things.
There are no different kinds of minds, and there is no teaching that can be put into words. Since there is nothing further to say, the meeting is closed.”
Huang Po (OBAKU)
" Nature (or the visible) stimulates me ... but I want to get as close as possible to the truth; for this I abstract until I get to the essence of things (although still their external essence) ... I am sure, by avoiding expressing everything unequivocally, one arrives at the expression of the final par excellence: the (all-encompassing) truth.” Piet Mondrian
Hakuin Zenji Zazen Wasan
Choral singing by ZEN Master Hakuin
In their deepest being, people are Buddhas,
like water is ice.
And as there is no ice without water,
So without Buddha there is not a human being.
Woe to those who seek far away
and what is near, do not know!
They are like those who stand in the middle of the water
and yet cry for water.
Born sons of the noblest and richest,
they still walk in poverty and misery
desolate there.
The cause of the eternal cycle in the sixfold kingdom
is the dark path of one's own dullness and stupidity.
But it's getting darker and darker around her
in the darkness of error.
When should they ever separate
of life and death?
O miracle of Mahayana's perfect vision,
that is above all praise!
All virtues: doing good and keeping the commandments,
every good deed: praise Buddha,
remorse and practice,
they all flow here!
For whom only a one-time seat is completed,
immeasurably accumulated evil disappears from him.
Where should there be a place of exile
find for evil,
when pure land is so near?
Who only once this praiseworthy truth
hear and feel holy bliss,
immeasurable fortune is bestowed on him;
even more so when he surrenders to her
and immediately experienced its own nature.
Then his own being is nothing else
as the nature of perfect nothingness,
and it is above the game of thought.
The gate of unity opens wide
of cause and effect;
and the only way opens up, straight ahead,
no second and third.
Anyone who walks on it takes it as a figure
the form of the formless;
and neither his going nor his coming
are strangers to her.
He assumes the thinking of non-thinking as his thinking.
And his singing and also his dancing
are voice of truth.
The Heaven of Samadhi
is stretched out unhindered,
and the full moon shines
the fourfold wisdom.
what was missing
where is nirvana revealed?
Here's nothing but lotus land
and this body here is none other than Buddha.
Excerpt from The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
At that moment the fox appeared: "Hello" said the fox. "Hello," replied the little prince, who turned around but saw nothing. "I'm here," said the voice, "under the apple tree..." "Who are you?" asked the little prince. "You are very pretty......" "I am a fox," said the fox. "Come play with me" suggested the little prince. "I'm so sad..." "I can't play with you," said the fox. 'I'm not tamed yet!' 'Ah sorry!' said the little prince. But after some reflection he added: "What does 'tame' mean?" "You are not from here," said the fox. "What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for people," said the little prince. "What does tame mean?" "That's a forgotten thing," said the fox. "It means `make oneself ́." "Make acquaintance?" "Certainly," said the fox. "To me you are nothing but a little boy who is exactly like a hundred thousand little boys. I don't need you and you don't need me either. But if you tame me, we'll need each other. You will be the only one in the world for me. I'll be the only one in the world for you...' 'I'm beginning to understand,' said the little prince. "There is a flower...I think it tamed me..." "It's possible," said the fox. "You meet all kinds of things on Earth...." "Oh, that's not on Earth," said the little prince. The fox seemed excited: "On another planet?" "Yes" "Are there hunters on your planet?" "No" "That's interesting. And chickens?” “No.” “Nothing is perfect!” sighed the fox. But the fox came back to his thought: “My life is monotonous. I hunt chickens, people hunt me. All chickens are alike, and all people are alike. So I'm a little bored. But if you tame me, my life will be sunny. I will know the sound of your step, different from all others. The other steps chase me underground. Yours will lure me out of the den like music. And then look! You see those wheat fields over there? I don't eat bread. For me the wheat is useless. The wheat fields remind me of nothing. And that's sad. But you have wheaten blonde hair. Oh, it will be wonderful once you tame me! The gold of the wheat fields will remind me of you. And I will grow fond of the sound of the wind blowing through the grain.” The fox fell silent and looked at the prince for a long time: “Please tame me!” he said. "I would like to," answered the little prince. “but I don't have much time. I have to make friends and learn many things.” “One only knows things that one tames,” said the fox. "People don't have time to learn anything. They buy everything ready-made in the shops. But since there are no shops for friends, people no longer have friends. If you want a friend, tame me!' 'What must I do?' asked the little prince. "You must be very patient," the fox replied. “First you sit down on the grass a little apart from me. I'll look at you so stealthily, out of the corner of my eye, and you won't say anything. Language is the source of misunderstandings. But every day you will be able to sit a little closer..."
So the little prince made the fox acquainted with himself.
And when the hour of parting was near: 'Oh,' said the fox, 'I shall weep.' 'That is your fault,' said the little prince, 'I certainly wish you no harm, but you wanted me to tame you ...." "Certainly," said the fox. "But now you will cry!" said the little prince. "Certainly," said the fox. 'So you won nothing!' 'I won', said the fox, 'the color of wheat.' Then he added: 'Go look at the roses again. You will understand that yours is the only one in the world. You will come back and say goodbye to me and I will give you a secret.”
And the little prince came back to the fox: "Adieu" he said. "Adieu" said the fox. "Here's my secret. It is very simple: it is only with the heart that one can see clearly. The essentials are invisible to the eyes.” “The essentials are invisible to the eyes,” repeated the little prince, to remember. "The time you wasted on your rose, it makes your rose so important." "The time I wasted on my rose..." said the little prince, to remember. "People have forgotten this wisdom," said the fox. "But you mustn't forget her. You are responsible for life for what you have made familiar. You are responsible for your roses...' 'I am responsible for my rose...' repeated the little prince to remember.